Poe waited patiently, he was seated in the ADA waiting for Ranpo. He would have left and came back another day but, a few agency members reassured him Ranpo wouldn't be long. He watched the members of the agency rush around, they must have been busy. Poe clutched the book he was holding suddenly feeling anxious. Would Ranpo like this one? Would it be too easy for him? Did he really want to keep reading Poe's books?
He violently shook his head, shaking the unwanted thoughts away. He raised his hand and patted his companion on his head. Karl purred some and leaned into him hand. Poe knew Karl and most raccoons, didn't like crowds and lots of people but he still brought him along. He needed Karl, he also knew that as long as he was with Karl it shouldn't be too bad for either of them. Karl moved from Poe's shoulder to his lap and seemed to give Poe a smile. Poe smiled back and gave him a scratch on the head. Being with Karl made him feel much better, to Poe, Karl was almost like a 'therapy' pet. He calmed him when he feels anxious, knows when somethings wrong and how to help with the problem. Whether that was from being with Poe for so long or just some sort of raccoon sense he had, Poe didn't know. He removed his hand from Karl's head and chuckled when Karl whined. He reached for Poe's hand trying to bring it back to his head where it previously was. Poe avoided Karl's tiny hands and picked the rodent up. He placed him back on his shoulders but, Karl hadn't been satisfied with this so he climbed onto Poe's head instead. He perched himself up and sat back on his hind legs. He scanned over the agency watching as its members rushed around struggling to get their work done in time. Karl tilted his head down as to see what Poe was up to now. Poe had opened his book and started to read over making sure it was flawless. Well to him it was far from it, but maybe to someone else it was. As Poe was deep in thought he didn't hear the loud entrance of the great detective. The moment Ranpo placed a finger on Poe's shoulder he practically jump out his own skin. Karl fell to Poe's shoulder, scrapping his claws down Poe's arm as he fell to his side. Poe rubbed his arm and sigh. Ranpo chuckled.
"So you've got a new book for me!"
Ranpo beamed and gently took the book from Poe fragile hands. He opened it and flopped back on the chair next to Poe. He crossed his leg over the other and started to focus. Karl hopped over to the detective, perching himself on his shoulder. Ranpo pulled his free hand to Karl head, petting the rodent while reading. Poe watched as Ranpo's eyes seemingly glided across the paper, his fingers sliding down the pages and flipping them with a strange amount of grace. Ranpo shifted his weight making Karl steer. He hopped from the detectives shoulder back to Poe's head. Poe continued to watch the other make. At one point Poe could swear he saw his eyes glisten. Ranpo skimmed through a couple pages of the book before closing it harshly with a loud crack. This startled both Poe and Karl, Poe jumped back and Karl dug his claws into Poe's scalp attempting not to slid off Poe's head, Poe winced at the unexpected pain. Ranpo turned to the two handing Poe his book back.
"It was still too easy Poe"
Poe rubbed his head attempting to relive the pain his companion had caused. Ranpo continued.
"The culprit was too easy to pick out, I didn't even have to use my ability"
Ranpo attempted to find the raven hair boys eyes to see his true reaction. They looked upset.
Poe sighed in defeat, he knew from the start Ranpo would've been able to figure it out let alone have to read the whole thing. He stood up and opened his mouth to speak Ranpo cut him off.
"It was really well written though! Every time I see you, you get better. I really enjoyed reading it this time."
Poe raised his head and found the other boys eyes. He felt his face heat up. Crap.
"Uh... th-thank you Ranpo"
He cursed himself out for stuttering on his sentence, he could hear Karl laugh at him.
"No problem Poe! Can't wait to see what you have in store for me next"
He waved and turned towards his own desk.
"Alright! I'll work hard then"
Poe managed to get his sentence out with out fumbling his words. He waved back and headed towards the door. He pushed through the door and advanced down the hall. Only one question lingered in his head.
Why did he fall for this man?
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