The Date
SPOILER ⚠️ It's not Branch 😔
Viva and Clay are still very good "friends" 😭
~Ages in this time~
Poppy - 15
Viva - 25
Branch - 17
Floyd - 23
Clay - 25
Spruce - 26
John Dory - 28
{8:47 pm}
"Sisss! I can't find my glitter gloss!" Poppy yelled.
"Did you check?!"
"Uh.. yes?"
Viva enters Poppy's room.
"It's right here sis."
"Oh.. thanks! How do you always do that?" Poppy took the gloss from Viva.
"I dunno. Clay misplaces so much stuff. I'm like a memory person hehe!" Viva laughed.
"Anywho.. why are you putting makeup on?" Viva asked Poppy.
"Umm.. I have a.. date-"
Viva stared and Poppy with a smile.
"Girrrrlllll! Why didn't you tell me?!"
"W-well it all happened fast and I just said yes and he said 'okay meet me at the park at nine tonight.'"
"Tonight?! Pop rocks! You can't go skating with me!" Viva sighed.
"It's not your fault. Anyways.. who's the troll..? Is it Brancho? Heh-"
"It's Creek."
Viva gasped in shock. Not that rude little broccoli-
Viva's mind: "This girl got really bad taste in men. If she chose Branch then I'd be less annoyed- but Creek? That self loving jerk will break her heart! I can't let that happen!"
"Poppy.. maybe, just.. I dunno.. leave him..? He's not as good as you think."
"Just trust me?"
"I-.. I really wanna trust you but.. Creek never showed hatred I think I can trust him..?"
"Oh.. well does Branch know?"
"Shoot! I forgot to tell him! Can you tell him for me? Nevermind, I will. Gotta go! Byeee!"
Poppy left the pod.
"I- okay."
Viva's mind: "I'm telling you Poppy. But you don't wanna listen."
~Viva arrived at the pod~
She knocks on the door.
Clay answers.
"Ayy Vi! What's up?"
He gives her a hug.
"Nothing much. Just gotta know, where's Branch?"
"Oh, he went out looking for Poppy-"
"Oh crap-"
Viva explains to Clay.
"Oh." Clay looked confused.
"Should we go find them-?" Viva asked
"Probably. Branch might murder someone- He really likes Poppy. He also told me that he finally had the courage to ask her out-"
"OH M GEE! Aaa so cute! I'm adding that to my ship list."
"Wait, you got a ship list?"
"Yeah! I made up this ship name for them. 'Broppy' ooh and there's also 'Sprandy',you know, for the two love birds."
"Anywho.. let's go!"
Viva grabbed Clay's hand and they started walking.
Poppy arrived at the park.
"Hey, princess!" Creek yelled from a distance.
"You look so pretty tonight."
"Aw, thanks!" Poppy giggled.
They sat down and held hands. (I'm going to throw up here- 🤢)
Branch looks at his phone and sees Poppy's text:
"Quick message! Me is at park and oop just got out the car, text ya latrr!"
Branch's mind: "Aah.. you can do this Branch! Just pop the question and life will be easy. The worst she could say is no. Argh! Stoppp stupid brain!"
Branch puts his hand in his hair and grabs a tulip.
He takes a deep breath.
He stands up and looks for Poppy.
Branch froze. It's Creek. What the hell.
Creek seemed to notice Branch and stood up. Leaving Poppy to watch the sunset herself.
"Well, well, if it isn't PriNce BraNch- Come to confess to my girlfriend?"
"No. And why the hell are you with her?"
"Jealousy, Jealousy. Tsk tsk. Should have known. Little Princey thinks he can have everything he wants. What is the flower for?"
Branch: "Nothing! And I know are just dating her to become popular and royal!"
"As if, mate! I truly love her."
"I can see right through that lie! What a jerk."
"Uh huh. Well, I got that girlfriend card. Oh look. Here she comes now."
(🤢🤢he ugly)
"Hey, Creek, you left me. Who you talking to- Branch?! Oh M gee! Hi! I forgot to tell you! This is my date!"
"I see." Branch tried to keep his anger in.
"Sorry darling. I just had to catch up with good old Branch here."
"Waaa? Your friends with Branch?! That's awesome!"
"Ohh hell nah. Uh-uh. I'm no where near friends with this jerk."
"Jerk? Branch what do you mean?"
"You're dating a big liar, jerk, selfish, only wants what's best for him, menace!"
"What?! Branch stop. That's not who he is!"
