*Ashton's POV*
My mother stood in the driveway talking to Saxons parents. They were laughing and having a good time. There heads turned to us when we pulled into the drive way, a few seconds later Saxon and Reed pulled in. Saxon got out of his car and went to greet his parents. He was talking to them, laughing and having a good time. I felt a stab of pain in my heart, why can't I have parents that love me? I shrugged off the feeling and got out of the car. As soon as my mother saw me her smile turned to a frown. Julie, Saxons mother, followed her gaze and her eyes landed on me. She studied me for a moment before her eyes lit up.
She made her way to me and engulfed me in a hug.
"Ashton! I've missed you so much. Oh look at you, your so beautiful!" She exclaimed. I always loved Julie. I smiled at her and replied,
"I've missed you to Julie. And thank you." Julie was always there for me when I needed somebody and in all honesty, she was the only person I missed when I left. Her husband, Bill, made his way over to us.
"It's nice to see you again Ashton." Bill said kindly. I reached my hand out for him to shake but he pulled me into a hug. "My wife's right Ashton, your very beautiful. I'm sure whoever your mate turns out to be is going to be a very lucky man." My eyes flashed to Saxon for a moment and I noticed that there was pain in his eyes. When he noticed me looking he quickly looked away.
"Ya I guess." I said nicely. Bill smiled an returned to his conversation with my mother.
"Ashton I have to ask, why did you run away?" Julie asked. I sighed knowing that she would eventually ask this question.
"I...just needed to get away for a while, ya know?" I replied. I hated lying to people but I couldn't tell her the truth.
"Oh I see. I just wished you would have told me darling, I was worried sick about you!" Julie laughed. I smiled a real smile and replied,
"I'm sorry Julie, it won't happen again." She smiled at me, kissed me on the cheek and went back to her conversation. I turned towards Lilly and she motioned towards the house, I nodded my head and followed her.
When we got inside I threw my bag on the ground and ran to the kitchen. Rummaging threw the fridge I found some strawberries and started to eat them. I looked towards Lilly and raised a eyebrow.
"What's wrong?" I asked. She seemed tense and nervous.
"Umm nothing." She replied, just a little to quickly. I frowned, I thought we were friends.
"You can tell me ya know. Whatever it is I won't tell." I tried to reassure her. She nodded her head and looked towards the floor.
"I think I might be pregnant." She said, barely above a whisper. I gasped, but then started to jump around like a little girl.
"Yay! I'm gonna be an auntie!" I shrieked. Lilly jumped forward and clasped a hand over my mouth.
"Shhhh! It's not for sure yet!" She whispered.My eyes got big and I nodded my head. She slowly removed her hand from my mouth. You see it's normal for werewolves to have children at young ages because its with your mate so you don't have to worry about stuff not working out.
"We need to go to the store and buy a test." I said. She nodded her head. I grabbed Lilly's hand and dragged her towards the front door. We passed Josh on the way and he made a grab for Lilly.
"Sorry Josh, we gotta go!" I yelled as I pulled her away from him. He pouted but said nothing else. When we got outside I shoved Lilly into the passenger seat and started the car up. The store was only a five minute drive away so I took the time to ask her a few questions.
"How long have you suspected it?" I asked. She thought about it and replied,
"For a month or so. I've missed two periods and I've been having morning sickness." I giggled and asked,
"If you are, are you going to be happy about it." She nodded her head immediately. I laughed at her quick answer and she stuck her tongue out at me. We were at the store now and I told Lilly to stay in the car. I ran into the store and to the woman section. There were so many tests! I grabbed four that looked the best and went to the cash register.
The woman at the register looked at the test then back to me. She got a dirty look on her face and I rolled my eyes, if only she knew. The lady ringed me up and I paid the total. Grabbing the bag I ran back to the car. I jumped into the car and threw the bag at Lilly.
"Why did you buy four" Lilly asked. I smirked and replied,
"Better safe then sorry." Lilly laughed.
"That didn't even make sense." I shrugged and looked back to the road. I speeded my way home, with Lilly yelling at me the whole time. When we got back to the house I dragged Lilly inside and up to my room. I shoved her in and locked the door, leading her to the bathroom I told her to take all of the tests.
After Lilly peed on all of the sticks she came out and we waited for what seemed like forever but was really only five minutes.
"Lets go look." I told her. She nodded her head and followed me into the bathroom. We walked over to the counter but Lilly turned away.
