*Josh's POV*
I sighed as I sat on my sisters bed, breathing in her scent, the scent that I miss more then anything. It had been a year since she left, a whole year, and I still miss her everyday. I regret everything that I ever did to her, said to her. The day she ran away had to have been the hardest though. I had gathered a few of my friends and we went out to look for her. Her scent led into the woods and ended at a stream, the water washing away her scent.
We searched for hours, and found nothing. I even called some of the neighboring alphas and asked them to keep an eye out for her. It may not have seemed like it, but I love my baby sister with everything I have in me. Her disappearance has been hard on me, but even worse on Saxon. When I first read the note Ashton left I was confused, why would she label it to Saxon also, it just didn't make sense
But I started to notice things about him after she left. He acted depressed, disconnected from everything and everyone. So one night I confronted him about it, he told me everything. How he rejected her because she was 'fat and ugly'. I was pissed and kicked his ass. And he's just gotten worse. He barely talks to anyone, he drinks to relieve the pain and sleeps with random girls. I know that he misses her more then he lets on, maybe even more then me. I hear him cry in his room every night, that's when you know something's seriously wrong, when your alpha cries.
Of course Adrianna doesn't give a crap about Ashton. She just continues on with her whore ways. I've changed since she left, I don't sleep around anymore, I take my life seriously, and I found my mate. Her names Lily, she's beautiful, and she has the kindest heart. She knows everything about Ashton and is always there to comfort me when I need to be. I've become a better beta to. I take the position seriously and try to be my best. Ashton's leaving has brought out the man in me, so in a way it's the best and worst thing that has ever happened to me.
*Saxons POV*
"Ugh!" I groaned out in annoyance. I had been filling out the paper work that needed to be done in order for the other pack to move in. It was frustrating me beyond belief. I hated paper work, it took to much concentration. I looked around my big office, noticing every little thing. The pictures of my parents and I, of Josh and I, and on my desk in the corner sat a small picture of Ashton.
I don't know why I keep it there, it only hurts me more. Even thinking about her hurts me. Rejecting her is the worst thing I've ever done and I would give anything to go back and fix the mistake I made. I felt the all to familiar tears make there way to my eyes and angrily pushed them back, I can't cry at a time like this, I have work to do.
I quickly finished up the paper work and made my way to my room to make myself look presentable, I at least needed to look somewhat good when I meet the new pack. There names the blood moon pack and we've decided to pair up to help protect against the rouges.
I quickly took a shower and ran a brush threw my medium length black hair. I put on a pair of dark wash jeans and a snug fitting plain black, v-neck shirt. I matched it with my whit tennies and ran downstairs. I heard multiple cars pull up outside and guessed that it was the other pack. We had decided that the part of there pack that wanted to could stay in our pack house, others could bye there own house and the alpha, his beta, the betas girlfriend and two close friends of theres would be staying in the mansion with Josh, lily and I.
I ran downstairs and saw Lily and Josh waiting for me bye the door. I walked over to them and threw open the door. All three of us walked out at the same time. The first thing I noticed was that there were two guys who looked exactly alike standing next to a really nice car. The alpha, I assumed, made his way to me and shook my hand.
"Reed Jackson, alpha of the blood moon pack." He said. I returned the hand shake and replied,
"Saxon Conner, alpha of the full moon pack." I thought I saw a flash of anger and hate in his eyes but shook it off. The twin guys walked up next to him and he introduced them.
"Justin, and Jace Light. And yes there twins." The twins both tilted there heads to me but said nothing. Hmmm wonder what's wrong with these guys. I heard footsteps walking up behind Reed and turned to see a tall guy, probably his beta, holding the hand of a beautiful goddess.
The girl was somewhat tall, with long legs and a toned body. She had beautiful blonde hair and bright baby blue eyes. She had full pink lips and small dimples on her cheeks. Her skin was tanned but still looked fair. The was wearing short black denim high waist shorts and a cropped belly top that went above her belly button. She had a flat smooth stomach and a piercing in her belly button. On her feet she wore gladiator sandals. All in all she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.
I took a big breath of the air and smelt the best smell I had ever smelt, the smell of my mate, vanilla and roses. But that didn't make any sense, Ashton wasn't here. I smelt again and realized that the smell was coming from the beautiful woman. I looked up at her eyes and stared at them realizing something,
I was staring into the eyes of my mate.
*Ashton's POV*
I watched with a heavy heart as Saxon checked me out, and then sniffed the air. I knew that it would only be seconds before he realized that's was his mate, and I was mentally preparing myself for wen he did. Winston squeezed my hand, noticing my anxiety. I smiled gratefully but went back to staring at Saxon.
