Chapter 2
Y'all should listen to this song as well it's actually good also with headphones unless you're home alone cause yea
So I have so much tea that I can't tell anyone but y'all do t know me so it doesn't count so boy who I'll call 'stab' is in my form and he's friends with one of my friends girl who I'll call Crazy and so he has crazy snap and she send the snap steak a thing with hearts to bee time and so basically she sent him one and he sent her a photo like not snap actual photo of himself with the s she does with heart and it was so ugly like it looked like the shitiest mugshot ever 💀and so she was like should I save it so she did and also she called him at like 7 am thinking she was calling her mum so Stabbed now had a miss all where she called him that early and it's not big but it is when you're a year 9 I dunno what grade that is and so yeah
Also Crazy asked guy who I'll call Roll she asked him if he was 💅🏼 he said no except for his best friend a cheating scum attempted r*list try a be a deadbeat dad at 13 piece of shit and this other guy he's friends with who has a gf.
Also I do computer science as like my creative subject for eight weeks or something it's my eighth and thank fully last week of it cause my teacher is a sadistic powerhungry manipulative hypocritical self absorbed narcissistic prick who I want to push off a balcony. But this bitch who I hate who i think I already called dog shot cause that what her hair smells like wasn't in yayyyy 🥳🥳 and Crazy fizzed up year sevens cause she didn't realise they were year seven and got called a p*do a lot some year 7 sad I had no brain cells for not remembering my age and then saying I don't k on my birthday it was a joke 😒 year 7s in my school are such snitches and dickheads they don't mind their business Also the rude one was literally trying to eat food off the floor
Also guy who hates gay people that everyone thought was gay and shipped with this one zesty guy who turns out he hated and I shipped with this not obviously gay guy for no reason who turned out to like him but the guy who I'll call rainbow had a crush on me and now we're kimda friends sorry but loads of my friends are kinda homophobic but less than most and only three are. So I sit next to him in science and it's super awkward so yeah
Also guy who sits next to me in maths who I'll call tweedle Dee cause he's a twin and annoying so he was saying to roll his roll is sexy and hot and the I asked him is he gay he said he was straight him and roll are friends so Dee asked till if it was gay to call your bestie sexy and he said depending how you say it like if you go you're really sexy and hit them yes but if you go you look fine today as hell today then no so hes gay now I've decided also why is every homophobic guy gay like what
Anyway tell me why I spent three hours doing two pieces of hw and crying and also listening to true crime while watching a modern Sherlock Holmes remake and listening to a playlist I made I really can't do anything unless like seven things are going on probably cause I'm used to working around my loud ass class
And I haven't packed my bad and I need to get up in Sven hours it I'm not sleeping for another four cause I'm lazy but also somehow that makes sense I'm too lazy to sleep and I need a bookish bestie cause that's who tia bow was meant to be when we agreed to stay friends like I offered he said yeah we were and know doesn't say shit so whatever and he is still reading the book form three months ago and doesn't talk about it or care and I've got through twelve books and he was utterly useless just without that as well Anyways I'm tired byeeeeeeeee
TIRED OF WRITING NOT BEING AWAKE maybe alive but still
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