As a reminder I do not own Pokémon. All rights go to the Pokémon company.
Hey guys it's Roses4may! I hope you enjoy this story as much as you enjoy my other story 'I Hate To Love You'. This will be a pokeshipping, contestshipping, and ikarishipping. But mainly Contest. So I hope ya'll pokeshippers are happy and for ya'll amourshippers I'm so sorry, I am one myself but I thought 'I have so many pokeshipping friends I'll make something that will make them happy! Again sorry amourshippers but maybe you can read for the contest and ikarishipping? Up to you. Anyways, enjoy!
May sat on the couch on her phone while her brother Max played on his Xbox one. "When can I play Max?" May asked bored out of her mind. " Mmm . . . . how about next week? Yeah that works for me." Max said rudely as he went back to playing his video game. Summer had barely started and May was going insane. She tried doing different DIY's and crafts but none entertained her and she couldn't even play on the Xbox. Her family didn't have money for a pool or money to go to the water park. May tried to earn allowance but she was to lazy to do any chores. She couldn't even buy a chocolate bar. She tried to buy a small plastic pool a long time ago in advanced but her mom said it was pointless, which did make sense in May's mind.
May was looking at fun things to do for summer online. She scrolled and scrolled and yet found nothing. May had finally came across one thing. CAMPING. May hadn't been camping since she was five so she thought it could be fun since she hadn't been in a long time. She had a tent that could fit a couple people but she didn't have any other supplies. She also didn't have any transportation since she didn't have a driving permit. Her parents probably wouldn't take her unless they wanted to go to. That's when it hit her. She could invite her friends! She called Misty and Dawn so they could all chat at the same time.
"Hello?" May asked. "Hello!" They both answered. "So May, what's up?" Dawn asked. "Well I just kinda suddenly wanted to go camping and was wondering if you wanted to come too?" May asked. "Yeah! That would be great! Ash also invited me though too so is it okay if he comes too?" Misty asked excitedly. "Yeah, of course!" May exclaimed. "But what about dirt?! You know what? Fine I'll come as long as there's an RV." Dawn stated. "Uh we don't have one . . . but I do know someone who does!" May exclaimed. "Alright, I'll be ready by 4. We'll meet at your house May." Dawn stated. "Alright! Just pack what's needed and I'll see you guys later!" may said excitedly. "Bye!" Both girls said and hung up to pack.
May had to call her rich friend to borrow his RV, which was a hassle for her since she didn't like him very much. "Hello?" May asked dully. "Hello. What's up?" Drew asked. "I need to borrow your RV for camping. Me, Misty, and Dawn want to go camping but Dawn won't come unless there's an RV. Oh yeah and Ash is tagging along too." May stated. "Alright. On one condition. I get to go too." Drew said. May thought about it for a moment. She didn't want him to come cause she knew he would annoy her but Dawn wouldn't go unless there was an RV. "Alright, fine. Meet at my house at 4, okay?" May. "Alright, see you there." Drew said and then hung up. May started packing the needs for her trip. She packed some tank tops, t-shirts, a pair of sweat pants, yoga pants, and some pairs of shorts and leggings, pajama's, underwear and bra's, her Ipod, a couple books, and her bathroom supplies.
Once Drew got off the phone he started to pack what was needed. After he was done he went to go tell his parents about the camping trip. "Hey mom and dad? Can I use the RV for the summer?" He asked politely. "Of course sweetheart, just be careful." His mom replied. "Alright, I'll be back by the end of summer. Bye mom and dad love you!" Drew said as he walked out the door. "Bye sweetheart! Be safe!" His mom called while his dad smiled. Drew walked out of his mansion too his garage and started the RV and started to drive to May's house.
Everyone had arrived at May's house. May said her goodbyes to her parents and brother and was ready to leave. "Um. . . what car am I going in?" May asked. Ash had a convertible which he was driving and Misty sat in the front with him. The back seat was filled with their luggage. "You guys couldn't have put some of that stuff in the trunk?" May asked irritated. "Not really, it's cause he packed a bunch of food that's in the trunk." Misty replied while Ash looked like he was day dreaming about eating all the food. "DAWN?! What the heck?! I said the needs not wants!!!" May yelled at Dawn who had her whole car stuffed with at least 4 big suitcases, 3 medium sized and 6 carry on's. "Sorry, but I need this stuff." Dawn stated as she slipped her sunglasses on. "Well I guess your riding with me." Drew said as he opened the door to the RV. "Ugh just great! Now I gotta ride with this jerk! Thanks guys!" May said with sarcasm. "Sorry. Which campsite are we going to?" Ash said cluelessly. "Just follow me. I'll lead you there." Drew said. Dawn, Misty, and Ash agreed as Ash got his car behind Drew's RV and Dawn went behind Ash.
May just stood there not wanting to ride with Drew. "What's wrong?" Drew asked. "mfjehf kmfenid hfnfeme." May said under her breath. "What?" Drew asked. " I SAID I DON'T WANT TO RIDE WITH YOU!" May yelled. "Come on May we have to set up camp before dark so come on!" Drew said as he waited for her to walk in the RV. "Fine but I'm sitting in the back." May said as she walked up the steps into the RV. "WOAH! What is this?! A house?! IT'S AMAZING!" May exclaimed.
"I know, I know, it's amazing. Now come on sit down so I can start driving." Drew said as he buckled his seatbelt. "Alright." May said sitting on the couch. Drew started the RV. He started driving and Ash, Misty, and Dawn followed closely behind. Little did they all now this was going to be a hectic summer.
Alright that's it! I hope you guys enjoyed it. Sorry if you didn't. Please let me know if you want me to continue this story or otherwise I'll probably delete it. But I hope you guys liked it.
If you have any suggestions please put them in the comments below!
Until then this has been Roses4may,
BAI! <3
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