"I can't look." Lilly cried. I smirked and looked down at the sticks. They all read one thing. Positive. I shrieked and jumped up and down. This caused Lilly to look and wen she did she joined me in the jumping and shrieking. When we calmed ourselves down she said,
"Oh my! I'm pregnant!" I laughed and looked to her stomach. In a few months a large bump will be there. I'm gonna be an auntie!
"When are you going to tell Josh?" I asked. She got a serious look on her face and said,
"Right now." I nodded my head and followed her out. She led me downstairs and into the living room. Josh, Saxon, Reed, Winston and the twins were sitting on the couch watching tv. Lilly walked over to Josh and sat on his lap. She leaned close and whispered something in his ear. He froze for a few second then jumped up with Lilly in his arms.
"YES! YES!" He yelled. I laughed at him. The other boys were looking at him like he was crazy. He was still jumping around until he suddenly stopped. He put Lilly on the ground and stuck his head to her stomach.
"IM GONNA BE A DAD!!" He yelled. Realization was written on the other boys faces. I smiled at them and said,
"Congratulations." Josh looked to me and smiled a big, toothy smile. After ten minutes of Josh freaking out him and Lilly went up to there room. I sat on the couch, next to the twins and started to watch the tv. I slowly started to drift off, with one thing on my mind. This has been a really good day.
*Ashton's POV*
I woke up and realized I was in my bed, one of the boys must have put me here last night. I really didn't want to go to school but I knew I had no choice. I threw the blankets off of my legs and jumped out of bed, I stretched and listened to my back crack as I did.
Looking over at my clock I realized that its was already 7:20, school starts in twenty minutes! I scrambled into my bathroom, grabbing my stuff on the way. I literally took a five minute shower. Jumping out I dried my hair with a towel and then my body.
I ran to my closet an nearly fell because I still had water dripping from me. I picked out a pair of blue skinny jeans and a lacy blue shirt that hugged my curves. I pulled on my shoes and got to work on my hair. I decided I didn't have enough time to straighten it so I wrapped it into a messy bun on the top of my head, putting on minimum eyeliner and mascara, I was done.
When I got downstairs I noticed that every one was gone. "Err!" I yelled as I stomped my foot. I had bought a car when I first got to the Blood moon pack but the twins had crashed it and I never bothered to buy a new one, so I had no way to get to school.
"Do you need a ride to school?" Saxon asked from the door way. I thought about it for a moment, pros and cons. Pro, get a ride to school, Con, have to spend five minutes with a universal idiot who I hate. "Well." He asked.
"Ya." I said, deciding to just go with it. Saxon jerked his head as a gesture for me to follow him. He led me out to his car, which was a black Lamborghini, and opened the door for me. Oh what a gentleman, not. I sat down on the smooth leather seat and examined his car.
It was a really nice car. It had black interior, with a bit of red here and there. When Saxon started up the engine it purred. The drive to school was silent and there was an awkward tension in the car.
"So about what happened the other day.." Saxon started.
"Don't want to talk about it." I rushed. It was the truth, I didn't want to talk about what happened, it scared me. He frowned and tried to say something else but me being the nice person I am I cut him off.
"Just drop it Saxon, I said I don't want to talk about it." My voice was harsh and mean. I looked over and saw that his body was tense and his eyes were flashing between his and his wolfs, probably from the disrespect I just showed.
"No we need to talk about it, so your going to listen!" His alpha voice slightly shone threw as he said this. Any normal wolf would be bowing there heads right now but it didn't affect me. Well that was a lie it did affect me but only by making my wolf purr in happiness.
"No. I don't want to talk about it. Your not my alpha, you can't order me around so don't try to." My voice was raising by now and anybody could tell I was beyond angry. Saxon abruptly slammed on his brakes and I sprung forward.
"What the hell Saxon?!" I yelled. There was a car behind us that had nearly slammed into us.
"I may not be your alpha but you are on my territory which means you rightfully have to give me respect. So don't talk to me like that." He was shaking now and I could tell his wolf was close the surface. The car stuck behind us honked its horn loudly. Saxon started the car up again and continued the ride to school.
As soon as the car stopped I was up and out of it. I had only taken a few steps when I felt a hand wrap around my arm and pull me back.
"Don't walk away from me!" Saxon said, rather harshly. I snorted and pulled my arm out if his.
"You may be an alpha but like I said before, I don't have to listen to you. So leave me alone." I stated with a smirk. His eyes were fully black and I could tell he was fighting with his wolf for control. When an alpha male is disrespected it pushes all the buttons there are, especially when an alphas mate is disrespecting him.
