the devil
okay so quick author note before we begin this horribly disfigured journey- i love ohmtoonz. I love high school aus. This is mildly self indulgent. I dont know how often itll be updated. You guys get to play the guessing game for the side ships, they will fuck you kids up.
(published aug. 7, 2:36 am. just so i know the time of birth for myself)
Luke Patterson, at the age of 17, had made quite the name for himself. Or, at least, that's what his mom says.
He had been dubbed the "bad boy" of the school, for whatever reason. Just some delinquent, punk-looking motherfucker who would fight the moon if provoked.
For whatever reason, the vast majority of the school immediately became scared of him after he got into a really bad fight one day. Rumours said that Luke sent five kids to the hospital and scared the principal so bad he got suspended for a month.
Was it what he expected to happen? Fuck no. He might have gotten suspended but it had nothing to do with the fight. Unfortunately, it didn't stop rumors from spreading like wildfire, each new one crazier than the last.
People started saying crazy shit about him. And because teenagers are all... well, teenagers, they all believed certain things about him.
None of it was exactly true, you see. Luke wasn't a bad person, he just had a bit of an attitude and maybe three friends. Just because Luke (supposedly) sends some assholes to the hospital doesn't mean he's a bad person. It just makes him really good with his fists.
And besides, the assholes deserved it anyways for thinking they could bully Bryce around. Luke had made sure that nobody would hurt Bryce again.
Regardless of how he got into this situation, Luke was here and that was all that mattered.
And right now? He was here, sitting in detention for the third time this week. It was only Tuesday, too.
Luke groans quietly, leaning forwards and resting his forehead on the desk.
The teacher in charge of detention, Mr. Johnson, gives him a stern look. "No sleeping in detention, Patterson. Get your head off the desk."
Luke bites back a sarcastic remark and instead rolls his eyes as he lifts his head up. Being snappy would only earn him more time in here. How do you think he got two detentions on the same day?
Then again, he didn't even deserve the first one. All he did was come late to class yesterday, the teacher said some shit under her breath, and Luke just wanted her to say it to his face. There wasn't even anything wrong with that, but...
Shit went down, and now he's here, waiting for detention to end.
The time goes by painfully slow. Luke is stuck sitting there staring blankly at the clock. Not a word was said until the clock hit 4:15, and that's when the teacher gives Luke a disapproving glance and grunts quietly, gesturing lazily to the door.
With his cue to leave, Luke stands up and walks out the room, making sure to slam the door behind him. He's pretty damn glad to leave that asshole teacher behind. Now he's gonna go home, take a much deserved bath, and lay in bed with his cat.
He doesn't get very far from the classroom, though, because he is stopped by none other than Bryce. Bryce looks Luke over, then frowns.
"Luke? Are you okay?" Bryce's voice is soft and concerned. He quietly walks up to Luke, fixing his jacket and brushing his hair back into its usual position. Bryce then looks up at Luke with a small smile, the same smile he gives when worried.
"Fucking wonderful," Luke growls. "Dumbass teacher hates me, that's all."
His hands instinctively ball up into fists at his sides at the thoughts of what happened yesterday, and the events of this morning.
Bryce interrupts any negative thoughts, though, by quickly yanking Luke in for a hug. "Don't be upset, Luke," Bryce whispers softly. "They just don't understand you, that's all. They're just doing their jobs."
Bryce's actions are probably the complete opposite of what Luke wants to do right now. Luke wants to yell and punch the wall, or maybe scream and stomp his way home, but he knows that Bryce wouldn't want to see that. So he sighs, wraps his arms back around Bryce, and leans his head against Bryce's, feeling soft blonde hair brush against his cheek. "Maybe they are, but they don't gotta be dicks about it." He doesn't dare mention the fact that his parents could easily help him out by not encouraging the teachers.
Bryce nods quietly, then looks up at Luke with these big, innocent blue eyes that make Luke want to melt. "Can we go get ice cream? It'll make you feel better, I promise. I'll pay for it and everything, I just don't wanna go alone."
'Well... Ice cream doesn't sound so bad, now does it?' Luke finds himself hesitating, even though his normal answer to these questions is usually no.
He takes a moment to think it over. Ice cream sounded pretty good right now, and Bryce was going to pay. A part of Luke laughs at Bryce insisting on paying for them- of course he would. His parents were filthy rich, it seemed, and Bryce was somehow the luckiest kid on the planet. Everyone was wrapped around his finger, and the guy probably doesn't even know it.
Luke then smiles and nods his head, despite knowing that it was probably a horrible idea. His parents were already going to kick his ass for getting detention though, so what more would a little ice cream hurt? It wasn't like he could say no to Bryce anyways.
"Yeah," Luke says. "Ice cream."
The next morning, Luke is at his locker, quietly grumbling to himself as he fiddles with the stupid lock on his locker. It was a broken lock, even though he just got a new one. Then again... He's pretty sure he almost crushed it once out of anger. That might explain why it was broken.
A voice, however, quickly snaps him out of his thoughts. "Dude, where were you this morning?! Bryce and I were waiting for you for like... Forever!" Jonathan jogs up to Luke, nearly tripping over his own feet.
Luke ignores Jonathan. He was pissed off from an argument with his parents this morning about his "behavior issues" and other things of the sort. What had started as a simple question about lunch turned into a twenty minute lecture on his "anger problems" and how he needed to stop himself because it was "disgracing to his family" and all that bullshit. Forcing the anger away as best he could, Luke decides that it would be best to go out somewhere by himself for a while. He finds himself slamming his locker shut and walking away.
"Luke? Luke Patterson, you get your damn ass back here! I got- I got some shit to tell you!" Jonathan comes running up to Luke again, this time grabbing his hood so he couldn't get away.
