Chapter 24
Before I could say anything, he kissed me.
"Will you just give me this time to prove to you that we can be something beautiful?" He said softly.
"It won't change anything, Damien."
"It will change everything, Hallie. I know that you've been through a lot. I know that you're scared, but you have me. You're not alone in this. Not anymore."
"Damien... you just don't understand."
"I'm really getting tired of hearing you say you don't understand, because I do. I do understand. I understand that you and your kids went through something terrible. Something that no one should ever go through and you are now running, afraid of it catching up to you. Afraid to trust. Afraid to make another mistake. I get it, Hallie. I do. I understand your fears and reservations, but what your answer is not the solution to the problem. You can't keep running or finding reasons to hide and if you just stop and think about it, you'll see that I'm right."
I shook my head.
"I know that you haven't really had an example of what a man should be to a woman. You've seen violence and lived it, but let me show you that not all men are monsters. Let me prove to you that I can be the man that you need. Please, Hallie. Give me one day. One day to show you how wonderful life can be. With me. With us. Together."
I closed my eyes.
"Let me love you."
I gasped.
"I do, Hallie. I love you. And I don't care anymore if that scares you. I'm tired of holding back and hiding what I feel for you because I'm afraid that you're going to run," he explained. "I love you, Hallie. I love Ty and Michy. I know that you're a package deal and I love the whole package."
Tears filled my eyes.
"Give me one day to prove to you that we can make it work between us and if by the end of it, you still want to be free from me then I'll let you go. I'll still be there for you and Ty and Michy, but I won't force myself on you. I'll give you space. I won't push you."
"How could you say you love me? You barely know me. All of this has been crazy. I don't understand how you can just move strangers in with you and care about them like you've known them forever. I... it just doesn't make sense."
He took my hand and placed it over his heart. "You're right. It doesn't. I don't have an explanation either, because just like you I asked myself the same questions. All I know is how I feel. What my heart is telling me. I wish I have all the answers to your questions, but love is the only answer I have. I love you. I love Ty and Michy."
"Whatever I have left in here," pointing to my heart "I've given it all to Ty and Michy. I don't know if I'm capable of giving you what you want."
"All I'm asking for right now is one day."
"And I have your word that by the end of it, you'll respect whatever I decide?"
He nodded.
I looked into his eyes and saw the love reflecting back at me and it unnerved me. It pierced right through my heart and I was afraid that if I continued to look back into his eyes, he'll discover my own true feelings. One that I've been trying to hide and deny. Because it's true. I love him too. I don't know why or how and when. But I do. I wish I didn't. But I do. And that love is what made me take a deep breath and say, "okay. One day."
"Okay. One day," she agreed.
I smiled and dropped a kiss to her head.
I don't why I just made that bargain with her.
I shook my head. No. I know. I'm risking a lot by doing this, but I know it will be worth it in the end.
I also know that I'll have to stay true to my word to let her go and give her space by the end of this, but I hope that my plan works. Yes, it will be hard to stay away from her, but this is what needs to be done in order for her to realize that we're meant to be together.
"Come on, let me take you to the horses," I said.
We walked hand in hand to the stables.
"Do you still come here often?" She asked.
"Not as often as I'd like. Now that I'm running our company, it's hard to take time off."
"The weekends?" I asked.
"Sometimes. When we host our family dinners here. Now that my dad's pretty much retired, I'm sure he and my mom will be here more often."
She nodded.
We were greeted warmly and excitedly by the people who work in the stable and around the villa, which again seem to surprise Hallie.
"They seem to love you," she said nodding to our workers.
I chuckled. "That surprise you?"
She shrugged.
I laughed. "You seriously need to stop watching movies or reading novels that portray all wealthy people in a bad light."
She smiled.
"Everyone is equal, my dad used to say. We just have different jobs that put food on the table. Some earn more, some earn less, but in the end we're still just people who work for a living and as long as you are working honestly, you deserve respect."
"I like that."
