Note Hunt! Part 1
Olivia was up bright and early as she always is. She had just finished planning the best trip of Olly's and the Legion's lives! She left a note on the kitchen table and flew off somewhere. This was going to be great!
Olly had just woken up, stretching as he hops out of bed to get ready for the day. The legion were all in the living room, doing their own thing. Jean was doddling in his notepad, Rubber band was thinking up a new song, Tape and Stapler were sleeping on the couch, Scissors was watching something and Hole Punch was being Hole Punch. They went into the kitchen for a snack, then seeing Olivia's note. They grab it and headed to the others.
Hole Punch: "Yo guys! I found this piece o' paper layin' around da kitchen table. It's from boss's sister"
Scissors: "Really? What does that girl want"
Colored Pencils: "I suggest waiting for boss to get ere zen"
Rubber band: "Sounds good darling!"
Olly was done getting ready, heading to the living room. He strolls by and enters the room, being pulled over the second he walked in.
Hole Punch: "Olly, man. Yo sister left this note in da kitchen and cut the rug like listening to a bopping 80's hit single (God hole punch speech is fun). Maybe you could read over it?"
Olly: "Ok"
Olly took the note and read through it.
Dear Brother and the Legion,
I'm very exited to tell you I planned a vacation trip for all of you! You all seem really busy with work and/or training that I think you need a break. So I made this! But i wanted to make it a game, regular one are just so boring. I've hidden a series of notes like this all over the Mushroom Kingdom, Koopa Kingdom, and Origami Kingdom for you to search for! To tell you where said notes are, i've made riddles hinting at each loacation! Here's the first:
"Flower's seen for fields and fields, green grass as well,
This place is definatlly the opposite of Hell,
O' ribbon of Red was once seen for miles along end,
The first place I traveled with my friend,
Toads scattered at this humble abode,
The first note is at______."
Good luck you all! Hope I see you soon! I'm at the vacation spot.
Love to all,
- Olivia
Olly: "A....vacation?"
Tape: "Eh? What 'appened?"
Hole Punch: "Well why you were vibin' I found a note send by boss' sister! It said something bout a vacation! We all can vibe~ and chill to some sweet beats yo!"
Tape: "Ye, sound good! Where is it tho? Do ya'lls kno'?"
Rubber Band: "We just found it well, Hole Punch found it"
Olly: "Well let's get going, don't want to keep Olivia waiting forever."
Colored Pencil: "Alrighty, we shall go À l'heure actuelle (Right now in french)"
Scissors: "Let's get started~"
To be continued....
(Do ya'll want me to continue or no? Tell me in comments!)
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