He hasn't changed much in the last year. He looked a bit more mature, but not by much. He still had the same medium length midnight black hair, beautiful green eyes, that you could fall into. Strong, defined jawline, with no scruff on it. His build was the same, perfect sized biceps, abs you could see threw his tight shirt. He was still the gorgeous Saxon I left.
I knew the second that he realized I was his mate. His body stiffened, and he stared at me like I was an alien. I saw many emotions flash threw his eyes, confusion, desperation, sadness, joy, happiness, and the last one, anger, when he saw I was holding hands with Winston.
He let out a loud, spine chilling growl, that had my wolf purring in happiness.
"Mine!" He bellowed as he went to grab for me. Winston immediately had me behind his back and stood in front of me protectively. I snorted and rolled my eyes, he knew I could take care of myself. I side stepped Winston and saw Saxon looked like he was about to shift and attack. My brother was standing a few feet behind him trying to calm him down while standing protectively in front of a small brunette girl, probably his mate.
I looked back to Saxon, his eyes had changed to a deadly black and he was shaking like I had never seen anybody do before. See alphas are very protective of there mates. They feel the everlasting need to protect them from everything and they get extremely jealous. So when an alpha sees his mate holding the hand of another male and the male protecting her from him, it's gonna piss him off.
Reed looked at me, begging me with my eyes to calm Saxon down, but I simply rolled my eyes. I refused to do anything for that asshole. I turned to Winston and grabbed his hand. I stroked his arm and his face in an effort to calm him down, it worked and he was looking at me with concern.
"Look everyone lets just go inside." I said calmly.
"Who are you?" Josh asked. Ha he can't even recognize his own sister! Idiot.
"Wow, can't even remember your own sister I see." I joked, with venom in my voice. He flinched back from my tone, but his eyes quickly widened. He let go of the brunette hand and ran to me. He gave me a quick hug and I could feel the happiness coming off of him. I didn't put my arms back around him, I hung them to my side.
"I've missed you so much. Look I know that you probably can't forgive me, but I want you to know that I'm so sorry about all the things I did and I love you so much." He whispered in my ear and released me. I didn't utter a word back. I wasn't ready to accept his apology.
I took Winston's hand and followed Josh into the house. The whole way Winston and Saxon were glaring at each other. Boy was this gonna be a long day.
Two hours later and I was ready to pull my hair out! Winston and Saxon are constantly fighting with each other. It's all they do! I ran from the games room, getting away from the, once again, fighting boys. I walked into the kitchen feeling hungry and found the girl my brother had been so protective of.
When she heard me come in she looked up with a warm smile.
"Hi, I'm Lily." She said as she extended her hand. I thought about it for a minute, did I really want to be friends with her. I figured it was my brother I was mad at, not her.
"I'm Ashton." I said back as I took her outstretched hand. We shook hands. "So I assume your my brothers mate." I asked the question with a knowing smile. She got a large, loving smile on her face and replied,
"Ya, I am." She had a faraway look in her eyes, probably thinking about him and how much she loves him. A flash of pain spread threw my heart thinking about how I have no mate to love me. My wolf growled at me for thinking this. I moved to the large fridge to look for something to eat.
"You know he's changed." Lily said. I know she can only be talking about one of two assholes right now.
"Who has?" I asked curiously. She tilted her head and looked like she was thinking. I took the time to get a good look at her. She was average height, and a skinny build. She had light brown hair that reached just past her shoulders and pretty brown eyes. She had a kind smile and looked like someone I could trust. But looks can be deceiving.
"Both actually." She stated, startling me from my thoughts. It took me a minute to understand what she said. Both have changed, I doubt it.
"How so?" I fired back. She chuckled lightly before stating,
"Well you know how they were before you left, players, manwhores, didn't care about anyone else. Well that all changed when you left. They became closed off and depressed. Josh was always sulking, and Saxon was just down right awful, he's always drinking and sleeping around, doing anything to get his mind of of things. He doesn't talk to anyone he doesn't have to and he doesn't have any friends besides Josh." There no way this is true. She must have saw the look of disbelief, because she continued.
"I'm serious. Josh really does regret what he did to you and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive him. And Saxon, well he's just plain heartbroken. He regrets what he did, it's obvious in everything he does. I know what they did to you was awful, but please think about what I just said to you." And with that she walked out of the kitchen.
For the next five minutes I sat on a cold bench in the kitchen thinking about every thing Lily said to me. It can't be true, can it? Everything is just so confusing. I don't know what's the truth and what's a lie. I felt warm arms wrap around my waist and jumped.
I turned around to see Winston smirking at me.
"Jeez babe, you scared me!" I laughed at him. He leaned down and planted his lips on mine. This kiss wasn't a passionate, hot kiss it was a loving, gentle kiss. He pulled away and stared into my eyes.