"Me too. And I think that's why all of the people we employ have stayed with us all these years, not just because we pay them well or treat them well, but because we respect them. Most of our helpers children have graduated and went on to be successful in the fields they chose and could afford to give them a better life, but they chose to stay. Some of their kids even chose to continue on to work for us in some of our business. Which we love because we know them and we know they are trustworthy."
"And that's your key to success isn't it?" She said. "Surrounding yourselves with people whom you respect and respect you in return."
I smiled and nodded.
"Come, I want you to meet someone," I said.
"This is Spots. Spots, this is Hallie," I said, introducing her to my horse.
"Hi Spots," it's nice to meet you," she said. I took her hand and helped her pet the horse.
She laughed when the horse leaned in to her touch. "You're a beauty," she breathed.
"She likes you," I said.
Hallie smiled up to me.
Then I caught her soft gasp as her gaze fell on the black and white mare.
"That's Shiloh," I said.
"She's beautiful," she breathed.
"She's a gypsy."
"May I?" She asked.
I nodded. "Of course. Come. I'll introduce you."
"Hi, Shiloh. I'm Hallie," she said.
Shiloh moves closer and bowed her head. The interaction between the two rooted me to where I am. To see their connection is beautiful.
I smiled. People say that the connection between horses and humans is powerful.
"Looks like you've found your horse," I said.
She looked at me with a smile.
"You're a sweet girl, aren't you," she said, as Shiloh buried her head against her.
I don't know how long we were there for. I simply watched Shiloh and Hallie interact with each other. It was incredible. I've only ever seen that same connection with my sister Katie and her horse Shiba, who died a couple years ago. It broke my sister's heart and ever since she hasn't really found that same connection with any of our other horses.
Before I know it Paolo was fetching us to say that our meal was ready and that if we wanted he could get the horses ready for us after we eat and we can take them on a stroll.
I could tell that Hallie didn't want to leave and it took me promising her that we would be back to take them on a stroll to finally get her to let go.
"That was beautiful to watch
"What was?"
"You and Shiloh."
She shrugged. "She's beautiful."
"She is that."
"I never really thought about horses. I didn't think I was a horse person, but after meeting your horses, I'm kind of excited to learn how to ride."
I smiled. "We'll get on it."
"Thanks," She said.
I led her to the veranda where our meal is waiting.
"It's beautiful out here," she smiled.
I agreed.
"Damien," Pilar greeted.
"Pilar. How are you?"
"Very well. You?"
"I'm well," I replied. "I'd love for you to meet, Hallie Scott."
"Ms. Scott, it's so wonderful to meet you," Pilar smiles warmly.
"Thank you. Please call me Hallie," Hallie smiled back.
"As you wish," she said. "Can I get you anything else?"
"I'm good, Pilar. Thank you," I answered. "Hallie?"
She shook her head. "This is perfect. Everything looks delicious."
"Oh they are. Pilar is one of the best cooks out there," I said.
"Enjoy," Pilar smiled. "If you need anything, please do let me know."
"Will do," I answered, before pulling a chair for Hallie.
"Thanks," She said.
"You're welcome."
I watched as Hallie took everything in. I could tell she was a little overwhelmed, but I could also see that as much as she tries to hide it, she loves it here.
"It must have been wonderful growing up and having this place as a second home," she said breaking the silence between.
She chose the pancakes and placed a generous amount of butter and a little bit of syrup.
I smiled. That's one of the things I've learned about her.
She was about to take a bite when she caught me looking at her.
I smiled. "It was great," I answered right away.
After that we just spent the time talking about anything and everything. It was the first time I've seen Hallie loosen up and relax and just forget about everything that... I stopped myself from even thinking about what she's been through.
My heart tightened at the thought of it. I swear, no one and nothing will ever come hear them and hurt them ever again, because I protect what's mine. And yes. I look at Hallie, Ty, and Michy like they're mine. Because in my mind and in my heart they are. No matter how long it takes, I'm not going anywhere.
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