Dazai exhausted, laid his head on the café table. The Armed Detective Agency had been very busy this past week and it had taken its toll on him. Dazai was waiting for the other agents to join him, they were taking longer than usual but, Dazai didn't mind the peaceful silence it brought. The familiar ringing of the café's bell rang, Dazai hesitantly lifted his head from its comfortable position. To his surprise there were only Tanizaki and Atsushi who had walked in. Dazai paused and looked at the two slightly confused.
"Where's everyone else?"
Dazai put his head back down, he could honestly care less about where they were, as long as he didn't have to move.
"Oh well there was a small mission that popped up so Kunikida and Yosano went to that, uhm Ranpo is still at the Agency along with Kenji and Kyoka"
Atsushi slid into the booth Junichiro following him after.
"Mhh ok"
Dazai closed his eyes.
A little while after they headed back to the Agency, Dazai decided it would be a good time to try and rest as he hadn't slept for a few days. He shut his eyes and tried to put his mind to rest.
Dazai opened his eyes not lifting his head off his desk nor looking at Kunikida who had spoken. It had only been an hour or so but, it felt like only minutes had passed.
"There's someone here to see you"
He signed, he wasn't in the mood to revive another complaint as he thought that's what it was. Kunikida lead the taller figure towards Dazai, Atsushi watched Kunikida his eyes eventually landing on the exhausted Dazai.
Kunikida rested his hands on the desk clearly not wanting to deal with Dazai's immaturity.
Dazai's eyes were closed once again not listening to Kunikida. Before either one of them could speak the 'customer' spoke.
"It's been awhile Dazai"
Dazai's eyes opened in a flash slowly growing wider with time. His body swung up and he finally turned to Kunikida. His eyes grew wider the moment his eyes landed on the man.
Dazai couldn't speak only his mouth slightly opened as he breathed heavy.
"Sort of what I was expecting.sorry for taking so long "
Atsushi examined the tall red head as he kneeled down making himself smaller than Dazai.
"Do I at least get a hu-"
Dazai screamed and within seconds his arms were wrapped around him. He pulled his arms around his shoulders gripping on to that oh so familiar beige coat. Dazai didn't know if it was the same one from all those years back or not but, it felt just the same. He hid his face in his old friends shoulder as his hands fell to the front of his shirt still holding it tightly. Dazai was crying. The taller male wrapped his arms around Dazai's smaller body. A small tear slid down his cheek.
"I missed you too"
His voice was soft and soothing, just like he remembered. He slid his hand up to Dazai head patting it a few times. Yosano walked up to Kunikida placing her hand on his shoulder giving him a look of confusion. Kunikida shrugged his shoulders and returned the same look. Atsushi and kyoka watched from a far as Ranpo munched on some chips showing some interest in the scene playing before him. After a few minutes of complete silence except for Dazai's quiet sobs the two parted, finally Dazai spoke again.
"I... I thought you were dead?"
Dazai's voice was broken as he attempted to stop his tears from falling.
"Well I'm not"
He flashed him a small smile.
"But... how?"
Dazai choked back a wave of tears.
"Some sort of healing ability"
He pulled Dazai into another hug.
"I meant to find you sooner but, it was harder than I thought"
He chuckled slightly, he parted them once again. Dazai wiped his eyes with his sleeve, flashing a small smile.
"Its good to see you again Odasaku"
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