*Ashton's POV*
I let out another quiet whimper as the man brought his fist down into my stomach. He had been beating me for about fifteen minutes now and I'm positive that when he gets done i'll have a few broken bones. When the man had brought me my food earlier he had tried to kiss me so I spat in his face, that of course resulted in a cruel beating from him.
He delivered another hard kick to my side and I heard my rib crack. I held in the cry that was begging to be released and bit my bottom lip.
"That ought to teach you to never do that again." The man spoke harshly and spat on me. He turned on his heals and left the room. After that I did nothing but lie there not moving, trying not to cause myself anymore pain.
'Saxon' I spoke threw my mind again. I have been trying to contact him threw our mate bond all day but it hasn't been working, I think it has something to do with what they drugged me with. I really hope that Saxon is okay though because I know he can feel my pain. The mate bond isn't full yet but it's partially there so we can still feel some of the others pain.
I heard the door to my dark cell creak open and I closed my eyes, trying to pretend I was asleep so they would leave me alone. The person walked into the room and I heard the light switch on. My breathing became ragged because, I hate to admit it, but i'm scared out of my mind of these people.
"You don't have to be afraid, I won't hurt you." A quiet female voice spoke. I was slightly startled but I kept my eyes closed. The girl walked closer to me and she kneeled down in front of me. I heard her take something out of a package before she spoke again.
"My names Emily. I promise I won't hurt you. I just came down here to help you with your injures." She spoke softly. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at the girl. She looked to be my age, maybe a bit older, and she was very pretty. She had dark black hair that reached a little bit below her shoulders and very pretty brown eyes. Her skin is pale but it looks good on her.
"My names Ashton." I spoke slowly. Emily looked happy that I had spoken to her.
"Why are you down here helping me?" I asked timidly. Her face fell for a moment.
"I don't agree with what my father and his men are doing." She said to me. Her father?
"Who's your father?" I asked. She looked at the ground for a moment before answering me.
"He's the alpha." I furrowed my eyebrows and studied her face for a moment. She looks like him now that I think about it.
"So are you down here trying to get information out of me or something?" I asked her angrily. She shook her head quickly.
"No I'm not. Like I said before I don't agree with what there doing to you. My dad and and his other men are all out right now, there's only one guard upstairs so I came down here to take care of you." She answered. I nodded my head and smiled at her. I could tell she was telling the truth by the look in her eyes.
Emily slowly helped me sit up and boy was it painful. After that she took a wet rag that she had brought with her and she cleaned all of the blood off of my body. She gave me a few aspirins to help me with the pain and then she cleaned and wrapped up the cuts in my arms. The worst part of it all was when she had to wrap my sides up, I had three cracked ribs. By the time Emily was done I felt a whole lot better but I was still in a lot of pain.
"So why are you here with your father anyways?" I asked Emily as she took a seat next to me. She got a pained look on her face for a moment before she answered.
"My mother was killed in a fight with another pack five years ago. So I've had to stay with my dad." She said the last part rather angrily.
"Do you not like your dad?" I asked. She shook her head angrily.
"I hate him. Ever since my mom died he's changed. He's a heartless man now, he attacks any pack he can and he's just not the dad I remember growing up with." She said sadly. I felt my heart go out to her because I know what it feels like to lose a parent and have another one change completely.
"Is that why he's attacking mine and Saxons pack?" I asked Emily. She turned towards me and studied me for a moment.
"He's attacking your pack because he wants more land but he's attacking Saxons pack because it was his pack that killed my mother." She said quietly. I was speechless for a moment. Saxons pack killed Emily's mother? But why were they even fighting in the first place?
"I don't understand. Why were the two packs even fighting in the first place?" I asked her confused. Emily sighed and then answered,
"My father and Saxons father have had a grudge against each other since they were teenagers and I guess something finally pushed my dad over the edge because he attacked there pack. My mother had tried to talk him out of it but he didn't listen so when the day came she followed after him, trying to stop him and she was killed." I could see pain in Emily's eyes when she spoke.
"I'm so sorry. I know what it feels like to loose a parent." I said while I put a still handcuffed hand on her shoulder. She looked at me questioningly but before anymore could be said between us a loud voice boomed from upstairs.
"Emily! Come here!" Here father yelled. Emily scurried to her feet then looked back at me.
"I'll see you tomorrow, I promise." She said before she ran out the door.
At least I have one person here who has got my back.
*Saxons POV*
I growled loudly and banged my fist down on the table.
"Saxon calm down." My father ordered strictly. I let out a growl and slumped in my seat. After I had found out about Ashton being missing I had shifted into my wolf and ran on a rampage. The only reason I had shifted back to human form was because we had plans to make. Now I was sitting in my office with my dad, Josh, Reed, The twins and a few of the guards from our pack.
