up in my room
"Luke please?"
"Come- come on man! All I want-"
"Jon, I said no."
Jonathan groans in frustration, stomping his foot like a child. "Luke! Luke Patterson, you fucking listen to me! You have his god damn sweater, and you need to give it back!"
"I don't see what that has to do with me talking to him," Luke scoffs. He doesn't even look away from the tv screen in front of him, focusing on his game of Rainbow Six: Siege. "Can you believe this team? So fucking good that they all went in as Recruit. So fuckin' good."
Luke and Jonathan are currently in Luke's bedroom. It's Friday night, which means his parents are both working late. This is no big surprise- his parents are apparently so sick of each other that they've been taking up every excuse imaginable in order to avoid each other. But with the way their jobs were (his mother being a bartender and his dad a surgeon), nights and weekends left Luke all alone at the house.
Today had been dubbed "bonding night" by Jonathan. He, Luke, and Bryce were going to go out and find something to do out on the town. It's probably going to end up with the three of them sitting around playing games in Luke's bedroom though. It always does.
"So you're just gonna keep the hoodie forever?! Luke, it doesn't even fit you! You fucking hate bunny rabbits!" Jonathan's voice is surprisingly loud (and close) which makes Luke wince. "Is it just gonna lay on your couch forever?!"
Luke rolls his eyes, not bothering to look away from the game. He's playing Hibana right now, for no real reason other than him wanting to. It isn't his preferred character, nor is this (the airplane) his preferred map, but it'll do. Jon is probably about to unplug the console, so the map or character is pointless to worry about. He tends to get angry when people don't listen to him yell.
Thankfully, Bryce walks in before Jonathan can yell any more.
"Hey guys! I brought my charger this time, isn't that great?" Bryce laughs cheerfully, sitting down besides Luke. He leans over Luke to smile at Jonathan sweetly. "Hey, Jon. How's your day going?"
Luke has to hold back vomit as Jonathan grins and purrs out a husky "Much better now that you're here."
"Oh my god, guys, not in here. Go suck dick somewhere else," he groans. "I shouldn't have to be third wheel in my own goddamn bedroom.
Bryce flushes and Jonathan goes silent. Luke takes this as a good sign and turns back to his game. Café Dostoyevsky wasn't such a bad map. Probably would've been a real good place if it wasn't being stormed by military people or hostage situations. Hopefully it served a good latte, because Luke could really go for one....
"Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?" Jonathan looks over at Bryce and Luke. He grins excitedly at the two, as if he knows something they didn't.
Luke just rolls his eyes. "Starbucks?"
"Starbucks," Bryce agrees.
They all laugh at their plan and get up to get ready. Luke puts on the first pair of shoes he finds and grabs his phone. Jonathan begins to blabber something about coffee and tea while waiting for Bryce and Luke. Bryce is searching around for something, though Luke doesn't know what.
"What'd you lose Bryce?" He crosses his arms out of habit and looks down at Bryce, who's currently digging through his backpack.
"My phone," Bryce whines. "I lost it."
Jonathan snorts loudly. "What the fuck do you mean you lost it? You've been in here for five minutes! I'm sorry but I call bullshit!"
"Oh come on guys. I just want some iced coffee. We can cry over cat videos later, Bryce. Come on," Luke urges. He grabs Bryce and pulls him along with a grin. He's done this many times before. Just grab Bryce and Jonathan will follow, just like always.
As the three make their way to the front door, Luke catches sight of something grey laying on the couch. He ignores it for now. Bunny hoodies were the least of his concern right now. Yeah, he should probably give it back, but right now Starbucks is clearly more important.
"I meant to ask this earlier," Bryce starts, setting his drink on the table, "Why do you have a grey hoodie on your couch?" Luke rolls his eyes instinctively. He can feel Jonathan's outburst coming.
"It's fuckin' Ryan's! It's fucking Ryan's hoodie and he's too damn lazy to give it back!" Jonathan screeches at Luke accusingly, nearly breaking his cup from how hard he squeezes it.
Luke just sighs and sips his drink. A nice, hot cappuccino, just the way he likes it. He smiles at the taste and decides that any coffee drink is worth sitting through one of Jon's crazy rants. Jonathan does this from time to time, usually whenever he was hyped up on caffeine. There's a reason they try to get him decaf, but sometimes it just doesn't happen.