"What is it this time?"
"There's a new kid that came to school today, Luke! And- and I want you to meet him. Please? For me?" Jonathan looks up at Luke pleadingly, clearly trying to do the same innocent look Bryce does.
Luke scoffs and pushes his smaller friend back with a laugh. "Fuck no, you ain't gonna drag me to another weirdo!"
The last time Jonathan introduced Luke to people, it had been Evan Fong and Tyler... something. Luke didn't actually care. The only reason he knew Evan's name was because of how Tyler kept screaming it out every few seconds. It was... interesting, to say the least. And if you asked Luke, they were totally fucking. And probably a little intimidated by him, though that was a bit less obvious.
"What?! The student council president is not a weirdo! Neither is Tyler! He's cool! You didn't think Bryce was weird either!"
Luke gives Jon a look. "Yeah, but Bryce is different."
"Oh yeah? How's he different?"
"Because," Luke says. "Bryce is actually a good person. He's cute and isn't annoying. Plus you like him, a lot."
There's a whole lot of truth to this. The moment Bryce had moved into their school last year, Jonathan was all heart-eyes and gayer than ever. Luke has never seen Jonathan so infatuated with someone. And when Bryce started hanging out with them? Oh lord, Jonathan was over the fucking moon with excitement (and denial). Thankfully, there's no denial today, for Jonathan's face immediately goes red and he shuts up.
Luke chuckles smugly at this and nods. "So I win. I don't wanna meet the new kid, whoever he is."
"Fine. But you're not ditching me in drama today, you hear me? I am not going to suffer alone in that class."
Luke sighs. "Fine," he mutters. It's the least he can do. Half the school knows how much Jonathan hates drama class. The only reason he even had to take it in the first place was because he had nothing else to take because all the other classes were "full" or something like that. Luke had never bothered to remember the full story, because if Jonathan didn't care he didn't either.
He nods his head and continues walking towards the stairs that led to the rooftop. There's no way he's going back to Mr. Johnson's history class after yesterday's incident. "I'll see you soon, Jonny boy. Have fun with chemistry, don't explode anyone if you're not gonna record it."
Jonathan laughs excitedly and nods. "Yeah! See you, Toonz!"
Now on his own, Luke continues walking down the hall to the stairs. The teachers were never around this part of the school for some reason. This is something that never fails to confuse Luke. If you have a staircase in the very corner of a hall, surrounded by nothing but closets and old classrooms, wouldn't you go look over it to keep all the bad kids away?
Apparently the answer was no, and that explains why it's pretty much deserted. It's normally completely deserted, you see, but today seems to be an exception.
Three other people are here. Two of them are standing up and laughing, the third person sitting in the corner looking like he just came out of a war. Of course bullies would drag their victims here. Luke clears his throat, easily gaining their attention.
And boy, do they look great. It's like Luke just caught three children with their hands in a cookie jar. Their eyes were all wide and panicked, the same kind of fear you would expect from a guilty five year old.
It takes Luke almost all his will to not laugh at this. Why is the one on the floor looking scared too? He hasn't even done anything wrong! He crosses his arms and glares at them. "What do y'all flat-assed motherfuckers think you're doing to him?"
"We're showing him how stuff works around here," is the excuse one of them pulls.
Luke scoffs and crosses his arms. "And y'all expect me to believe that? Get off of him and fuck off."
One of them cracks their knuckles, trying to intimidate Luke. He glares at him. "And stop cracking your knuckles like that before I take those fists of yours and shove them up your ass."
The same guy glares at Luke and cracks his knuckles again. Before Luke can make another snappy comment, a fist comes swinging at his face.
Luke, thankfully, manages to block the punch. He brings his own fist into the guy's face, a sickening crunch making Luke grin. The blood on the asshole's face tells it all. The two bullies don't dare fight back after this. This is good news to Luke, because if he got into a fight before drama class he knew Jonathan would not hesitate to beat his ass. They both go stomping away like little bitches, probably talking shit about Luke the entire way back to class.
This is new, actually. Normally it takes four or five punches. He ignores the odd change in behaviour and instead turns to the remaining person on the floor.
The third guy, the one who just got his ass beat, stays against the wall awkwardly. Luke walks up to him, arms still crossed, coming to a stop just in front of the guy. He looks down at him.
The guy, whoever he is, doesn't make eye contact and cowers into the wall. He has lots of brown hair, fluffy looking hair that sticks straight up like it's never even heard of gravity. That's pretty much all Luke can tell about him from this angle. It's clear he just got his ass kicked, the blood on the guy's shirt tells him everything.
For some odd reason, the guy doesn't move. He just keeps staring down at the floor, not bothering to look up at his saviour. Luke uses his foot to nudge the guy's shoe gently, deciding that it was best that he act gentle for now.
"Hey. C'mon, get up. They ain't gonna hurt you, now come on." Luke holds his hand out to the guy.
The guy makes no move to get up, instead stares at Luke's hand awkwardly. Luke tries his best to refrain from using force and smiles bitterly, his little patience withering away by the second.
"Hey," he says, a bit louder this time. He puts a hand on his hip, tapping his foot impatiently. "I said, get the fuck up you lazy shit."
Still no response. He moves closer, to perhaps pull the man up with his hands, but doesn't get the chance to. The mystery boy suddenly scrambles to his feet and runs away, covering his bloody face with his hands as he runs. It's a wonder how he doesn't drip all over the floors.
Luke shrugs off the situation, brushing it off as one of the many oddities of high school. He climbs up the stairs leading to the roof, nearing the door to the top. What he sees in front of the door, though, makes him stop and stare in confusion.
There, on the floor in front of him, is a grey hoodie with bunny ears sewn onto the hood.
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