"I love you Ashton, forever." He whispered. I felt my heart flutter. Putting my arms around his neck I whispered back,
"I love you to Winston, forever." We sat staring into each others eyes until we heard a clearing of a throat. Our heads snapped up and I saw Saxon leaning in the door way.
"We're having a pack bonfire in a hour, a chance for the two packs to get to know each other. Just thought I should tell you guys." I nodded my head and looked away from his angry eyes.
"I'm going to go shower, ok babe." I said to Winston. His arms tightened around my waist and I smiled. He makes me so happy.
"Ok, I'll be in my room." He gave me a kiss on my nose and walked up the stairs. I climbed the familiar stairs to my bedroom. I had gotten put in my old room. I opened the door and took in everything. The dark purple walls, purple shades and the black bed sheets. The black desk in the corner and the dresser next to the bed.
I had all my stuff brought up here by the movers a few hours ago but I haven't unpacked it yet. I dug threw my suit case until I found my shower stuff. I jumped into the shower and put it on hot. I washed my body and hair with my strawberry scented shampoo, conditioner and body wash. When I was finished I got out and put my fluffy bathrobe on.
I plugged in my hair dryer and turned it on, I blow dried my long blonde hair and when I was done with it I put it in cute waves. I applied light mascara and eyeliner, a clear lipgloss then I moved in to my clothes. I picked out a pair of black skinny jeans and matched it with a cute red open sleeved shirt, and a pair of black toms. I grabbed phone stuck it in my pocket and ran downstairs.
When I got outside the bonfire was already on full swing. There were people every were, laughing and talking. I saw my group of boys and walked over to them. When I got over there they all gave me warm smiles and Winston wrapped his arm around my waist. The twins oh so not noticeably(note the sarcasm) checked me out then winked at me. I always find it funny when they 'flirt' withe because we're like brothers and sister.
And hour later and the twins and I were sitting by the fire, eating hotdogs, when I heard the highest, most annoying voice I had ever heard, better known as Adrianna.
"Hey baby!" She screeched as she ran her hands down Saxons chest, not gonna lie it pissed me off. I covered my ears and pretended to lie, hey what can I say the twins bring out the immaturity in me.
"God what is that horrible sound? It sounds like a dying bird, oh wait I know what it is, it's Adrianna's voice." I said, rather loudly, and the twins burst ed out laughing. She glared at me and marched over to me.
"Excuse me! Who do you think you are?" She yelled. I laughed at her and replied,
"I'm Ashton, a non fake Barbie, unlike you, and your Adrianna a major slut who nobody likes." The look on her face was priceless. The twins started laughing harder and tears were streaming down there faces. Even Saxon cracked a small smile.
"That is not true! Every body loves me! You just think that every body likes you because you lost a few pounds, but your wrong nobody does. You'll always be the fat whale." And with that she stomped away, tripping on her six inch heels as she went. When the twins and I finally calmed down from out laughing fit I asked,
"Hey were did Winston go? I haven't seen him for a while." After a few minutes Winston had told me he needed to use the bathroom and he would be right back, but that was over an hour ago.
"I don't know. Why don't you go find him." Jace suggested. I nodded my head and got up to find him. I walked around the whole bonfire and couldn't find him, I was about to give up until I heard voices in the woods.
"Are you sure nobody can see us?" A girl voice asked.
"Ya were fine baby don't worry." Said a male voice, Winston. I heard kissing noises but I refused to believe it, I was in love with Winston, we've been dating for a year, he fixed my broken heart.
As I walked closer to the tree line the noises became louder and my heart was beating frantically. I heard a loud moan come from the girl. I quickened my pace. When I finally made my way to the woods what I saw broken heart. Winston stood with his pants and shirt off in nothing but his boxers kissing a red headed girl who had her shirt off and her jeans half way down. He was cheating on me.
A quite gasp left my lips but it was enough to get Winston's attention. His head snapped up and he saw me and there was a look of extreme regret on his face. There were tears streaming down my face now and sobs wracked my body.
"Ashton! I'm sor-" he began but I cut him off. The girl was looking at us now, horrified.
"How could you do this?" I asked in a chocked whisper. He went to reply but I cut him off and turned and ran from the woods. I could hear him chasing after me but I didn't stop. I was running with tears streaming down my face and sobs coming out my mouth.
"Ashton! Ashton! Listen to me!" Winston yelled after me. I just kept running. I ran past the twins and Reed and they tried to stop me but I just pulled away and kept running I ran past Saxon and he had a look of knowing and Pity on his face. I ignored them all and ran strait to my room, slammed the door and locked it. I threw myself on the bed and began crying harder.
Winston was pounding on my door to open and please let him explain but I didn't move I laid on my bed crying my eyes out. I thought about how just two hours ago he was telling me he would love me for forever and now he does this. The only man I'd ever trusted with my heart broke it, and with that I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.
Thanks for reading!(
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