*Ashton's POV*
(6 months later)
I took in a shaky breath of air as I paced the room. My hands were shaking and my heart was beating a mile a minute. I heard the flap to the tent open and I looked up to see Lilly walk in.
"Calm down Ashton." She ordered. I sighed and took a seat in the chair by my vanity.
"I'm trying, I'm just nervous." I replied. Lilly sighed and came an stood in front of me. I looked up at her and saw that she had a stern look on her face.
"Ashton you have nothing to be worried about, in a few minutes your going to go out there and marry the guy you love. You should be happy not nervous." She said. Yes today is my wedding day, it's the big day, the day we've been planning for six months.
"I am happy Lilly, I'm so happy, I'm just nervous. What if I trip and fall?" I asked. Lilly laughed at my stupid 'what if.' And took a seat next to me.
"Well if that happens then you better jump right back up, wipe the dirt off of your dress and keep going." She joked. I let out a loud laugh and it felt as if all of the nervousness was draining out of my body.
"Thanks Lil." I said. She smiled and threw me a wink.
"No problem." She replied. I sighed happily and turned back towards my mirror. I looked at my reflection, my makeup was flawless and my hair perfect. It had taken us five hours to get ready for the wedding because we didn't only do my hair and makeup but the bridesmaids to, Lilly,Alice and Emily.
I honestly loved the bridesmaids dresses. My color scheme is royal blue and white so the dresses are a royal blue color and they have a white ribbon tied around there waists. All of the girls had curled there hair and they looked beautiful.
I stood up from my chair and walked towards the full length mirror that was next to me. I studied my dress in the mirror and smiled. As soon as I had seen it in the wedding store I had fallen in love with it.
The top of the dress is strapless and it has a sweetheart neckline. It hugs me like a glove until my waist were it flares out and falls like a white waterfall all the way down the the floor. The top part and the very bottom part of the dress has a really pretty silver beaded design on it that adds character to the dress. I was wearing silver heals on my feet but you couldn't see them because of the dress.
My hair had been done so that it was pulled back and pined up but a large section of it was falling down in curls. I had a small tiara on my head that held my veil up which was flowing behind me. My make up was minimal but done to perfection.
"You look beautiful." Alice said as she walked into the tent. I smiled at her and then looked down to her large baby bump. Yes I said baby bump, it turns out that Alice was pregnant. She had conceived before Winston died and now she was popped like a watermelon with a baby girl on the way.
"Thank you Alice, so do you. You all do." I said motioning to the two other girls in the room. They smiled and Emily stepped towards me.
"This is your big day, stop being modest admire your sexiness." She stated. This caused me to burst out laughing along with the two other girls. I looked up to see that Emily had a large goofy smile on her face.
"Em your something else." I said as I straightened up. She stuck her tongue out at me so I did it back.
"You both act like children." Lilly said. This however cause Emily and I to turn to her and stick our tongues out at her. She rolled her eyes and I giggled. Lilly suddenly got a far away look and I could tell she was talking to somebody threw the mind link.
"It's time." She said as she turned back towards me. I let out a breath of air and nodded. Alice walked up to me and handed me the flowers that I was meant to hold, it was a bundle of white roses and a blue ribbon tied around them.
"Lets go." I said. The girls nodded there heads and walked out of the large white tent. Saxon and I had decided to have the wedding at the place he had propose to me at so we had to set up large tents close to the site so we didn't have to walk to far to get there.
As soon as I walked out of the tent I could hear the voices of many people coming from up ahead. We had invited both packs and a few people from neighboring packs so there is a lot of people here. I heard approaching footsteps and looked up to see Josh walking towards me with a smile on his face. I had asked Josh to walk me down the isle because our dad couldn't be here.
"You look beautiful sis." He said to me as he approached. I smiled warmly at him and he took my arm in his. I looked up and saw the cute little flower girl skipping down the blue isle throwing flowers. We had asked one of Saxons cousins to be bridesmaids and another one to be the ring bearer.
It was strange seeing the red and pink petals spread out on the blue carpet that was the isle. We had set it up so that people could sit on either side of the isle. There was a long royal blue carpet that had small white pedestals that held flowers in them lining the isle and there was a white ribbon tied to each pedestal.
The flower girl had reached the end of the isle so it was the groomsmen's turn to walk down. I watched as Reed, Justin and Jace walked down the isle one by one. Josh is a groomsmen to but he would take his place after he walked me down. It was now the girls's turn to go and I happily watched them as they disappeared from my site.
About one minute later I heard the classical wedding march music come on and I knew that was my cue. I took a deep breath and I felt Josh give my arm a reassuring squeeze. We slowly made our way towards the isle matching our pace with the beat of the music. I held my head high as we stepped onto the blue carpet.
Everybody's eyes were on me and a smile was on all of there faces. I scanned my eyes out over the crowd and spotted Saxons parents, they were smiling warmly and I returned it. I also spotted my mother. I haven't fully forgiven her yet but I was getting there, I had even let her help me plan the wedding. I spotted many other people I knew but as soon as I laid my eyes on Saxon all of my attention was on him.
He looked stunning. He was wearing a black tux with a blue tie around his neck, his black hair was in its normal messy but neat style and the smile on his face was so big that I wondered if it could get any bigger. And his green eyes, they shined with happiness and love. I kept my eyes completely trained on him as we continued our walked down the isle.
