❝ spaces between us keep getting deeper. ❞
THERE WAS A BANG and then an equally loud scream to follow, obviously coming from the small blonde boy who gets scared of almost everything and his loud chaotic friend following behind him.
"hobi stop that!" jimin yelled, turning around with pink cheeks from anger. the older just smiled and bent down to pick up the wooden box again. it made a surprisingly loud noise when hitting concrete. "sorry." hoseok said.
"what the hell are you guys doing." taehyung came walking out from the lab. he was wearing one of his boyfriends hoodies and plaid pajama pants. "that's the third time you've screamed."
the blonde boy just huffed and kept walking with the other following behind him. "jungkook needs these boxes from the back, and hobi hyung keeps dropping it." he said.
"hopefully it's nothing fragile." taehyung said, a light smile on his lips as he followed them back into the lab.
"it's obviously a secret." hoseok said, lifting the box to set onto the table with a grunt. he flicked the large padlock on the lid, keeping it closed and the contents hidden from them.
"it won't be a secret for long, just let me at it." jin introduced himself as he walked in as well with a crowbar and smile, nothing but pure joy on his face as he imagined breaking into the box, "it'll be our first steps into the unknown territory that is jeon jungkooks mind."
"woah there." jimin grabbed his hyungs arm and took away the weapon, letting it clatter to the floor and just add to the loud outburst of the day. "we don't want to go up there."
"where's namjoon? you guys stress me out." taehyung asked, looking out the glass lab doors and trying to find said male. he had disappeared a bit ago and the rest of them needed something to do before the boredom created more chaos. they were suppose to go out and do some stuff, and time was running out before they'd miss their shot for tonight.
it's like he heard his name, because namjoon came walking in as well and clapped his hands to get their attention. "alright, jin go find yoongi and you guys are leaving. jimin you're staying here like jungkook said, do you want someone here too?" that was mainly for either hoseok or taehyung to offer, since neither one of them had a main task for today.
"i want to go with jungkook." taehyung had said, understandably and in pout, so no one could deny him that.
"i'll stay here with jimin, i've been helping him out all day anyways." he grinned and slung his arm around the blondes shoulder, who just grimaced and continued to give him a hard time. it was all out of love.
"alright kid," namjoon said to the brunette who was smiling, "you're with me then."
taehyung grinned and made sure he had his phone before following his hyung out to the car, they just had to wait for the ravenette to arrive before they left as well.
he came about fifteen minutes later, sliding into the drivers seat and saying hello to the two boys. taehyung was in the back seat and still smiling, he still got excited when he was invited to go along to anything with them, considering he didn't even know about any of this last year. "where yoongi and jin?" the ravenette asked, starting the car and already pulling out into the city street.
"already there." namjoon said.
as they drove, the other two were currently parked on the side of the road, one carrying fishing poles and the other in charge of the cooler with snacks. "did you bring the strawberries?" jin asked, peeking inside the cooler and not seeing the little sandwhich baggies of fruit.
"dude, we're not actually fishing." yoongi said, already walking away from the car and going towards the docks.
"okay but my bodily systems are still going and i'm still going to get hungry for some strawberries." jin argued back.
the two bickered as they walked, effortlessly falling into characters that weren't even different from how they'd normally act. this may have been part of a plan, but the two boys were behaving at naturally as any day. "you remembered to pack the bait." jin said, dropping the cooler down on the wooden dock and sitting on top of it.
yoongi just rolled his eyes and set up his chair, "yeah, because that's essential to fishing you idiot." he said.
"oh but we're not actually fishing." the older mocked him from earlier.
that earned him a middle finger pointed at his face, which jin just responded with a new lecture about respecting your elders. none of this was new, and the two boys eventually ended up laughing about something dumb all within fifteen minutes.
"you think they're actually paying attention?" namjoon asked, seeing the two boys from a distance. their shoulders bouncing and hands slapping each other just showed the laughter and goofyness that was going on.
jungkook just sighed and pulled out his phone, handing it back to taehyung, "text them to focus." he said.
the brunette sitting in the backseat saluted his boyfriend, although it went unnoticed, "yes sir." he said, unlocking the youngers phone and going to the messages app. taehyung sent a quick text and watched the bubbles appear. "they're on it." he said, reading the message and then handing the phone back up front.
the same phone started to ring, vibrating in the console and startling the three boys. jungkook quickly picked up and recognized the blonde boys voice, "so i got the blueprint of the building." jimin said through the phone.
"alright, we can see the north entrance from here, yoongi and jin are on the east side by the docks. how are exits looking?" the ravenette asked, his eyes never wavering from the doors. it was 9:00 pm.
"there are a total of five exits, although i can't see what level there at." jimin explained, looking at the digital print and turning it on the computer to get a better look at the map. "there's one north entrance, the one you're looking at, and then there should be two on the east side by the guys. i'm assuming one will be ground level and the other could possibly lead to the roof. then there's two more on the south."
jungkook nodded and hummed in thought, "alright thanks, call you soon. keep an eye on the cameras." he said before hanging up, jimin just nodding as well and shoving hoseok to look at the other monitor with all the traffic camera footage displayed. from there they could see the entrance by the docks, but the lack of a second door meant it had to be on a higher level, probably a fire escape or roof access door.
"joon, call them and let them know about the exits on their side. tell them to look for any locks or codes needed to get in, they have six minutes before those men go out for a smoke." jungkook said, then he turned around in his seat and smiled at the brunette sitting quietly in the back, already looking at him with those warm brown eyes, "wanna go for a walk baby?"
taehyung smile widened, and his soft bangs bounced while he nodded, "heck yeah." he said, getting out of the car and grabbing the boys hand so naturally, their footsteps hitting the concrete much slower then the rate of their heartbeats.
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