❝ what strange creatures brothers are. ❞
IT WAS LIKE A GALAXY, the mix of black and blue dotting the skin, the red from the blood almost looking like asteroids rushing through space the way the droplets ran down his skin and disappeared down the drain.
"did you expect the bricks to fight back?" taehyung was being as gentle as possible, dabbing the toilet paper on the boys knuckle while trying to lighten the mood. ever since sunwoo had left, jungkook hadn't said much. there wasn't even the slightest wince of pain when he started to clean his knuckles.
"no." his voice was quiet.
taehyung just hummed and ran the warm water over them again. "what did he want?" he wasn't sure if he had the nerve yet to ask, not after seeing how upset it made the ravenette. maybe he should have waited too, because jungkook didn't answer, but he also didn't pull away either. it was a start.
"how's jimin doing?" he asked instead. the two simultaneously looked over passed the lab, seeing their friend sitting by his computer with a colorful game on the screen. a tub of soup was beside him, forgotten as he tried to his best to win. "better, he's playing slitherio." taehyung said, now lightly placing bandaids over the boys knuckles. they were mickey mouse ones, and the only reason that jungkook wasn't complaining was because of the way the brunette was smiling softly as he placed them.
jungkook didn't even realize he had zoned out, too lost in thought to even hear the one in front of him speaking his name. he only noticed once the boy pressed down on his knuckles. "ow." he hissed in pain, a little pout on his lips as he cradled his hand to his chest and away from taehyung.
"i said your name like eight times." taehyung said, cleaning up the bandaid wrappers and putting the rest of the unused ones back in the mickey mouse box.
jungkook just watched, and hummed, "sorry," he apologized, "were you able to get a hold of namjoon?"
the brunette shook his head, those bangs were getting too long. jungkook reached up and unknowingly pushed some behind his boyfriends ear. "n-no." the poor boy stuttered, it didn't matter how long they were together, taehyung would always get flustered around him. "i'll call again."
"don't worry about it, it's the end of january right?" jungkook said, checking the time on his watch and just knowing, especially after the older boy nodded to answer his question. "i'll go get him."
the other male didn't question it, and he just put the bandaids away before going back to check on the blonde. jungkook gave the two one last look, making sure they both seemed relatively okay before leaving out the back again. it wouldn't be hard to find namjoon, not during january on a sunday evening.
and he was right. it was a short drive, and the sun was going down, but jungkook could see the guy sitting alone. he was surrounded by various stone headings, each different with varying writings and dates. many of the flowers had died, but the ones in front of namjoon were freshly picked. the sound of static cheers and an announcers voice played quietly, it was the only sound other than the crunch of leaves under the youngers boots.
"who's winning?" jungkook asked, standing beside his friend who was seated in a lawn chair. his laptop was on a blanket beside the tombstone, the one with his father's name on it. "shh." namjoon said. it may have been seen as rude, but he also held a cold beer up at the same time, so jungkook forgave him.
it was a tradition, sunday evenings namjoon would come out and sit with his father to watch the football game. the only difference now if that they were in a graveyard instead of their living room. he still managed to drink enough for the both of them.
they together for a few minutes, enjoying the breeze and game, until an advertisement appeared, and namjoon seemed irritated by the amount of them. "fucking ads." he shut the lid of the laptop a bit aggressively, "sorry dad."
jungkook just chuckled and sipped lightly at the beer, he was still driving after this so it wasn't a time to go crazy.
"i saw the news." his hyung said finally, addressing what he knew they'd probably need to talk about in the very near future. like now.
"yeah." was all jungkook could think to say.
"we're screwed aren't we?" namjoon asked.
"pretty much."
"unless—" the older started to say, sitting back in his chair and holding his beer up, "we're going back in business sooner then we normally do?"
usually after a job they'd wait a year, at least, before even considering another. one, because it took a while to make sure the plans were seamless — and two, they weren't idiots and didn't want to get caught. considering the circumstances though, jungkook would be an idiot now to not take up sunwoo on his deal.
"that rich bastard showed today." jungkook hit his beer can against namjoons, a silent agreement that this was happening.
"wait, like inside?" namjoon said, confused, "how did he even get in?"
the ravenette grimaced, just the thought of seeing what happened to his best friend had his stomach twisting again and his hand tightening around the can. if he thought he got angry, he doesn't even want to imagine what namjoon would have done if he was there. "i don't know," he lied, "either way, it proves that he's serious."
"and an idiot for even thinking he can go up against us" namjoon said. that earned another clink of their beers. it's been four years, four years of successful deceit and heists that never left behind any trace. there was no chance that some nobody man with a big ego was going to show up and demand his way. jungkook didn't play like that.
"what does he want from you." namjoon asked. usually they only discussed this type of stuff in the warehouse, a place that was secure enough to hide their words and not be used against them. a graveyard at 7 pm seemed to be the next best thing.
jungkook grimaced again, he hated this. he never spoke to namjoon about a job until he had most of it planned, right now he had no clue. he had no idea how to come up with the money, and acquire it, within six weeks when most jobs took months.
"he wants the money for the koroleva, plus interest, and his wife out of jail." jungkook reluctantly told the older.
maybe it was the alcohol in his system, but namjoon was a lot less worked up over this. "shit." he laughed, "you're fucked."
"oh yeah?" jungkook rose an eyebrow and looked over at his friend, "this whole time it's we, and team, and partners, but the minute it gets a little tricky it's all on me?" he could barely finish his sentence and namjoon was laughing at him, the simple sound making the ravenette break into a grin as well. "fuck you! that's fucked up."
"fuck you kook!" namjoon said back, shoving the boys shoulder, "you know we're bros."
the chuckled died down, and the crickets took its place. the breeze didn't die down yet, and goosebumps rose on their arms. neither wanted to move yet, it was too nice of a moment. "we're in this together, i got you." namjoon said — and it was enough to make jungkook feel better. because it would be alright, and they'd do this together, just like they've always done, whether they won or lost.
cute lil chapter
i love joon n koo ♡
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