yay!! Another chapter up within decent time!! Man... yall are gonna love what i have coming up next :)
When he walks into his bedroom, he is met with the sight of a big pile of roses on his bed, a bag of chocolate candies next to them, and some kind of pretty, slow love song playing on a piano. He looks around in confusion. Where is the music coming from?
Luke walks over to his bed. He cautiously lifts up a rose, examining it. It's just a rose, nothing special about it.
The rose pile begins to move, suddenly, and dear fuck does it scare the shit out of Luke. He jumps back with a startled cry, swinging the rose in hand at the sentient pile of flowers.
A black tail puffs up suddenly, and his cat comes scrambling out of the pile. She shakes a leaf, two petals, and some glitter off of her fur (though the glitter doesn't really go anywhere), then meanders up to the front of Luke's bed and sits on his pillow. Luke holds back a frustrated cry. She's just spreading the glitter around!
He decides to turn his attention to the candy. Lifting it up, Luke isn't sure why he's not surprised by the fact that it's already been opened. They're his favorite kind, though, the little chocolate balls with the amazingly sweet chocolate truffle-stuff inside. Small, delicious, and the kind that literally melt inside your mouth. Luke can already feel his mouth watering by just looking at the bag.
He opens it up. A small, folded up paper catches his eye, barely visible amongst the shiny foil wrappers of the chocolates. Luke grabs it and unfolds it. He begins to grow confused as he does so, unable to find any words on the paper. It turns out the only thing written on the paper is two, tiny tiny words.
“Gotcha bitch,” the paper reads.
Luke glares at the paper. That's clearly Jonathan's handwriting. What the fuck is all this supposed to mean? As he's thinking this over, he hears giggling coming from under his bed. And like any grown man who hears a monster under his bed, Luke, without thinking, kicks whoever's underneath. Not horribly hard, but hard enough to hurt.
Jonathan comes scrambling out, gripping his cheek and blabbering offended nonsense. Luke can see the mark where his shoe met Jon's face. “What the fuck was that for?!”
“What the fuck you under my goddamn bed for?!” Luke returns the sass with minimal shame.
“I was tryin’ to convince you to- to go down to the damn park thing, dammit!” Jonathan huffs angrily. He tosses the note at Luke, glaring up at him. “Did you not read the damn note?!”
Luke grabs the paper and shoves it into Jon's face, showing him the two words written on it. “Where in this does it say to go anywhere, hm? Don't worry, I'll wait for an answer.”
There's a moment of silence. Jonathan pales considerably as he sees the note, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone. He turns it on, glances at the screen, then blushes a faint red as he moves to put his phone back.
“Give me that, you fucker.” Luke snatches it out of Jonathan's hands before it gets back into his pocket, grabbing it and looking at the screen.
💙Snugglebear 💙 (2)
Jonny please tell me you didnt give him the note >:o!!!
You took the one for me by accident !!!
Luke scoffs and throws Jon's phone onto the bed. “What kinda lame-ass nickname is that?! Who even are you texting?!”
“That didn't- that doesn't fucking matter! Just listen to Delirious!” Jonathan is now flailing his arms around angrily.
Luke rolls his eyes, glaring down at him with a scowl. “I'm tryin’ to listen, but all I hear is a bunch’a bullshit!”
“Well, you know what?!”
“What, bitch?”
Jonathan rolls up his sleeves as he steps towards Luke. He gets two fists and raises them. “I'll fucking fight you, I will, I'll-!”
Bzzzt. Jonathan's phone vibrates on the bed.
Luke grabs it before Jon can, glaring down at the screen.
‘💙Snugglebear💙 wants to video call’ is what the screen reads, accompanied by buttons to accept or decline the request. Jonathan reaches out to try and take his phone back, and in this process he accidentally moves Luke's thumb onto the accept button.
There is a second of black screen, then Bryce’s face pops up with a smile. He's laying in his bed, and what appears to be small threads or hairs are only faintly visible directly in front of the camera. Bryce’s smile falters as he sees Luke.