"Of course you would defend him. After knowing him for five years."
Creek leaves the park.
"And I've known you all my life! And you STILL! You aren't listening to me! That guy is horrible. Just listen, Poppy."
" Everyone always says 'nooo Poppy.. don't do this.. don't do that..' and I'm sick of it! Let me do what I want for once!"
Branch looked at her.
"But what you want isn't right! You're going to be pulled into a hole a of sadness in a few weeks! Trust me!"
"No! I literally just told you! I want to enjoy my own life. My own way! I don't care!"
"Really. I'll see how well you go without me."
"Why are you so upset?!"
Poppy stood there in shock. Branch never yelled at her.
"Poppy- I'm sorry. I-"
Poppy looked at Branch with a cold face.
She slammed her hand onto his face, slapping Branch hard.
Branch looked down at the tulip.
Poppy glanced at the tulip. She stopped moving when she saw Branch slightly shaking.
"Branch. I'm sorry. I- I- didn't m-"
"Save it."
"Just save it. You clearly don't need me anymore. Anyway. Here's my tulip." Branch threw the tulip at Poppy and walked away.
Poppy just stood there, feeling guilty of what she'd just done.
"I'm so stupid." She fell to the ground and tears started pouring out of her eyes.
Branch started running back to the pod. He was about to pass Clay and Viva until Clay grabbed Branch.
"Hey! How was th- Branch. You good?"
Branch didn't answer and looked down. He wiped his tears with his arm.
"I'm fine."
Viva looked at Branch.
"No.. you're not fine. What's wrong?"
Viva shot him a "trust us" look.
"I- me and Poppy had a fight. Can I go now?"
Clay and Viva looked at each other.
"No. Not yet. Tell us what happened." Clay looked at Branch.
Branch rolled his eyes and finally gave in.
He starts talking, but the slap made his cheek bleed.
"Wait.. is that blood? Did you guys throw hands?!" Viva asked.
"No. Well Poppy sorta did.."
"Say what now?!"
Branch started explaining.
Poppy stood up. She looked around and Creek was no where to be seen.
Poppy walked around the dark park and tried to find Creek.
As she did, she heard distant shouting for help in the forest nearby.
"Creek?!" Poppy yelled.
"Poppy! Help me! I'm stuck and wolves are hunting me down!"
Poppy started running towards the forest.
As soon as she ran into the forest, her foot got stuck in some rocks.
The bushes around her rustled. Poppy looked up, startled.
"Hah- you really are gullible."
"Wha-what do you mean?"
"I'm just saying. You're stupid. Dumb. Not smart."
Poppy didn't want to look at Creek in the eyes.
"Why did you do this?!"
"Do what? It was all you babe."
"You made me lose someone special!"
"I did? Oh ho. No. You made yourself lose someone special. I had no part in it."
"You tricked me!"
"Nah. Never did."
"You told me-"
"Ah-ah! Shush."
Creek put his hand on Poppy's mouth.
"Now, you listen. Or no one will ever see you again."
Poppy bit his hand and started to yell.
"Ow- you little." Creek pushed her down causing her ankle to twist.
Poppy cried in pain.
Creek snapped his fingers.
"Guys. Lock her up!"
Two trolls came out of nowhere with masks on and started grabbing Poppy.
"Noo!" Poppy screamed as her anklet fell off.
"I'll be back later darling. I just gotta make up a fake story about how you got eaten up by wolves." Creek grinned and walked away.
Poppy's eyes were glowing with anger as the two trolls dragged her into an underground cave.
They closed the hatch.
"Augh.. sugar!"
Poppy started punching the wall out of anger.
"I'm stupid. I'm stupid. I'm stupid."
Poppy kept repeating over and over until her fists started to bleed.
She lowered her body and sat down.
Viva and Clay sat there, shocked.
"Can I go now?"
"Yeah. Okay."
Branch went back home.
Viva and Clay looked at each other.
They sighed and the two went back to their own pods.
{Next day}
"Hey Veevs, where's Poppy?" King Peppy asked.
"Uhmm.. I'm not sure."
"She hasn't come back yet.. maybe she stayed the night?"
"Oh.. okay."
Poppy woke up to a blinding light.
"Oh, you're awake."
The light turned off as Creek approached her.
Poppy looked around. She was hanging with her two arms up.
"What are you planning to do?" Poppy asked.
Creek looked up at her.
"Oh nothing~ or maybe try to get into the royalty spot?"
