Chapter Sixteen
Sam was gone by the time I got out of the bathroom and when I mean gone, his bags were packed and there was no evidence that he was even here to begin with.
I felt myself shutting down and I barely made it to the bed before I cried out in hurt and pain.
Why does this keep happening to me? Why does the one guy I catch feelings for always hurt me? Wasn't it him who said he needs me? Or was that just to fuck me? Was that it? Just asking me out to be his fuck boy for the weekend and nothing more?
But our date was so perfect.
I jumped up when I heard the hotel door unlocked. I didn't want some maid to see me like this. "Don't need anything, thanks." When the door shut I looked to make sure she was gone but instead, I was met with puffy red eyes that belonged to Sam. "I thought you left." I turned my back on him. I couldn't face him right now.
"I'm scared, Ty." His voice was so soft and raw. "It's not that I don't love you, Ty, because I want to feel that one day with you. I'm just scared. I don't know how to be the perfect man for you. I don't even know how to be a boyfriend. I don't know what my parents will say when they find out I'm dating a guy, or even my fans for that matter. Oh fuck my team and sponsors." I blinked at Sam, shocked he was even saying this.
"Wait, so you're just scared and it's not because you didn't want me?"
"What? Fuck no, Ty, you're my boy." He walked over to the bed and wrapped his arms around me as I sat on the corner of the bed. "I'm not going to let you go because you tell me you love me." He lifted my chin so I would look him in the eyes. "I want you, there's no denying that fact. Just, I'm scared as fuck. Aren't you?" I sighed, running my hand through my hair.
"Like you wouldn't believe."
See." Sam sat next to me and rested his head on my forehead.
I looked down when he grabbed my hand and interlaced our fingers.
"I really thought you left me here all alone. Came out of the bathroom and you and your stuff were gone."
"I texted you that I was putting stuff in the rental. I didn't know if you wanted to go back to the track with me or not. I waited for a reply but I didn't get one. So I came back up." I pulled out my phone and saw a text and missed a call.
"Sorry, I had it muted."
"Doesn't matter. Just as long as we're getting on the same page. I want to be with you, Ty. I know you love me but this is still so new for me."
"I know, I need to remind myself you didn't love me the first moment you laid eyes on me." The moment I saw Sam's smile I knew I messed up.
"You've liked me for that long?"
"I think we're heading back to the track now." Sam laughed and grabbed me when I got up, pulling me back so we fell onto the bed in a giant mess.
"Ty Gibbs crushing on Sam Mayer, his arch nemesis on the race track. Who would have known."
"Oh shut up." I pushed away from him but he just grabbed me, pulling me into a kiss that stole the breath out of my lungs.
"I'm not going anywhere, pretty boy. I'm here for the long run, okay?"
"Okay." Sam gave me one more kiss before he let me up and finished packing our bags.
We found ourselves in the stands at Daytona, watching the ending of the Rolex 24. We talked nonstop, about racing and life in general. I loved getting to know Sam more than I ever knew. Like how he loves to cook but he's so bad at it. "I have a bad habit of forgetting about the food on the stove. Pretty sure there's a video of me burning a quesadilla." Or how he loves to travel with his family and started to take up long distance biking.
I fell more and more for Sam. The way he laughed at my stupid jokes and when he smiles his eyes turn into the crescent moon. I also loved how he moved in close to me, throwing his arms around my shoulders and pulled out his phone for a picture. I smiled for a selfie and felt my heart flutter when he turned at the last second and placed a kiss on my cheek.
"You're not posting that, are you?" I was scared for a second but he just texted me instead.
"Not until we're both ready."
"Are you?"
"I need to tell my parents first. I don't even know if I'm gay. How does that even work?"
"I don't think you need to figure that out today, Sam, I don't even know myself. I just know there's no one else, boy or girl, who makes my heart beat like you do."
"That's how I feel with you. This happened so fast. I've dated here and there but you're the first person I want to make this work."
"Then we take it one person at a time with whom we tell."
"Okay, I'm on board with that."
"Then how do you feel about coming home with me then? Then I can go home with you?"
"Well shit, we're really doing this then?" Sam laughed and then snuggled in closer. "Of course, Ty, I would love to go home with you. Besides, I can't let you do this by yourself. I want to be by your side."
"I couldn't ask for anyone better." I kissed Sam quickly, smiling so brightly.
For once in my life I knew what I wanted and I just prayed I could actually keep him.
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