Ideal Woman
"Hey Atsushi-kun~"
Dazai raised his hand to the side of his mouth as if to block the sound from traveling in any direction but to Atsushi.
"You wanna read about Kunikida's ideal woman?"
He raised the blondes green and white ideals book with his other hand. Atsushi shook his head.
"Nope I'm good. It's his personal stuff anyway"
Dazai dropped his arms and pouted.
"But Atsushi~"
He let out a childish whine
"Plus if Kunikida see you with his book, he'll surely kill you this time"
Atsushi turned on his heel and sat at his desk. Dazai snaked up beside Atsushi and took at seat at his own desk. Atsushi looked to Dazai as he flipped through the pages of Kunikida's book. He stopped abruptly as his eyes caught the page he was looking for.
"Ah yes, page 48. Kunikida's ideal woman"
Atsushi shook his head. He leaned over his desk to grab a stack of papers, since he had nothing better to do, he took it upon himself to finish the report Dazai was meant to do. He glanced back over to make sure Dazai wasn't doing anything stupid to Kunikida's book. Dazai traced his finger over the words as he mentality read them. To be honest Dazai had never actually read about Kunikida's ideal woman, he sure as hell tried but, was always stopped once he got there. This time though he wouldn't be stopped, Dazai made sure Kunikida was long gone before pulling out that notebook.
June 3,
Ideal woman
She must be my age or a few years younger, no more than 4.
Hard working and dedicated to her opinions and beliefs. Respectful, kind and loyal. She shall be Independent and not depend on me or anyone else. Looks do not matter as long as she meets these expectations.
We shall meet....
The writing suddenly stopped, the sentence wasn't finished and a little less than half the page was left blank. Dazai stared blankly at the page before flipping to see if there was more on the back. Nothing. Completely blank. He flipped a few pages forward but still not continuation of Kunikida's 'Ideal woman'. Dazai practically gave up as he had already flipped through half the book. He sighed as he started reaching the blank pages at the end. He closed the book and stood up. He placed it back on Kunikida's desk in disappointment. He made sure to place it back exactly the way it was so, Kunikida wouldn't accuse Dazai of any tampering. A cool breeze entered the agency from the near open window. It blew poor Atsushi's papers off his desk, he groaned and threw his head back. He dropped to his knees and started gathering his loose papers.
"Dazai, could you help me pick these up it's your report anyways"
Atsushi looked up in annoyance.
Dazai stood beside Kunikida's desk, his head was turned and his eyes were glued to Kunikida's book once again.
Ideal woman
Kunikida walked through the agency doors much quicker than usual. He was ten minutes early from his schedule. He had forgot his ideals book, more like Dazai made sure he forgot it. He sped walked to his desk, scanning it for his precious book. He found it laying on his desk exactly where he left it, well maybe not exact but pretty damn close. Picking it up in his hands he examined it, making sure it hadn't been tampered with. He looked up searching for the suicidal maniac himself. He turned to Atsushi who was still working away.
"Do you happen to know where Dazai is?"
Atsushi nodded and pointed in the direction of the sofa.
"Did he touch my book?"
He held the book up giving Atsushi a serious look. Atsushi didn't speak he just shook his head. He couldn't lie to Kunikida with his words so he stayed silent. Kunikida sighed and made his way to the sofa. Dazai lay completely still, with one arm draped over his eyes and the other across his stomach. Kunikida hesitated before kicking the furniture.
"Oi Dazai!"
Dazai jolted from the sudden violence his partner acted on.
"Kunikida can't you see I'm busy"
Dazai groggily spoke wiping the sleep from his eyes, he turned around so he was facing away from the blonde. Kunikida sighed before leaning forward and smashing his book on the brunette's head. Dazai cried out rubbing the spot Kunikida hit trying to rid the pain from his head.
"Ok I'm up, what's up?"
Dazai turned back around to face the angry man. Kunikida tapped the cover if his book with his index finger.
"Did you touch it while I was gone?"
Kunikida stared directly at Dazai, who still looked asleep.
"Nope! Why on earth would I do that?"
Dazai acted innocent batting his eyelashes. This only aggravated Kunikida more.
"Which Part Did You Read?"
