Part 13 - Solitary
I feel so excited about this chapter and especially about the next one. I hope you'll gonna like it. Enjoy ^.^
(Delirious POV)
I washed my face one more time, still seeing the red color in the water. I looked into the mirror, and I saw new blood coming out of my nose. My face started to swollen up, and I knew I had to find William today, or else I was going to be unable to find him the other days.
Stop bleeding already!
I washed my face one more time, when I heard a desperate scream, making my blood and my heart stop.
I ran out of the bathrooms, looking for the source of the scream. I saw two men dragging Evan through the hallway. My heart skipped a beat as he managed to get free, running away from them my way, when he got tackled down by one of the men. As the man looked at me, I recognized his face immediately.
William. What have you got yourself into, Evan?
I cursed myself, I hated myself, that I couldn't help him, nor could I do anything. I leaned against the wall, putting my fake amused smile on, as they both got Evan up again.
"This is how you treat your men?" I spoke up, crossing my arms.
I need to save him!
"Mind your own business, Moore," Walter replied, pushing into Evan.
I had to hold myself, push away the protective instincts, or I would do something I was going to regret.
"Solitary! I don't belong there. I haven't done anything wrong," Evan screamed loudly, and I quickly put two and two together.
"Shut up," Walter growled, pushing into Evan more violently.
I turned myself and walked different direction, even though it was the hardest thing to do. Ending up at my cell, I quickly checked my surroundings and without any other thinking grabbed the vial with poison, hidden in the wall behind the sink.
I knew I was playing against the time, mainly when I knew as a prisoner I had to obey the rules set by the Walter and he guards. The more time I was giving to William, the more I was risking he would have hurt Evan. After a quick mental debating with myself, I decided not to take my gun. I didn't want to get into the troubles on the way to safe Evan. Moving the sink back I turned myself to the bed, hiding the vial.
My head shot the way I heard, having almost an heart attack. I put my amused smile on my face, hiding my hate and anger behind it.
"I wanted to talk with you about what you've seen," Walter started, and I casually leaned against the wall next to my bed.
"Really? Remind me," I said, knowing he had two options.
He could have begged me not to tell anybody, given me some benefits of knowing this, or he could have threatened me. With the way his voice sounded I knew where we were going.
"That's the right answer. What do you want in exchange?"
Called it.
"Let me visit that pretty flower. Give me at least twenty minutes," I said, seeing him sigh.
"Fine, even though I don't understand why can't you fuck just some of your inmates."
"It's like a winning price. Can we do it now? My free time's not eternal," I said a bit desperate, hiding the worry from the tone of my voice.
"Now? Sure. Follow me, but if you try anything stupid, Moore, I swear you won't leave this place alive," he threatened me, and I slowly nodded.
You're going to be the one who's not living soon. Along with William.
I followed Walter through the hallway down upon the stairs. We appeared to be in the solitary, not even a single guard in there. All I could hear was screams of desperation around.
They wouldn't dare to kill Evan, right? They know he's famous and people know about him. His disappearance would not go so smoothly. So I swear I'll make William pay for every little drop of blood I find on Evan.
"You have twenty minutes, no more. Tell anybody about what you've seen today and you're a dead man," Walter threatened me once again and I knew he was purely terrified of somebody finding out about him.
Just open the damn door already!
We approached one door and I was just imagining what everything Evan is going through right now. How injured he must be, in so much unimaginable pain. And all because he wanted to save me.
Walter firstly banged on the door before using his keys to open it. I was prepared to see everything I could imagine but what I saw made my eyes widen in shock. The whole world froze at that moment.
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