Part 1 - Leaving again
Well, well, well. I'm not sure what to think about the first chapter, but it is what it is. ❤️
Also, not doing a regular update schedule yet, since I have the other book to attend to. Enjoy ^.^
(Vanoss POV)
"Don't move," I whined, snuggling into his chest.
"Evan," he started amused, but I quickly shook my head.
"Don't you dare! You don't need to pee or to eat," I mumbled, hearing him laugh from the bottom of his heart.
"Evan," he tried again, and I finally looked up to his blue eyes.
"Tell me what you want and I'll bring it to you. Even the stars from the dark sky," I smiled at him, feeling my cheeks burning in shyness.
"Ohm with Bryce awaits my phone call. I need to at least text them. I vanished from their house without any words," he sighed, ruffling my hair.
"They can wait! I don't want to leave your side," I replied silently.
He caressed my cheek, placing a kiss on my forehead. I felt suddenly protected, living a long wanted dream. Being so close to him, having an opportunity to hug him and kiss him without being afraid of his rejection. Tell him how much I loved him was the best thing on the world, show him how much influence he had on me.
"I'll return, I promise," he whispered.
"I'm going only for my phone, I won't leave your house. Evan, I really need to talk to them. They wait for me with Luke's funeral, and I want to be there."
I heard a tone of sadness in his voice, making me snuggle into his chest again. The idea of him being sad was just killing me. He was my strong male, my idol in everything, my reason I changed in everything, my love of my life.
"I'm sorry for your loss," I mumbled, but he shook his head.
"Don't worry about it. Can I go now?"
"Fine, I need to eat anyway," I replied, slowly getting off the bed.
My arm was grabbed, and I was immediately pulled back. His lips found mines, making me dizzy just from this short contact. It felt so amazing, like our first kiss.
"Why did you do that?" I asked, my voice betraying me.
"Something to remember," he smiled at me, and I saw him getting off the bed, where he covered his nakedness.
"I won't forget then," I mumbled back, when he disappeared.
It took me a few minutes before I found an energy to even move. Missing his warm body beside me, I slowly got off the bed. Even though I really didn't want to, I at least took my long shirt, which covered my lower parts, being completely naked underneath. My legs carried towards the kitchen, passing by the living room where I spotted Jonathan talking with somebody on the phone.
I stopped for a moment, leaning against the doorframe with the best view on the older male. He looked so relaxed, but focused at the same time. His muscles, his perfectly shaped body, his scars, made him look even more attractive. And the winning card were his eyes. I just couldn't stop looking into them, feeling so many emotions at once. They were the doorway into his soul.
He looked at me, smiling at me, while still on the phone. I didn't realize I was holding my breath, until he said so.
"No, I wasn't talking to you. Continue," he mumbled, rolling his eyes.
I'll let him have his moment.
Opening the fridge, I looked inside, only to meet disappointment. Since I had no idea Delirious is going to visit me so soon, I didn't bought any food.
"I really should have eaten at Tyler's house yesterday," I mumbled to myself, trying to figure out what to eat.
But my thoughts were interrupted, when there was a doorbell echoing through the house. Lazily, I walked towards them, expecting no guest whatsoever. I opened them, seeing familiar faces.
"Hey?" I blinked several times, when Craig hugged me instantly.
"He couldn't stop whining about you being alone. So here we're," Tyler smiled at me.
Tyler doesn't know Delirious is here? They haven't talked?
"I expected more happiness," Craig mumbled, making me step away so they could have walked in.
Fuck! I'm still naked, I'm still naked.
"I-I'm happy, just surprised," I replied, closing the door behind them.
Think! What now? Was it a secret that he's here?
"Sorry Evan, but the idea of you crying your soul out just because of that damn asshole who couldn't even appreciate your efforts..."
Craig stopped talking, his eyes looking at something behind me. And I exactly knew what, or more specifically who, it was.
"You motherfucker," Tyler mumbled, smirking.
"What asshole? Keep going, this is getting interesting," Delirious said, making Craig look down.
I looked behind me, seeing him already being dressed. It made me feel more embarrassed knowing I had only a shirt on me, while the others were clothed.
"I think we can leave now," Tyler said, turned around, but he was stopped by Delirious.
"Wait! Not so fast. Can I talk with you in private?" He spoke up towards Tyler, and I looked at Craig.
Even though I was feeling jealousy in me, because he wanted to speak with Tyler and not me, I knew they needed their time alone. So I grabbed Craig, leading him to the living room.
"How's this even possible? You said he stayed at North Carolina!" Craig complained confused, and I smiled.
"Yeah, well... he just happened to be here yesterday after I had left Tyler's house."
"Wait... he came back? I thought Bryce and Ohm supposed to celebrate Christmas with him."
He came back to tell me he loved me. And that meant so much to me.
I looked down at the bracelet with the owl on it. The bracelet he gave me as a Christmas gift.
"Have you... have you told him about your feelings, Evan?" Craig asked me carefully, and I looked back at him.
"I did. It was actually an accident, it slipped," I replied.
"And? Don't do this to me, I'm too curious," Craig complained.
"Well, he said he loved me," I smiled at him, receiving a dramatic gasp for the air.
"Really?! Oh my God! That's amazing, I'm so happy for you! Still can't believe how you, out of all people, could fell in love, but congratulation!"
"Evan?" I heard the deep voice behind me, making me turn my head towards it.
"Can we talk?" Delirious asked, and I nodded, feeling anxious about his seriousness.
We change the places with Tyler. I followed him upstairs, where he closed the door behind us.
"I'm going back home," he announced me.
"I'm going with you then," I replied instinctively, receiving a smile.
"I knew you would say that. I'm going there only for like two days," he soothed me, and I immediately shook my head.
"I'm going with you. I won't let you leave me again," I raised my voice, desperate not to loose him again.
"It's just a funeral, I don't want to drag you with me just for the ceremony and then back home;" he replied calmly.
"Why did you come back here then?! To leave me the next day?" I was almost screaming, acting like a hysterical girl, but I knew that every time he left me something bad happened.
"I love you, Evan, and nothing is going to change that. I don't want to leave you, I really don't, but Luke was my best friend and he deserves the last goodbye, even though he did things I want to forget."
I closed my eyes, fighting back the tears. I was pulled into a hug, and inhaled his scent.
"There's no danger for us right now. Mark is in the coma, Ohm on our side," he started.
Luke and Jack dead.
"Tyler and Craig are going to be with you. You won't be alone."
"I'll wait here then. And be fast, ok?" I mumbled, and he hugged me tighter.
"Wait... are you naked underneath that?" He whispered, when I felt his hands drifting lower.
I quickly moved away from him, my cheeks burning. He laughed, while I lowered the shirt.
"Not until you return. Now go," I whispered.
"I'll be back soon, you won't even know the difference, I promise."
I want to believe you. I really, really do.
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