Kunikida raised his voice clearly getting impatient with the walking waste of bandages.
"I told you I didn't read any"
Dazai stuck to his story, no way in hell would he tell Kunikida what he read, at least not at that very moment. Dazai got up and stretched his arms. He passed Kunikida and patted him on the back.
"Don't you have work to do or something?"
Dazai walked to his desk and started chatting about nonsense to Atsushi. Kunikida grinded his teeth out of anger. He'd get it out of him one day.
The afternoon sun finally started to set and the agency members started taking there leave. Dazai was once again laying on the sofa, Kunikida was finishing up his work and Atsushi started packing his stuff up to go home. He lifted himself from his desk and made his way to the door.
"See you tomorrow Kunikida-san"
Kunikida silently nodded back response.
"Bye Dazai-san"
He called out not expecting a response from the man who they thought was a asleep on the sofa
"Bye Atsushi-kun"
Dazai called back from his sofa propping himself up so he could be seen waving at his younger colleague. Atsushi smiled before exiting the Agency leaving the two 22 year old's in silence. Kunikida got up having finished his work. He gathered his papers and placed them of to the side.
"Hey Kunikida? Did you really mean what you wrote it your book?"
Dazai's voice rang out beside him, he turned his head to the side. He was sat on Kunikida's desk, his leg crossed over the other, and in his hand he held Kunikida's notebook.
"Or is this some kind if sick joke to get my hopes up?"
Dazai glanced back at the blonde who has yet spoken. He huffed and reached over for his book from Dazai's hand. He dogged it, pulling the book farther away.
"What're you talking about Dazai?"
He may have been smart in many departments but, he was very oblivious in this situation.
"Page 96, your ideal woman, or should I say man."
Dazai turned his head completely to view Kunikida better. Kunikida heart started pounding and so many thoughts were running through his head. 'God dammit, why that page! He's never letting this go. My life is through, maybe I should take his offer on a double suicide.'
Kunikida was broken from his thoughts when he met Dazai's eyes.
He raised an eyebrow as Dazai hopped off his desk, never breaking eye contact. Kunikida thought of something to say when his mind caught on Dazai's past words. 'Or is this some kind if joke to get my Hopes up' so, Kunikida took a shot.
"Yeah, it true"
Dazai seemed taken back by his response.
"You're not joking?"
Dazai tilted his head to the side. Kunikida shook his head in response. Dazai seemed hesitant to respond.
Dazai paused before continuing to speak, this time with no hesitation at all and with the normal Dazai confidence.
"You meant to write, how I make you smile by the stupid things I do, or how adorable you think I am, and how you wish you could hold me each night and that you want to make me-"
"Yeah! I did"
Kunikida cut the brunette off before he could finish his sentence. His cheeks were painted a deep pink, he knew what was coming next.
"So you meant to write You love me?"
Dazai tilted his head awaiting his partner's answer. Kunikida nodded slowly, he was clearly flustered.
"Aw Kunikida-kun"
He walked over to the tall blonde and wrapped his arms around him. Kunikida wore a even darker pink dust across his face as this whole scene played out. Dazai snaked his arms back to his side and looked up at Kunikida.
"What if I told you, you could do all those things and more"
Dazai brought his arms around his neck, he looked up to Kunikida and smiled. Kunikida was blushing much more than before.
"Just shut up Dazai"
Kunikida mumbled. Before Dazai landed a small kiss on Kunikida's lips. This startled the taller man but, he soon gave into it kissing the other male back.
"Uh... I'm just gonna..."
Kunikida eyes shoot to the new voice that echoed through the agency. Atsushi walked to his desk grabbed his cellphone and walked back to the door.
"Sorry for interrupting"
He once again left the agency. Kunikida's face was now a deep red. Dazai laughed going practically limp while still hanging on to Kunikida's neck.
"Shut up Dazai!"
Kunikida shouted at the man as he almost fell from the sudden weight change. Dazai wiped the tears from his eyes and readjusted himself.
"Sorry, that was just too funny. You should've seen your face"
Kunikida sighed as Dazai let go. He walked towards the door and turned back to Kunikida who had yet moved.
"Come on. Let's go home"
Wanted to write some Kunizai fluff so I did, hope you like it!
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