Josh and I came to a stop at the end of the isle and I smiled warmly at him. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and then handed my hand over to Saxon. Saxon took my hand and led me towards the paster that stood in front of the white alter.
"We are gathered here today to celebrate the joining of Ashton Heart and Saxon Conner." The pastor began but I cut him out because I was to busy staring into the eyes of my mate. He was looking deep into my eyes and I was staring right back. Our hands were intertwined and I could feel the electricity running threw my fingers.
The little guy who was bringing the ring to us made his way down the isle and stopped in front of us. Saxon and I both grabbed the others ring off of the small pillow and turned towards the pastor.
"Saxon do you take Ashton to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He asked.
"I do." Saxon spoke without breaking eye contact with me.
"Ashton do you take Saxon tone your lawfully wedded husband?" He asked me.
"I do." I spoke out. I held my left hand out and Saxon held his. At the exact same time we slipped the rings on the others finger.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." The pastor said. Saxon wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him. Our lips connected and we shared a passionate kiss. I could hear the the crowd cheering in the back ground but my attention was fully trained on my husband.
Our lips parted but Saxon didn't let me go his hands stayed firmly on my waist. We turned back towards the crowd and smiled largely at them. People from both packs were on there feet clapping loudly. Julie and Bill came rushing forward and engulfed the both of us in a hug. When they piled away I noticed that Julie had tears in her eyes.
"That was beautiful." She choked out. Saxon chuckled at his emotional mother and gave her another squeeze.
"Thanks mom." He said happily. He looked towards me and I saw that the tears were escaping her eyes.
"My baby is all grown up." She cried. Saxon huffed but smiled at his mom.
"Congratulation you to." Bill said as be put an arm around his wife's shoulder. Bill led a crying Julie away from us and Saxon and I laughed. We started walking towards where the party was being held, which was just a few yards away in the woods still, when we were stopped by my mother.
"That was wonderful Ashton, I'm so hall for you!" She said. She started to lean in for a hug but she pulled back because she figured I wouldn't return it. But I surprised her when I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into a tight hug.
"Thank you mom." I whispered in her ear. When I pulled back she had tears in her eyes probably because she realized that in that moment I had forgiven her.
"I love you." She so as quietly as she tried to contain the tears. As soon as the words left her mouth I left happiness spread threw my body. I've been yearning to hear her say those three words for years and now that she finally did I was so happy.
"I love you to mom." I said back. She smiled largely at me before pulling me into another hug and then excusing herself. We walked into the clearing where the party was being held and I smiled at the sight. We had set up about fifty small table around the clearing. The tables all had a blue table cloth with a bundle of white flowers in the middle and the chairs were white with blue ribbon wrapped around them.
Our wedding cake sat at a large table in the middle of the clearing. It had three different layers to it and at the bottom of each layer there was blue frosting around it and all over the cake there was small blue frosting flowers.
"That was amazing what you just did Ashton." Saxon said bringing me out of my thoughts.
"What?" I asked confused. He smiled at me and shook his head.
"You just fully forgave your mom. It takes a good heart to do that." He said proudly. I slightly smiled and nodded my head.
"It's better not to live in the past, to forgive and forget." I said. I saw something flash threw his eyes and I knew that he took the double meaning to my words.
"Yes it is." He said with a smile. He leaned down and planted a small kiss on my cheek before we were tackled by our friends.
"That was so beautiful!" Lilly cried as she bounced Seth on her hip. I reached my hands out for the baby and Lilly handed him over.
"Thank you." I said happily. I was making funny faces down at Seth and he was giggling up a storm. Alice approached us with a hand on her belly followed by Emily and Reed.
"That was wonderful." Alice said with a smile.
"It really was Ashton." Emily threw in. I smiled at my friends and returned the hugs they gave me. Suddenly the twins came running toward us and I shrieked when they nearly knocked me over.
"Guys not cool! I'm holding Seth!" I scolded the boys. They smirked at me before they both gave me a hug.
"Congrats little sis." Jace said.
"Yep it was awesome." Justin threw in. I laughed and rolled my eyes at the crazy boys.
I talked with my friends for a few more minutes before people from the packs started approaching us and giving us there blessing. Some time during the party Saxon and I had separated leaving me to talk to all of the people alone.
It was about two hours later I stood looking out over the party and noticing how the sun was setting perfectly.
"May I have this dance?' Somebody asked from behind me. I turned around and realized that it was Saxon. I smiled largely at him and took his hand in mine.
"Of course." I said. He smiled at me and led me towards the dance floor that had been made. He pulled my body close to his and we started swaying to the slow music.
"Today was perfect Ashton, I love you." Saxon whispered to me. I raised my head up and looked him in the eye.
"I love you to Saxon, forever." I whispered back. His eyes softened and he touched his forehead to mine.
"Forever." He whispered.
And I couldn't be happier, I'm in my mates arms right were I belong and right where I will spend the rest of my life.
Hey guys! I'm sorry if this chapter isn't exactly what you hoped it would be. For some reason I had a lot of trouble writing this chapter and I wrote and rewrote it at least three times. I've decided that this is going to be the last chapter to my story but I will write an epilogue. Hope you enjoyed!(:
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