“What the fuck is this,” Luke demands.
“Well,” Bryce says, now slightly out of the camera's view, “Sit down and we'll explain it to you. But promise me you won't do that angry screechy thing, it's annoying.”
Luke eyes Jonathan warily. Does he trust them? The guilty look on Jon's face says yes, but the sugary sweet, smug edge to Bryce’s voice says no.
(Then again, Bryce has a thing for being a sneaky little shit.)
(Luke decides to put his fate into the cards and listen to what they have to say.)
“So let me get this nasty shit straight. You guys want me and Ryan to date, but are mad that we're taking our damn time doing it so y'all decided to do it for us?”
“Uh… pretty much, yeah!” Bryce's camera is moving up and down ever so slightly, and it's still covered by some weird fuzz or hairy shit. Luke had taken a moment here to stare at them both in disbelief.
“And we're gonna go out on a double date! All four of us!” Jonathan chimes in with a smile, his words muffled by the bag of chips he's helped himself to.
Luke sighs to himself. How could he have not realized his two best friends are dating? Jon's had that crush on Bryce for eons by now, and considering how it (the crush) suddenly vanishes, that's bound to say something, right?
Boy, does Luke feel stupid right now.
He looks at himself in the mirror. They had set him and Ryan up on a date like they were two helpless little kids, telling Luke to meet Ryan down at the park, specifically where all the picnic tables are. Luke doesn't know what to expect, but he's looking pretty nice today and hopes he's dressed appropriately for the occasion.
Spoiler alert, he isn't prepared at all! It's super cold outside and Luke is sure his dick is about to freeze off any second now. He forces himself to move along anyways.
The sight of lights in the park catch his eye. They're strands of Christmas lights, strung up into the surrounding trees to create a pretty, colorful glow across the snow. And sitting at a picnic table, all alone like a fucking loser, is none other than the cutest, dorkiest little bunny Luke never thought he would love. Ryan is there, bundled up nicely with a big, dark green jacket over his usual bunny hoodie and a matching grey scarf around his neck. He's busy on his phone, smiling innocently at whatever's on his screen.
The lights from the trees are scattering bright, colorful shapes across Ryan's lone form, and they make his eyes sparkle beautifully as he looks over at Luke.
Luke's heart speeds up at the sight of his little bunny sitting so alone, something tugging at him and demanding he go over and make sure he's not freezing to death. He begins to walk over, feeling so nervous all of a sudden and wow are his palms sweating or is he just crazy? Oh god, he's dying, he has to be. Why else is his heart pounding so harshly? Why else can't he breathe all of a sudden?
“Oh, hey Luke!” Ryan's smile is deafeningly bright, and Luke can swear he's seeing the light.
He wants to call for help, or to turn back time and tell himself to calm the fuck down (because wow is he overreacting), but instead he smiles and says, “Hey, Bunny.”
Ryan giggles at the nickname. “Aw, are we giving each other nicknames?”
(Is it weird that Luke's heart flutters in sync with Ryan's giggles?)
“Nah,” Luke says casually. He tries to be subtle as he wipes his hands on his jeans, the cold fabric feeling nice against his hands. He then slides into the spot next to Ryan, smiling happily. “Sometimes I just like to tease, you know?”
Ryan seems intrigued. He moves closer to Luke, batting his eyelashes cutely. “Oh? Are we gonna be teasing each other now? Because I'm very good at teasing,” he croons coyly, a warm, gentle hand tracing Luke's jawline teasingly. It sends a small, anticipating shiver through Luke, his mind running wild in all the right ways.
God, he loves this guy.
“Then show me how good of a tease you are,” Luke says, his voice small and airy. His body and mouth have apparently become two separate beings, because Luke's mouth is moving on its own and he can't figure out a way to stop.
Ryan leans in closer (if it's even possible), and gently kisses Luke on the lips. His hands are sliding around Luke's neck, and Ryan's practically in his lap by now.