"Yeah sure. My dad isn't dumb enough to believe your lies! Neither is my sister!"
"I telling you!" Poppy tried to kick Creek's face.
"Nobody's helping you now, sweet pea." Creek laughed.
Poppy realized that he might be right. She did push the people that she loved most away all for some idiot troll.
Creek left the cave and snickered.
Poppy sighed.
~Another day passed by~
"Viva. I'm stressed. Where is Poppy?" King Peppy tapped his daughter.
Viva didn't answer. She was too busy up in her mind worrying about Poppy.
King Peppy shook Viva this time.
"Aah- uhm, yes dad?"
King Peppy: "Poppy isn't home yet. I'm worried."
"Me too. I'm gonna go find her."
"..okay. Be safe."
Viva left the pod.
She knocked on the door and Floyd answered.
"Hi Viva! What's up?"
Viva: "Where's Branch?"
Floyd: "Oh. Lemme call him."
"Okay. Thank you."
Branch walked up to Floyd.
"What do you need-"
Viva: "Branch. Do you know where Poppy is?"
Branch: "Poppy? No.. why?"
"Oop my food is ready- I'm just gonna go" Floyd walked away.
Viva: "She's been missing for two days."
Branch looked at Viva, worried.
Viva: "Can you come and help me find her.?"
Branch: "I- I really don't know."
Viva: "Please?"
Clay glances at the door and sees Viva.
He walks up to her.
Clay: "Whats the matter?"
Viva: "P-poppy's missing.." Viva was about to cry.
"Oh." Clay gave her a hug.
Branch just stood there not knowing what to do.
Clay: "Let's go find her. C'mon Branch."
Branch looked at Clay.
Clay: "Branch? You coming?"
Branch nodded
Viva smiled and hugged the both of them.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
Clay: "No problem."
Branch ignored the two.
They started the search.
Poppy felt horrible. She was hanging for two days and her swollen ankle hurt badly.
Creek entered the cave.
"Soo.. I just went to your little daddy and told him what happened. Good thing that big sister of yours wasn't there."
Poppy glared at Creek.
"Yeah, he's like so panicking right now. Yeesh. Old man's gonna have a heart attack."
Poppy: "WHAT?!"
Creek: "Yeah. Bad news. Sorry buttercup!"
Poppy "One. Stop with the pet names. And two! How long are you gonna keep me here for?!"
Creek: "Oh. That is a big question. Too big that unfortunately I cannot answer it."
Poppy: "You rat."
Creek: "Say that again?"
"Yeah.. lemme just tape your mouth shut too."
Poppy tried to move but her arms were too tired.
"Ah, what's that? The sound of silence."
"Stop that muffling!"
Poppy was kicking and moving her head frantically.
"Moving will only make it worse!"
Poppy stopped. It was no use. She'd probably die alone.
Viva, Clay, and Branch were looking for clues to find Poppy.
They were in the park, where she was last seen.
Viva: "Do you think we should look in that forest over there?"
Clay: "Sure."
Branch: "Guys no. Haven't you heard? There's two trolls called the "Blood Brothers" they literally take down every troll that goes in there. We are going to get killed if we go in."
Viva looked at the ground. She saw a trail of glitter leading to the forest.
Viva: "Poppy is in there. We can try. I just hope it's not too late."
Branch: "I literally just said we are going to die in there."
Viva: "Family is worth dying for."
Viva looked at Clay and smiled. Clay smiled back.
Branch sighed.
They entered the forest. The three were looking around.
Clay looked down and pointed at something.
"Yo, Vi, is this Poppy's?"
Viva looked at it and picked it up.
Branch: "Poppy's anklet.."
Viva: "She was definitely here!"
Clay looked at where the anklet was.
Clay: "Rocks. Poppy probably got her foot stuck in there."
"Ouch." Viva looked away.
Branch walked further into the forest.
A rustling could be heard in the ferns.
"Who's there?" Branch backed away.
Two trolls jumped out of the ferns with a dead look in their eyes.
Viva hid behind Clay.
The trolls tied up the three and dragged them somewhere.
Troll one: "We've found more trolls, master."
Troll two: "Three to be exact."
Branch's eyes widen. The voice belonged to none other than, Creek.
Branch: "Creek! What did you do to Poppy?!"
"Oh, you smart one. Figured out it was me so quick!"
Viva looked at Creek with an "I will kill you if my sister is dead."
Creek: "Woah, I did not kill that little fuss pot. Let's just say, she's being tortured."
