As a reminder I do not own Pokémon. All rights go to the Pokémon company.
Special thanks to dawnhikari2017 , KasumixSatoshi , and BurningLeafOfLove for giving my story a try! I hope you guys enjoy this story! <3 <3
Drew finally stopped at the Hot Lotus Springs camping sight. "I'll be right back. I'm going to pay for our camping spot." Drew said as he got out of the RV. "WOW! This place even has a hot spring! It's so beautiful!" May said to herself out loud. "HEY! GUYS! What do you think?" May asked her friends sticking her head out the window. "IT'S GREAT!" Misty and Ash exclaimed. "I think it's fine but I think the RV is better." Dawn stated. "Alright guys. Follow me to the camp site. We'll park there." Drew said as he got back into the RV and started to drive to the reserved spot.
They finally arrived at the campsite and they were awestruck. "Woah . . . this place is just simply GORGEOUS!" May exclaimed walking out of the RV. "Yeah it's totally rad!" Ash said excited. "Who says rad anymore?" Dawn asked. "Him." Misty replied simply.
After they took a look around something hit them. "Hey guys? Where are we all sleeping?" May asked. "I brought a tent that can fit two!" Ash exclaimed. "The RV has a couch and a queen sized bed." Drew stated. "Alright, me and Ash will share the tent. Two of you guys can share the bed and one can get the couch." Misty stated. "Aright we'll do rock paper scissors and whoever loses first get's to sleep on the couch." May stated. "ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS!" The three chanted. Dawn had picked scissors while Drew and May picked rock. "Aww man! Well at least I get my own space." Dawn said as she took her suitcase into the RV and started unpacking.
May wasn't to thrilled that she had to share a bet with Drew but it was better than sleeping in the tent or being cramped up on the couch. She started putting her clothes in one side in the closet and Dawn's clothes were on the other side. They also put their extra shoes in the closet as well. Ash brought a bunch of food as he put it all in the fridge and put his sleeping bag into the tent. Misty didn't have unpack her clothes since May and Dawn took over the closet so she left her stuff in her suitcase. Drew also didn't have to unpack, since he didn't bring much he just left his stuff in his suitcase as well.
"Hey guys? You want to go to the hot spring?" Ash asked. "Sure." Misty replied. "Come on girls, let's go change." Dawn said walking in the RV, Misty and May following close behind. "Alright, I'll just go get my trunks on!" Ash said walking into the tent. "Me too." Drew said following Ash. "Do you think it was a mistake coming?" Drew asked. "No, why?" Ash asked confused. "Well, May is gonna be annoying the whole time. All she ever does is whine and complain." Drew stated. "Oh don't be like that. I know you like her~" Ash said in a sing song voice. "No I don't!" Drew yelled scaring some birds away. "Sure you don't. Come on I'm sure the girls are waiting." Ash said with a grin as he walked out of the tent with Drew following behind.
The girls were surprisingly done before the boys waiting by the RV. "You guys wanna walk there?" Misty asked. "Sure." They all replied. The started to walk towards the hot spring. Once they finally made it there Misty got in first. "How does it feel?" May asked. "Great!" Misty exclaimed. Everyone got in the hot spring. "So . . . let's plan our week here." Misty stated. "Ok." Dawn replied drinking her coconut water. "Well I think we should just go with the flow." May stated. "And that's why you don't have an interesting life. I mean you practically begged me to come so you wouldn't be bored." Drew said while flicking his hair. "NO I DID NOT! I HAVE A VERY INTERESTING LIFE! IN FACT I HAVE MORE FUN IN A DAILY BASES THAN YOU!" May screamed which echoed through the whole campsite. " Okay chill guys! This is supposed to be fun not a hassle!" Misty stated. "Well she's always makes everything a hassle, so we can never have have when she's around." Drew said flicking his hair again. "I-I-I'm not a h-hassle! You know what? If I'm such a hassle then have fun by yourselves! See what I care! Just don't come crying to me when your completely bored!" May yelled at her friends, tears filling her eyes, while she got out of the hot spring and walked away.
"Great, just great! Look what you did! Idiot!" Misty yelled at Drew. "What!? I'm just speaking the truth! The brat had to be stopped." Drew yelled back at Misty. Little did he know May was still listening. She started to cry silently walking away. Everyone just looked at Drew with disappointed faces as they left the hot spring. Ash stopped to look back at Drew and just shook his head. Drew eventually got out of the hot spring and followed them back to the campsite.
Alright guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please let me know of any suggestions for the next chapter.
Remember: Requests are always welcome so don't be afraid to ask.
Until then this has been Roses4may,
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