The Pain of losing Someone pt. 2
Ango removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes. He averted his eyes to the window closest to him, the sun had already started rising leaving a warm yellow glow across everything below it. The warm light had also started to shin into Ango's room through the window placing its glow on his surroundings as well.
He turned back to his laptop which he had been glued to all night. It wasn't unusual for him to pull all nighters in fact as much as he hated them he ended up doing them a lot. As long as there was work to do he'd be up until it was finished. He skimmed over the text on his laptop checking over his work for, what had felt like the fifth time that night. After changing a few words and adding punctuation he had missed he was finally satisfied with it. He closed the laptop and slid it back on his desk, this motion caused something on his desk to fall back hitting the floor quite loud, the sudden sound made Ango jump. He peered over the side of his desk wondering how he had made something so heavy(as he assumed from the sound it made) fall.
What his eyes landed on confused him for the first time that morning. An average side book lay still on the wooden floor. He decided not to question it, perhaps it hadn't made such a noise and it was just the lack of sleep that made him think that. He leaned forward reaching for the book wanting to get it off the floor. As he picked it up, something slid out and landed where he had just removed the book from.
A small white rectangular piece of paper lay there. He placed the book on his desk so he could use a free hand to pick up the paper, the whole time not taking his eyes off it. He reached forward a second time, his finger tips reached the paper, the texture felt strange for paper. Immediately after contact he realized that it wasn't a piece of paper but a photo that had been laying face down. He quickly picked a corner and brought it to the desk. Once he reached its destination he flipped it over to reveal the image. His heart dropped. His eyes scanned over the photo before carefully taking it in his hand again.
The photo was of three men. Starting from the left was a younger Ango. He was wearing round glasses, they resembled the ones he was wearing now only they were probably a different brand. His hair seemed mostly the same, it was still the same colour and it framed the side of his face almost the same way the only difference being that his hair now was mush more messier.
In the middle was a man who was visibly the tallest, his hair was deep red colour, it fell in random places this including two pieces that fell in front if his eyes. He was the only one in the picture who was holding a drink, his other hand rested in his pocket. The last male at the right side was the smallest in the picture, his hair was untamed, it framed his face and fell between his eyes, strands also seemed to fall in front of his eyes as well. His right eyes was covered with bandages the other left uncovered. It was a younger Dazai.
He placed the picture back down on the desk, memories that had almost forgotten about seemed to flood back in. He remembered, he made a copy of this photo before he had placed it on the bar counter that night. He stared at the picture for a few more seconds before a question popped up. Why was that photo in a book? Wait...
Once the thought crossed his mind his eyes quickly jumped to the book he had picked up a few minutes before. It was normally sized book, it wasn't too big but it wasn't small. The cover was a solid brown with nothing else on it. It seemed like an average book but, to Ango it was special. He gently opened the book, lifting the hard cover. He opened it to the first page. Most books have a blank page before having the table of contents or a page dedicated to who the book is for or a thanks. This book did have a blank page like many other books though there was neat writing in pen towards the center of the book. The dark black letters contrasting with the crisp white page drew his eyes in, they read
Here's a book I think you'll like.
The moment I saw it I thought
you would enjoy it. I hope
you'll appreciate the writing as
much as I did. Tell me what you think
next time we see each other.
Of course he was never able to tell Oda about his thoughts on the book. But he had really enjoyed it. He closed the book sliding the picture back inside. Picking up the book he walked over to the bookshelf he had in the corner of his room. He found an empty spot and slid it in. Maybe he'd fall upon it in a few years appreciate the book again but for now... all it brought was pain. He slid down the bookshelf his hand still gripping the side. He just wanted the pain to leave, for him to be able to remember the past without breaking down. He turned his body so his back could rest on the books. He leaned his head back until it bumped against the books. A singular tear slid down his cheek, it fell and landed on his shirt. Before he new it tears just started falling. He didn't attempt to stop them, he needed this. He sat in the quiet room letting his soft cries over take the silence. After a few minutes a crying he finally spoke, his voice breaking with each word.
"I'm sorry Odasaku"
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