*Ashton's POV*
I sighed as I rolled over in my bed. I didn't want to get out but once I remembered that I had a date with Saxon I immediately jumped out of my bed. I excitedly ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. Lilly was seated at the counter drinking a cup of coffee. As soon as she saw me she smiled.
"Hey why are you do excited?" She asked curiously. I was nearly bouncing on my feet because of how excited I was.
"I have a date with Saxon today!" I said happily. Her face lit up and she smiled like she knew something I didn't.
"Oh yay! Me, Alice and Emily get to help you get ready!" She said excitedly. I nodded my head happily and then proceeded to make myself a piece of toast. I quickly ate the toast and looked at the clock, it was 12:00 so I have two hours to get ready.
"Come on Lilly!" I said excitedly. She laughed at me but got up from her seat and followed me. We went to Alice's room and knocked on the door and not two seconds later did she answer.
"Ya?" She asked as she opened the door. She saw that I was bouncing on my feet and she gave me a questioning look.
"I have a date with Saxon today and your going to help me get ready!" I ordered.
"Thanks for asking." She muttered sarcastically as I took her hand and dragged her to the next floor, time to get Emily. I knocked on Emily's door and when I got no response I walked right in, let me tell you though I wish I hadn't. Emily and Reed were on the bed half clothes sucking each others faces off.
"Ewww!" I shrieked. Both of there heads snapped up and as soon as Emily saw it was me she blushed a deep red, Reed on the other hand growled at me. I stuck my tongue out at him and pranced right over to the bed.
"Come on Emily I have a date and I need your help!" I said excitedly. Her face lit up and she pushed Reed off of her. He tried to grab her but she smacked his hands away and scolded him.
"I'm going to help my friend get ready!" She ordered. Reed glared at her and then me before huffing and walking to the bathroom. I smiled at Emily as she quickly put her shirt on.
"Come on!" I said excitedly. Emily laughed and the three girls followed me to my bedroom. As soon as we got in there I was shoved into the shower. I took a while in the shower washing my hair and body and then I got out. I pulled on my warm robe and walked out of the door. All three girls were huddled in a group whispering quietly to each other and as soon as I walked in the stopped taking.
I narrowed my eyes at them and crossed my arms over my chest.
"Whatcha talking about?" I asked. They all shrugged and avoided eye contact but I decided to drop it. Lilly marked forward and sat me down in the chair that sat in front of my mirror. She took my hair out of the towel and got to work on blow drying it. When my hair was completely dry she took out my curling wand and plugged it in.
Alice and Emily were excitedly whispering to each other in the corner and I tried real hard to pick up what they were saying but I couldn't. I huffed in annoyance and gave up. Lilly the started to curl my hair in elegant curls. When the she was finished curling she took my two front pieces and pulled them back, pining them with one of my pretty butterfly pins. My hair looked great and I loved it.
Lilly then moved out of the way and Alice took her place. She got out my makeup kit and took a few things out. First she applied a little but of foundation and then some blush to add color. She then got to work on my eye shadow. I couldn't tell what she was doing because she was blocking the mirror but I had faith in her makeup skills. She applied a few swipes mascara to my eyes and then she stepped back. She smiled proudly at her work and I looked in the mirror. I gasped when I saw what she had done to my eyes. On my bottom lid she had applied a light golden color with a tiny of white to it and then above it she put a strip of a darker gold.
There was a black line of eye liner across the bottom of my top lid that then swooped off into a small wing. She had also put a light line of black eye liner on my bottom. My eye lashes were long and dark and my lips had a light pink shine to them.
"I love it!" I said to Alice. She smiled proudly and I hugged her. I stood up and walked over to Emily who was holding something behind her back.
"What do you have Emily?" I asked. She giggled and revealed the dress she had held behind her back. It was a beautiful dress and I immediately fell in love with it.
"Where did you get that?!" I asked as I rushed forward and took the dress from her. The dress was very pretty and I knew it would look good on me.