"Luke, dammit, listen to me!" Jonathan snatches Luke's cup from his hands, successfully getting his attention. He leans in close to Luke, glaring at him. "You need to give back his goddamn sweater! And- and you need to do it tomorrow! And then you guys are gonna talk and make friends okay?!"
Bryce looks at the two curiously. "Why can't we just give it back, Delirious?"
Jonathan nearly screams in frustration. "Because! LUKE HAS NO FRIENDS! I want him to stop being so damn antisocial! AND GIVE MY PHONE BACK YOU FUCKING BRYCE!"
Bryce giggles and hands Jonathan his phone back. "Well that's one way to care about your friends, I guess."
Luke rolls his eyes. "Just because you want me to make more friends doesn't mean that they want to be friends. And shut your mouth before you get us kicked out."
Jonathan pouts as he sits back in his chair, hastily drinking his coffee. Since Jonathan's a basic bitch, he just ordered plain coffee. Luke's not sure why he's so... feisty today, he could've sworn they ordered him decaf...
"You didn't even keep your promise," Jon whines, pretending to cry into his hands. "I wanted you to meet Ryan, I did, I did... You fucker!"
Bryce's eyes widen as he gasps. "Oh my gosh, I totally forgot about that! That's who you saved?" He giggles and takes another sip of whatever fancy, sugary drink he got. "That's so sweet, Luke! I didn't know you were such a gentleman! Awh, it can be like one of those cheesy high school love stories!"
"Uh, yeah, how about no," Luke says. "Just because I chased away some assholes doesn't mean I gotta fall in love with him. I saved Bryce once, and I'm pretty sure I'm not in love with him. No offense, Bryce."
Bryce laughs. "Nah, it's good. Maybe one day I'll impress you. Should I become your sugar daddy?"
Jonathan chokes on his coffee. "Stop! Cut- cut that shit out! Both of you! This is why we can't ever go any damn place!"
Luke rolls his eyes. "Like you're not part of the problem. We could barely keep you at the birthday party last year. Remember how much Bryce's mom yelled at you?"
Jonathan responds by crossing his arms and glaring at the two of them. "You're changing the subject."
"All the more reason why Ryan wouldn't like me," Luke says smugly. "Which means that I don't have to talk to him besides giving him back the jacket. Who would even want their bloody hoodie back?"
Bryce shrugs. "I dunno. I'll take it home with me and wash it, though, because I don't think Ryan wants it all stained or whatever. It's probably full of cat fur," he teases.
Luke has to admit that Bryce has a point. His cat, Princess, probably covered the thing in her fur. It wasn't like it was her fault, though. She can't control her fur! The fluffy bastard sheds and sheds no matter how much Luke grooms her. He loves her regardless, of course. The name Princess kinda gives that away.
"Can you wash my jacket too?" Luke holds out his arm, showing off the long white strands of fur stuck to the black fabric. "She was hiding in my closet yesterday night. I think she learned how to open doors."
"Wash your own jacket, Bryce isn't... He's not your damn maid!" Jonathan pushes Luke's arm back down to his side, making them all laugh.
"Fine, fine. I'll be a big boy and do my own laundry," Luke grumbles. "And before you ask, the answer is no. I am not going to be friends with Ryan simply because I don't wanna."
Jonathan sighs. "But he's in your grade! And you're gonna need friends once you graduate in May," he says. "I doubt you're gonna make friends out in the real world, and- and I'm stuck in high school for another year! Two for Bryce!"
Luke eyes Jonathan cautiously. He knows Jon, and he knows how stubborn he can be at times. And from the look on his face, this conversation is going to come back to haunt him at least twice more this week. So he gives into the pleading looks good Jonathan is giving him and smiles wryly. "You're not gonna give up on this, will you?"
"No," Jonathan announces. "I won't because you fucking promised me that you'd talk to Ryan. At the very least let me introduce you guys, you know?"
"I didn't promise you shit," Luke admits. "But since you're gonna guilt trip me about it, I'll go say hello to Ryan when I give him the stupid hoodie back. Nothing else."
"That's great man, that's fucking great! And I'm gonna go with you, to make sure you don't try to run away!" Jonathan smiles happily at Luke. "You guys are gonna love each other, I know it!"
I have no idea how starbucks works but you see i am addicted to iced coffee
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