But then some snow falls from above, right onto Luke's head, and just like that the moment is ruined. Luke and Ryan jump apart like startled children, Luke muttering curse words to himself as he brushes snow off of his head.
Ryan laughs, gazing up at the tree above them. “Guess that's our cue to stop…”
Luke glares above. “Fucking cockblock nature… Was totally gonna-”
“Oh hush,” Ryan teases, cutting him off. “You weren't getting anything anyways, you big baby.”
“Whatever. What are we even here for?”
Ryan's smile fades and is quickly replaced by a bright red blush on his cheeks. “Uh… you see,” he begins, now unable to look at Luke, “I was playing Uno with Bryce and Jonathan, and they kinda insisted we’re boyfriends?”
He pauses here, glancing at Luke as if waiting for some reaction. Luke has nothing to say (or rather, nothing valuable to say besides some dick-sucking joke), so he is silent.
“Well, I told them we weren't really, you know, official, right? Because we're not! And… they told me that if I didn't seduce you and make you my boyfriend, then they would do it for me. And I happened to make the mistake of just… not believing them.”
Luke chuckles. “Never doubt them, they may be idiots, but they're very capable idiots.”
“I've noticed,” Ryan says. The little pout on his face is undeniably cute. “I tried to tell them to stop, but it was too late.”
Ryan begins to go on about friends and moral values, and something about babies..? Luke isn't really listening. There's cold water slowly running down his head, from where the snow must've melted. Luke really, really does hate the cold. He wishes he had brought gloves, because his hands are freezing and so is the rest of his body.
It takes Luke a moment to realize he's dug his hands into his pockets, and also to notice that Ryan is giving him a stern, upset look and saying something to him.
“So? Were you even listening?”
Luke has no idea how to respond, so he doesn't.
Ryan pouts. “Man… I was trying to get your opinion on how relationships work, but I guess I'm not getting it, huh?”
Balling his hands up into fists, Luke shrugs. He clenches his fists a little tighter in an attempt to get some kind of warmth to his poor hands, and smiles at Ryan like nothing's wrong. “I don't really have one, honestly. I just like the idea of being in one, and I worry that I'm rushing you into this shit because if it were up to me, I'd totally have a wedding planned out by now.”
Ryan blushes a brilliant red. He begins to stutter. “I- uh, tha- that wasn't…” He pulls his hoodie over his face innocently, practically melting into his own hoodie. “You know what I meant.”
Luke chuckles. “Good. So, boyfriend, what do we do next?”
(Going inside sounds like a lovely idea, and if Ryan just so happens to suggest it, then who would he be to deny such a request? That being said, they're going inside soon whether Ryan wants to or not.)
“B- boyfriend?”
“Yeah,” Luke says. “Boyfriend. That's what you are, right?”
“Uh… I mean, if y- you want, then.. yes?” Ryan sounds adorable right now. Luke's sure his heart would be melting if his body actually had any kind of warmth left in it.
(He really, really wants to go inside. Can you tell?)
“Good. So, just to clarify, we're boyfriends now, so Bryce and Jon can go fuck right off. And as boyfriends, I say the first thing we do is go to the nearest coffee place and get some hot chocolate together, indoors.” Luke smiles proudly as he stands up and gestures for Ryan to follow.
Ryan pulls his hood away from his eyes, peering up at Luke quietly. “Are you that cold?”
Luke nods his head vigorously.
Ryan smiles a little, standing up and coming towards Luke. He takes his scarf off, gently wrapping it around Luke. “I'd give you my jacket, but I don't think it would fit you.”
He pulls the scarf a little tighter around himself, then kisses Ryan chastely. “Thanks, babe. I appreciate it.”
The two of them walk off to go find somwhere warm together, hand in hand and feeling absolutely perfect. Luke really does like being with Ryan. Moments like these, no matter how silly or dorky they may be, make Luke feel like he's indestructible. It's just something about the way Ryan makes him feel so warm and fuzzy and happy, like he can fight away all of Ryan's worries. To be fair, though, he'll probably try to fight them all regardless.
He can only hope Ryan feels the same way.
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