"We got it for you yesterday." Lilly said happily. I hugged the three of them and them rushed into my closet to try it on. I pulled on the dress and admired my reflection in the mirror, the dress fit me perfectly. It had a black skirt that started at my waist and them flowed out to right above my knees. The top of the dress was spaghetti strapped and it was a pretty turquoise color, it also happened to fit me perfectly.
I walked out of the closet and all three of the girls's eyes snapped to me.
"You look beautiful!" Lilly cried.
"Absolutely gorgeous!" Emily threw in.
"Stunning!" Alice chirped. I smiled at my three friends and walked over to them.
"Oh ya! I forgot!" Emily cried as she rushed to my bed. She pulled out a shoe box from under it and placed it on the bed. She opened the box and pulled out the cutest pair of heels. The heels had a lace front and then a solid black back. I ran towards Emily and took the heals from her. I pulled the heels on and then stood up. They added about three inches to me and they made my legs look great.
"Thank you guys so much!" I cried as I have them each a hug.
"Your welcome now come on!" She said excitedly. They pulled me out of my bedroom and down the stairs. When we got down there I didn't spot Saxon and for a moment I thought that he had forgotten. Reed, Justin, Jace, Josh and baby Seth were waiting at the bottom of the stairs. Lilly and Emily walked to there mates sides and smiled at me.
"Where is Saxon?" I asked. Justin smirked at me and then took my hand. He led me to the front door and pushed me out. I turned around to protest but then I noticed the white rose petals. There was a line of white rose petals that started at the front door and then led towards the trees. I figured that Saxon wanted me to follow the rose petals so I did.
I followed the scattered line of rose petals down the front steps and towards the back of the house. They led me towards the large trees that lined our back yard and before I knew it I was in the trees. I tilted my head to the side when I noticed that there was a perfectly cemented trail in the woods. The trail wasn't there yesterday so I figured that Saxon had it done for the date.
I followed the rose petals down the trail for about ten minutes before they stopped in a large pile right in front of the lake that Saxon took me to on our last date. I looked around the beautiful lake and tried to spot Saxon but he wasn't there. I was getting confused when I finally saw a small white rose sitting on a rock. I walked towards the rock and picked up the flower. There was a small piece of paper attached to the stem of the rose so I unrolled it. There was manly hand writing on the paper and I immediately knew it was Saxons.
' Ashton, your are my heart, my life and my soul.'
It read. I smiled at the small note and held the rose tightly in my hands. I looked around again and noticed that the rose petals started up again at the other side of the lake. I walked over to it and again stepped onto the concrete pathway. I followed the petals down the trail and took in my beautiful surroundings. The trees were tall and green and they were surrounded by wild flowers and miss covered rocks, the sight really was amazing.
I followed the petals for about five more minutes before they again came to a stop. I looked up from the petals and gasped. In front of me was a large, beautiful waterfall. It was about ten feet tall and the water flowing out of it was crystal clear. There was wild daisies growing off to the side and there was small fish swimming in the water. I spotted another white rose next to the water so I walked over and picked it up.
' You make everyday brighter, happier and worth while.'
Saxons sweet words made my heart flutter. I put the white rose with the first and took one last glance at the waterfall before continuing on. I continued walking down the path and while I did I thought about what Saxon was doing. I mean I know that he likes to make our dates special but this one seemed different for some reason. I had been looking at my feet while I was walking so I noticed when the petals came to a stop again.
This time the site that was in front of me brought a large smile to my face. I was standing in front of a large field of wild flowers. There were tons of flowers in all colors and sizes. There was yellow flowers and pink flowers, purple and blue. I also noticed that in the middle of the clearing stood a single oak tree. It was tall and its branches were full and green. I noticed that among the beautiful rainbow of flowers laid another single white rose. I walked towards the rose being careful not to step on any flowers and picked it up.
' You make my life better and my heart purer.'
It said. I again felt my heart flutter and skip a beat because of Saxons thought full words. I stood in the meadow for another few minutes before I stepped back onto the trail. I followed the white petals down the trail for another five minutes before I again came to a stop. This time it was a small flowing river surrounded by luscious green trees. I walked towards the river and looked down in it. I could see many different kinds of small fish swimming about the river.
I spotted my rose off to the side and I picked it up and read it.