"I just want to talk is that so bad?!" He yelled. He grabbed my arm and yanked me back with force. I fell the the ground and gasped. Looking up at him I glared an evil glare.
"So this is what it's going back to huh? You being an abusive, cruel person. Your a sad excuse of an alpha, you treated one of your own pack member like a slave. You physically and emotionally abused me every day of my life, and to make matters worst it was your own mate! You don't deserve to be alpha, you don't deserve the respect your demanding from me!" I yelled at the top of my voice.
Saxons eyes had turned completely black and I knew I was in for trouble. I turned and ran for the nearby forest. I could hear Saxons loud footsteps behind me. When I got into the woods I didn't stop, I kept running. I heard the tearing of fabric and knew he shifted into his wolf. I had never seen Saxons wolf before but he's an alpha so he must be strong.
I felt a nipping at the back of my leg and gasped. I slightly turned my head and saw that a large black wolf was right behind me. Saxon is a black wolf! Just like white wolfs, black wolves are rare to. I jumped over a large rock and let my body change, landing on the ground as my large white wolf I skidded to a stop and turned around.
As soon as I shifted Saxon had stopped chasing me. He was staring at me in awe. I had never let anyone from my old pack see me in wolf form. Saxon growled at me and took a fighting stance, but I didn't back down I rose myself to my highest. Female wolfs are naturally smaller so I didn't reach Saxons hight but I was large for a girl.
We started circling each other. I was looking for any weaknesses in his stance, any mistakes, but found none. He snapped forward at me, trying to take out my front legs. I jumped back and swatted at his face, I missed but it caused him to jump back.
This continued for about five minutes, him attacking and me defending myself. After yet another failed attempt at attacking me Saxon jumped on me when I didn't expect it. He was on top off me and my back was to the ground. I growled and snapped at him but he wouldn't move. He let out menacing growls, sign for me to step down. But I refused.
He nipped at my nose and it actually hurt. I let out a low whimper but quickly covered it up with a growl, hoping he hadn't heard it. I new he heard it though, his eyes softened, all anger leaving them and they returned back to there normal blue. He lowered his snout to my neck and nuzzled it, reaching his head back up he licked off the blood that was coming from my muzzle.
I purred when his tongue made contact with my fur. He heard my purr and purred back. He continued to lick my snout until the bleeding stopped. Saxon slowly stepped off of me but I did nothing but roll to my side. He came over to me and laid his head on my side, putting a paw over me protectively.
I new I shouldn't be doing this because Saxon rejected me and I'm not ready to forgive him but my wolf has been nagging at me and I just want to feel content and happy for at least a little while. I closed my eyes and when I opened them Saxons face was inches from mine. I pushed my nose forward and touched his.
We laid there next to each other for five minutes, doing nothing but touching noses and staring into each others eyes. I was completely relaxed when I heard the snap of a branch from the right. Saxon and I were both on our feet in a matter of seconds. He took a protective stance in front of me and growled. A few seconds later Josh, Lilly, Reed, Jace, Justin, Winston and Alice all stepped into the clearing.
It was obvious that they had all seen how Saxon and I had been less then a minute ago. Alice and Lilly had happy looks on there faces and the boys were staring carefully at Saxon. Alice gasped and said,
"It's very, very rare that a white wolf and a black wolf are mates!" What she said is true, a black wolf and a white wolf very rarely become mates, there's only one other case known in history. The rest of the group nodded there heads in agreement and smiled.
"What are you two doing out here anyways?" Reed asked. I sighed and told him threw the mind link,
'I pissed Saxon off when he gave me a ride this morning, disrespected him real bad. He chased me into the woods and we had a small fight in wolf form, he ended up biting my nose and making me bleed so I let him take care of it. It's not a big deal, please don't say anything.' I opened up the mind link so that Reed, Winston and the twins could hear.
They looked confused but nodded there heads. "Do you have any clothes?" Jace asked me. I shook my big wolf head and he ran to Reeds car to get me some. We each have a spare change of cloths because of our shifting. When he came back he threw me the clothes and I ran off to put them on.
He had grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. Walking out of the woods I saw Saxon was wearing nothing but low swung sweat pants. My wolf howled in lust but I turned my head, taking a deep breath.
"I think I'm just going to go home." I said. Reed nodded his head.
"I'll take you." He said quickly before Saxon could. I agreed and let him lead me to his car. The whole ride home I couldn't stop thinking about what happened with Saxon. When we got home I ran to my bedroom and threw myself on my bed, getting lost on my thoughts.
I felt so happy with him today, at peace, like I was finally were I belong.
Not my best chapter but still.... •_•
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