Over The Wall: Part Two
We're running towards the wall when I hear a quiet alarm sound.
A quick glance at my feet shows me that the field we're running through is filled with motion sensors we just set off.
Trying to ignore the fact that an endless amount of Evelyn's minions could be coming after us at this minute, I continue running and take my grapple out, shooting the anchor at the top of the wall. Just looking up there gives me chills, but I can't think about that now.
Not when all of our lives are on the line.
I see Tris and the rest of them follow my lead and soon we're on the wall, our feet propelling us upward.
The closer we get to the top, the faster my heart beats, the more sweat I produce.
I can't remember the last time I was up this high.
Trying to ignore the fear that's eating me up,i look to make sure everyone is faring well.
And everyone is. Everyone expect Caleb.
He can't seem to keep his feet under him and is lagging behind.
One annoyed second of eye contact with Tris tells me all I need to know.
"I got him." I say, jumping down a few feet to where he's hanging, grabbing him and bringing him up to where everyone is.
Peter snorts.
Christina volunteers to go up and test the fence.
But when she does, she's met with a violent wave of electricity and falls back down to where we are, hitting the wall before hanging there.
"Christina!" Tris yells.
She looks up, and says, "I'm okay."
"That part of the plan Stiff?" Peter says.
You weren't apart of the plan, @sshole. I want to say. But for the sake of avoiding a fight, I hold my tongue.
We all have now figured out that the wall is wired with electricity but I don't know where the generator is.
All of a sudden, Tris jumps back to the ground and starts running to what looks to be a generator.
Without thinking, I jump back down after her and start shooting at the van that's driving towards us.
She runs to the generator and appears to plant a bomb on it. Then she runs back in my direction holding the detonator.
I run to the wall and get ready to grab her.
Just as she jumps into my arms she detonates the bomb, and the generator explodes, taking the van I was shooting at with it.
Meanwhile, Tris and I get to the top of the wall in no time, and I put her down.
"We did it." Tori says.
All of its look around at where we are, in awe that we're really here.
A gunshot rings out behind me followed by the sound of something dropping to the be ground.
When I look back I see that Tori is laying on her back with a bullet through her heart.
A wave of grief rushes over me but I refrain from picking her up.
Tris however, rushes to her and tries to shake her awake.
Taking into account our time constraints, I grab her from behind and carry her to the rest of the group.
As sad as it is, we must leave her here.
Temporarily taking our minds off of Tori, we turn back to the barren land behind us.
The land on the other side.
You guys don't have any idea how happy I am to be updating again!! Hope you guys enjoyed it!! <33
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