' I don't know what I would do without you. I love you so much.'
I felt small tears come to my eyes as I read the note. I took in a deep breath and slightly giggled at myself for tearing up. I put the rose with the other three and headed pack to the path.
This time I was walking down the path for about ten minutes and I was starting to think that Saxon wasn't anywhere to be found when the rose petals stopped. I lifted my head up and gasped. The sight in front of me was amazing and it took my breath away. There was green trees towering over me and they created a kind of canopy. There was also wildflowers everywhere that had small bees sucking the nectar out of them. Off to the right I could see a small stream running threw the woods and there was a small frog swimming in it. There was butterfly's flying all around the meadow and the sun was hitting them just right.
But it wasn't my beautiful surroundings that took my breath away it was the boy in the middle of the clearing, the boy I loved, the boy who was at this very moment down on one knee.
Saxon was in the middle of the meadow kneeling down on one knee and in his hands was a box that held the most gorgeous ring. There was three different balloons floating behind him, each had a piece of paper taped to it.
'Will you marry me?'
I read the words that were written on the paper and felt my heart start to beat rapidly, my throat constricted and I felt tears of happiness come to my eyes. I looked at the face of my perfect mate and saw that her was staring at me worriedly, like he thought I would say no.
I locked my eyes with his and took a deep ragged breath.
"Of course I'll marry you." I said barely above a whisper because of how tight my throat felt at the moment. A bright smile lit up Saxons face and he got up from his knee and rushed towards me. He took my hand in his and slipped the diamond ring onto my finger. He then pulled me into his arms and I held into him tightly.
"I love you so much." He whispered in my ear. I felt a few tears leak out of my eyes and I hugged Saxon tighter to me.
"I love you so much more." I whispered back.
"Impossible." He said. I slightly giggled at his response and we piled apart from each other. He saw the small tears on my face and he gently kissed them away.
"This was so sweet Saxon." I said. He took my hands in his and he gave them a gentle squeeze.
"I thought you would like it." He said with a smile. I looked up at his gorgeous face and sighed, he is so perfect. Saxon slowly leaned towards me and our lips locked in a sweet kiss. Fireworks erupted when our lips touched and my wolf howled in joy.
I felt Saxons tongue run across my bottom lip and I immediately opened up. Our tongues fought for dominance and eventually Saxon won. Our sweet kiss turned into a passionate and steamy one. I had to pull away for air after a few seconds but Saxon didn't stop his lips moved to my neck and he started to kiss, suck and nip. I let out a jagged breath and pulled his lips back to mine.
I kissed Saxon hungrily and he kissed me back with just as much passion. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around Saxons waist and my arms around his neck. He hoisted me up a bit and then I felt him slowly start to walk backwards but I didn't care. We continued to kiss and after a moment I felt my back touch something soft. I pulled away and noticed that Saxon had lowered me onto a blanket that had been set out, there was also a pick nick basket next to it.
I tilted my head to the side so that Saxon had better access to my neck and I lowly moaned as he kissed my sensitive spot. His lips were then back on mine and he was kissing me with a firey passion. I lifted my hands up and ran my fingers threw his thick hair and then down to his chest. I felt my hand find there way to the buttons on his shirt and I started to unbutton it.
He pulled away for a moment but only long enough so he could shrug out of his shirt and then his lips were back on mine. I let my hands roam up and down his well defined chest and I ran my fingers over every dip and curve of his abs. I stopped for a moment when I reached the buckle of his jeans but quickly got to work on trying to unbuckle it.
Saxon pulled away from me and looked down at me. We were both breathing heavily and I could feel his minty breath fanning over my face.
"Are you sure about this?" Saxon asked me worriedly. I brought my hands up and cupped his face in them.
"I've never been more sure in my life. I love you and I'm ready to do this." I said confidently. His eyes searched mine and I knew the moment that he realized I was telling the truth because great love shone threw in his eyes.
"I love you to Ashton." He said sincerely and then brought his lips back to mine. We continued our passionate kiss that led to more and by the end of the night I held my mates mark.
Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter, sorry if the ending kinda sucks I did the best I could.(:
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