❝ fear doesn't shut you down,
it wakes you up. ❞
THE COLORS seemed to swirl like a rainbow that can't remember its proper shape, a bend of red and blue that slowly became purple. it was a simple concept, one that everyone knew of since they were five years old, but to him he was still amazed. especially since he could taste it afterwards.
"maybe you should slow down." the older boy grabbed the pitcher and went to put it back in the fridge and away from the others boys insistent grabby hands.
"it's kool-aid, not vodka and a mixer." jimin pouted. there was a purple ring above him upper lip from drinking so many glasses, but it cured the boredom.
namjoon continued to walk with the pitcher in hand and smile on his face. "you don't need the sugar just as much as you don't need the alcohol." he said. his back was turned, and he didn't see the way the smaller blonde had spun in his chair, a playful little smile on those full lips as he stared at his hyungs back.
"you know what i need." jimin said.
it was the way he said, the way he spoke when he was about to tease the hell out of the older. namjoon froze and took a deep breathe, with his luck he'd pop one and then their fearless leader would walk right in on that going on. "no jimin, we are working right now." the older boy was pretty determined to stick to his words, but apparently his body had a different idea as he kept walking closer to the other.
jimin was grinning, and spinning a bit in the chair back and forth, "but hyung." he whined, dragging out the end.
"enough of that." jungkook said, walking in and just shaking his head. if he waited another second outside then he's sure he would have walking in and someone would have had some type of clothing off.
namjoon cleared his throat and stepped back from an innocently smiling jimin, who just turned back around in his chair and started typing away at the computer like a god. "tell me something good." the youngest of the three asked, leaning on his palms beside the desk to get a look at the monitor.
"there's six banks within 100 miles, but only four of which we haven't previously messed with." jimin was suddenly a different person, the way he could switch between this playful little boy with big eyes and pink baby lips. it was sometimes forgotten how much of a genius he really was for his age. "however, none of which would have the amount we need and we would absolutely need more then six weeks to try and hit more then one of them."
jungkook just hummed, the three of them were the only ones here today. the others were suppose to come in later and if someone didn't bring a good plan they knew they'd be in for an angry team leader. "okay, so banks are out of the question. scratch that whole idea." he said, taking a step back, as if the physical space would even give any more space to the crowded thoughts constantly in his head.
"okay." jimin said, simply hitting the 'x' and seeing all that information wiped. they didn't keep anything for long, nothing that could be traced back at least.
"we're going to have to make the banks work." namjoon said, "there's nothing else that could possible turn out okay with this kind of deadline."
it was kind of true. jungkook knew this, especially after only getting two hours of sleep since he spent the rest of the night looking up possible jobs. there were no events, no diamond transportations, no new artifacts or museum pieces being moved to new locations, nothing. despite technically being criminals, jungkook had a rule — no violence, no trace. the whole point is to get in, get out, and not be seen. they were untraceable, they were ghosts.
things didn't get that easier later on, not when the other arrived at the warehouse and had no ideas either.
"what about the spring haven?" jina suggested, "it's a smaller hotel but it'll get us a good amount of what we need."
"no." jungkook said.
everyone sighed, he hasn't said anything else besides no for the last hour. no idea was good enough and there wasn't even any consideration to the plan. the only person adding on was jimin, who very clearly knew everything, "we don't do the same job twice, once you do that you become predictable and then there's patterns."
jina just sighed, her fingernails had stopped tapping against the metal table finally as she stood and grabbed her purse. "okay well, i have plans and this isn't going anywhere." she said. it was what everyone else was thinking, the way they might've hit a dead end for the first time and now even the raven haired male didn't know where to go.
obviously walking out wasn't the way. "it's going to keep going nowhere if people leave and we don't come up with something." jungkook said. his voice was lower, maybe it was the frustration, or the irritation that someone had the nerve to turn their back and even considering walking out.
"this isn't my shit show, i did my part and i got my cut." she said. "and i'm not the only one thinking that."
no one else responded, not jin who was busy writing whatever notes and not hoseok who was now whistling and trying to look anywhere else. yoongi could care less, this didn't concern him, he was ride or die for this team.
"then take your cut and get out." jungkook said, his time dangerously low and the anger was evident in his eyes. "but you better not come back, everyone's replaceable."
it was probably a threat, there was definitely one layered in there somewhere. it didn't matter though if jina decided to not leave, she was out. according to jungkook, all it took was considering to leave and you were done. this wasn't a game, this was their lives and without everyone on board to cover each other, then he didn't want you.
"yeah i know, i've heard it before." she said, "but i didn't sign up for your boyfriend to screw it up and be caught on camera. that's the lesson one of what not to do, and he should have found it." she was talking about jimin for sure, the way it was his job to make sure they were all covered and not seen. he didn't miss the blatant call out, and jungkook didn't miss he way he frowned afterwards.
"bitch now you better leave." jin scoffed, as much as a little drama was good for the soul, going after the ravenettes boyfriend was one thing that was a bad idea, but also including his best friend was just a death wish.
"whatever," she said, walking towards the warehouse door and only pausing to look over her shoulder, "you're replaceable too jungkook." and then the large metal doors shut, and the seven of them sat together.
it was the seven of them, sitting around a metal table surrounded by dust and boxes and an odd set up of really expensive computer equipment.
there was no more anger in his eyes, or pressing against his veins making him feel like he was going to explode — because it was the first time he heard his fears out loud, and it truly wracked the nerves in his body.
jimin just jumped off his chair, walking up to his friend and slipping his arms around the boys waist. "you're not replaceable." he whispered, words muffled since his mouth was pressed against jungkooks back, "you're my brother."
"thanks chim." jungkook managed.
moments like this need to happen in life. moments when people leave and people come into your life, and you don't know it then, but they're going to be there for the rest of your life. jungkook looked around the room, at the six pairs of eyes staring back at him and waiting for what was to happen next, because non of them knew it now, but it was the seven of them that would truly conquer all.
ot7 bitches
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