Viva did not like this answer at all. She started to scream.
One of the trolls taped Viva's mouth shut.
Creek: "Now, do it to the rest of them. And throw them in the cave."
The trolls nodded.
They threw the three into the deep, dark cave.
Poppy looked down. She saw three trolls. (Since her eyes adjusted to the darkness a while ago)
Branch bit the weak tape off.
"Jeez. I told you guys to not go into the forest. We're gonna die now."
Poppy's eye widened. She never thought that she would hear Branch's voice again.
Viva did the same.
"Well if we didn't then we wouldn't have cool adventures like this!"
Poppy's mind: "Viva?"
Viva took off Clay's tape.
Clay: "Girl- you call this adventure? I call this ultimate death-"
Poppy's mind: "Clay?"
"But look on the bright side! We are still alive right??"
Clay: "I mean, yeah."
Branch scoffed. These idiots.
A small light turned on in the cave.
Clay: "Ack- my eyesss burrnnnnn"
Viva: "You okay?"
Clay: "Probably"
Branch squinted into the darkness.
Branch: "Guys, there's something hanging right there."
"What? Really?!" Viva looked closer.
"You're right! Let's try to roll over and take a closer look!"
Clay: "I ain't seeing dead bodies today-"
Viva: "Fine. I'll go check."
Viva went on her side and rolled over to the mysterious hanging thing.
Viva: "Guys! It's a troll!"
Clay: "Ohhh hell nah, we dying today-"
Poppy looked down and saw Viva.
She tried to move as much as she could.
Viva: "Guys! They're moving! They aren't dead!"
Viva looked up. She turned on her hair light.
Viva gasped.
Poppy nodded.
"What- that little moron! Are you okay?"
Poppy shook her head {no}
"Obviously you aren't.. you're literally hanging in mid air with tape on your mouth. Poor thing!"
Poppy started to tear up.
Branch rolled over.
Branch: "So Viva, who is it- Poppy?!"
Branch: "Are you okay?!"
Poppy didn't answer. She kept sobbing quietly.
Clay came over.
"Yall left me- wait is that Poppy?"
Viva: "Yeah.."
Branch kept looking at Poppy, seeing how miserable she was.
Branch looked at the rope tied around him. He saw bits of glass on the side and picked it up.
Branch started cutting the rope with a piece of the broken glass. Although, he accidentally cut himself doing so.
Clay: "Branch, you good?"
"Yeah. I'm fine." Branch stood up.
Clay: "How did you-?"
Branch: "Don't ask how I did it. Just be glad I'm untying this rope"
Branch untied both Clay and Viva.
Viva: "How are we gonna get her down?" She pointed to Poppy.
Branch: "I don't know, but we'll get her out eventually.."
Clay: "Woah! Is it just me, or is the cave collapsing?!"
The three pulled on Poppy trying to get her free before they all suffocate.
Poppy arms hurt, but she resisted it.
Viva: "One.. two.. three.. PULL!"
Poppy slid down to the ground.
Viva hugged Poppy and ripped the tape off her mouth.
"Let's go home."
Poppy nodded.
Branch: "Hey, look! There's a little hatch up there!"
The four (mostly three since Poppy was too weak) of them pulled on the hatch and it opened.
They went out one by one.
Branch was last with Poppy on his side.
Clay: "If you two don't hurry up, then yall gonna die."
Viva: "Hurry!"
Branch and Poppy looked at each other.
"I'm sorry, Branch. For everything. You were right all along. I-I'm sorry I didn't realize it sooner-" Poppy suddenly fainted.
Branch picked her up and the two went up before the cave broke down.
~In the Hospital~
Poppy: "Doctor Moonbloom?"
MoonBloom: "Yes?"
Poppy: "Can I go on a walk?"
MoonBloom: "Alright.. just be careful. Here's your crutches."
Poppy: "Thanks!"
Poppy stood up with her crutches and walked to the little lavender field.
There she saw Branch, who was waiting for her.
Poppy moved faster and dropped her crutches. She gave him a hug. Branch was wide eyed and shed a tear.
Poppy stepped back a little and looked at the patch on Branch's cheek. She laughed.
"I guess we're both hurt now."
"Yeah." Branch smiled at Poppy.
And also Creek died for not paying the Blood Brothers for their work. (Sorry I didn't include that in the story 😔) Sorry about the sorta rushed ending too, I feel like overall this story made no sense, but it was cute at the end 💖
Thanks for reading! ❤️
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