Spin The Bottle
They Boys sat in a circle with a bottle in the middle"Okay you have to kiss who every you land on,On the Lips."Roman said and smirks
"So if I land on Lo I have to kiss him on the Lips."Virgil said
"Yep."Patton said "That gross."Virgil said "Indeed."Logan said "Then try to land in me Dr.Gloom."Roman smirks
Virgil spin the bottle and it land on Patton"Okay come here Patt."Virgil said.Patton leans over and Virgil kiss him on the lips "Roman you go."Logan said he spin the Bottle and lands on Virgil"Come here my Emo nightmare."He purrs Virgil leans over and Kiss him.They Kiss for about 7 second and Stop"Ummm."Virgil turn red and sit back "Your a great kisser."Roman purrs out "It seem to be my turn!"Logan said.He spins the Bottle and it Lands in Patton.Patton squealed and got up sat on his lap and started kissing him.Logan moan into the kiss and wrap his arm around his waist"Err ummm...Hello Logan,Pat air..."Roman said turning red as his little brother made out with a guy a they met a week ago....Well he kind of did the same with Virgil.Patton moved back"OH GOSH I AM SORRY LOGAN!"He cried out and ran to his room ashamed that he basically made out with the man he had a crush on
"Patton wait.."Logan said he lick his lips and got up.."Great...Logan Listen if you wanna date Patton that fine truly but you gotta be careful with him.Okay?"Roman said in an Serious tone "Same to you."Logan said.He walked to Patton room
Logan POV:
I walked to Patton's room
"Patton?"I knock on the door"Leave me alone Lo...I don't want your pity."Patton said sounding heart broken"Patton please I wanna talk I want to be with you...Please let's talk."I said"Fine come in."Patton said.I walked into his room and open up my arms.He ran to him and Hug him"I am sorry for that kiss Lo."He saids"Hey listen Patton it okay I like it."I said and hug him tightly"Y-You did?"He said
"Yeah..It felt..nice."I said.He looked at me and smiles"May I ask you something Patton?"I said this is it...The moment I wait for..my whole life I though"Yes?"Patton said"Do you wanna be my Boyfriend?"I ask"Yes!"He exclaim and kiss me
We stop kissing and he giggled"Thank you Logan."He said I laid us on his Bed"Let's sleep Lo Lo."He said and snuggle up to me"Night."I said
"Good night."He said and we both feel asleep.
(So that happens.....I regret nothing....-Dabs-SEE YOU TOMORROW MY PEEPS AND GEEKS PEACE OUT!)
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