The Pain of Losing Someone
Dazai pushed his hair back with a sigh. Work had been pretty busy for the past week so it wasn't new for him to stay in late. But, this particular night he had stayed back later than expected. He had shot Chuuya a text around noon making sure he was aware he wouldn't be stopping by. Dazai had recently started stopping by Chuuya's and staying the nights there. Guess loneliness finally shown itself, well maybe it already had.
It was around midnight when he finally stepped out the Agency. He was now at a red light waiting for it to change so he could get home. Dazai found something calming about driving at night, maybe it was the absence of cars or perhaps just how calm and quiet the roads were. Whatever it was he liked it.
The light finally changed after waiting for what had felt like hours. He pulled forward down the seemingly abandoned road. He was only a few streets away from his one bedroom apartment, in all honesty he could walk to and from work every day but, it was getting too cold to walk, that's at least what he told himself. Dazai turned doing his best to parallel park on the side. He got out his car grabbing his few belongings that couldn't stay in his car overnight. Making his way up to his apartment in the apartment complex he lived in, he could already tell he'd be getting a visit from a few of the upset neighboring people around him who would tell him to be more quiet while coming home at inhumanely hours. Not like he cared, he would just agree to be quieter but, he really wouldn't change a thing.
He fiddled with his key in the door trying to unlock it with on hand. After a few seconds of mild struggling he successfully unlocked it and stepped in. After closing the door he was overwhelmed with darkness. The only light was from the moon that was barely visible through the curtain over the singular window. Dazai reached around for the light switch, skimming his hand across the smooth wall until he found it. He switched it on illuminating his 'welcoming' home.
It was quite bare for having lived there for over a year. Most homes would have paintings, pictures or maybe posters scattered on the walls but, Dazai's walls were just plain bare beige walls. In fact the only form of decoration he had was one singular picture that was found on his bed side table, if you can even call it decoration. It was a normal sized picture in a black frame. It rested behind an empty glass and very few other random items. His night side table was probably the only thing Dazai owned that was clean.
Dazai approached his bedroom, he had chosen not to change as he was to tired to do so. As he sat down the picture caught his eye. His lips curved into a small but, soft smile. He reached for it carefully picking it up. He brought it to his line of view. His soft smile slowly turned into quivering lips.
The photo was of three men. Starting from the left was an average sized male, he wore round glasses that seemed to fall down his face. His hair was dark and framed the side of his face. In the middle was the tallest of the three, his hair was a dark shade of red that seemed to fall in random places. He was the only on out of the three who was holding a drink, his other hand rested in his pocket. The last male at the right side was clearly a younger Dazai, his hair framed his face and fell between his eyes strands seemed to cover his eyes as well, though his right eyes was covered with bandages.
His grip tightened on the sides of the frame as his hands softly shook. He bit his lip and shut his eyes closed attempting to stop himself from crying, he failed. A singular tear fell from his right eye first, it fell on to the glass of the frame. It left tiny spots of water around it from the force of it falling. One tear turned into two which turned into five then ten, at this point there was no stopping the salty water. He wiped his face with his sleeve dampening the beige cloth. He set the picture back where it back from and slid onto his back. The sheets around him seemed like they would smother him.
Although he had wiped his eyes a few seconds before they were already welling back up. This time he let them fall. Dazai raised his arm up extending his fingers out. He pulled back resting his forearm on his forehead, his wrist and hand covered his right eye. Instead of wiping his eyes again he let them fall freely, he laid in silence his soft cries filling the room. He chuckled a little. The soft smile from before returned to his lips.
"I guess the pain never really leaves huh?"
His soft voice seemed so loud amongst the silence. At least he still had good memories to remember. He turned to his side not bothering to grab his blanket. He may have been cold but, he didn't really know.
"Good night Odasaku"
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