"We're waisting time!" I said angrily. My dad gave me a hard glare that had me shutting my mouth instantly. We had a map of our territory and the rogues territory spread out across the table and we had marked the special places with red sharpie.
"So they can be holding her in any of these strong holds." My dad said as he pointed to three different places on the map. My wolf was going crazy and he wanted to be let out badly.
"So how are we going to narrow it down?" I asked impatiently. My dad pursed his lips and gave me a look.
"We any just attack each strong hold to see if they have her so were going to have to do some investigating." My dad said. I held in a growl not wanting to make things worse. My dad turned towards the guard closest to him.
"I want you to gather three search parties, people with good noses, and I want you to go to each strong hold, see if you can get Ashton's scent. If you do report immediately." He ordered. The guard nodded his head before he left the room. I got up from my seat and started pacing around the room. I was just about to turn to my dad and ask him when the search party would leave when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.
I doubled over in pain and I had to hold into the table so I wouldn't fall over. My dad and Josh quickly rushed over to me.
"Saxon what's wrong?" Josh asked worriedly. I went to answer his question when I felt it again, right in the same place. I then felt a extreme pain in my ribs, like one of them had been broken.
"I don't know what's wrong, I'm just feeling so much pain." I gasped out. My dad stiffened and got an angry look on his face. I took a seat in a chair so I wouldn't fall over. The pain continues for about ten minutes before it finally went away.
"What was that?" I asked my dad. He pursed his lips before answering me.
"That wasn't your pain you were feeling, it was Ashton's ." He spoke quietly. I felt rage take over my body and I started to shake.
"Calm down Saxon. We need you to stay calm so you can help with the search party's tomorrow. You'll be able to find her better then anyone else because of your mate bond." My dad said as he put a hand on my shoulder. I deflated and slumped back down into my seat.
This is going to be one long night.
*Ashton's POV*
I was awoken from my peaceful sleep by the feeling of somebody tugging on my arm. I groaned and pulled my arm away. A few seconds later the tugging continued. I huffed and slowly opened my eyes. When my eyes were fully open I found myself staring into a pair of blue eyes. I gasped and backed up.
The person who was tugging on my arm was a boy, about my age. He had light brown hair and blue eyes. It surprised me that he had blue eyes because he's obviously a part of this rogue pack.
"Time to get up princess." The boy said in a gruff voice. I gulped and a scooted away from him when he made a bran for me. He sighed and gave me a hard look.
"Look if you would just hold still this could be so much easier on both of us." He said irritated. I had to resist the urge to laugh because of the look on his face. A small smirk made its way to my face and I raise my eye brows at the boy.
"Ya?" I asked. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes again he looked completely calm. He reached towards my hands and I went to pull away but I was to slow because he grabbed my wrists and held them in his hands. He took out a key from his pocket and unlocked my hands. I pulled my wrist away from his grasp and rubbed them, they had gotten pretty sore.
He then unlocked my ankles and I wiggled them around. I went to stand up but fell right back down because of how weak my legs were. I felt a sharp pain in my side and I felt tears come to my eyes. The boy saw my trouble getting up so he scooped me up into his arms, being careful not to touch any of my injuries.
"Where are we going?" I asked as he carried me up the stairs. He didn't answer me so I poked his cheek with my finger. He looked down at me like I was crazy before he answered my question.
"We're moving locations. It's not safe here anymore." He said with no emotion. I frowned at him, he's like a robot. I wiggled around in his arms for a minute because I was uncomfortable. When I finally got into a comfortable position I sighed and closed my eyes.
We kept walking for a little while before I heard other people's voices so I opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was the alpha. He had a ugly smirk on his face when he saw all of my bandages. I glared at him as we approached him. The next person I saw was Emily. She had her hair in a ponytail and she looked uncomfortable. I sent her a small smile which she returned with on of her own.
She motioned to the guy carrying me and I put on a bored expression to show her that I thought he was boring. Emily burst into laughter and every person in the room looked at her like she was crazy. A small giggle escaped from my mouth while I watched Emily. It looked like it was the first real laugh that she had had in a while.
"Emily!" Her father said strictly. She sobered up and looked up at him.
"Yes father?" She asked. He stared at her for a moment before rolling his eyes.
"Danny put Ashton down now, she will be traveling with Emily and I." The alpha said to the boy holding me. Danny set me on my feet and I stumbled forward and almost fell because of how weak I was. Emily thankfully caught me. I was led outside to a black truck, I thought about making a run for it but decided against it because there were large guards everywhere.
I was put into the truck and the door was closed and locked. I sighed in frustration, when am I going to get out of this place?
Hey guys! Sorry if this chapter was kinda boring
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