*Ashton's POV*
I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror for the last time. I had my hair into a elegant bun on top of my head and my make up was light. I was wearing a knee length black dress that hugged my upper body and flowed out at the waist. There was a slight knock on my door, tearing my eyes from the reflection of a sad girl.
When I opened my door I found myself staring into the gorgeous green eyes of my mate.
"It's time to go." Saxon stated quietly. I nodded my head and took the hand he had outstretched. Today was the day of Winston's funeral, myself and all of the rest of the pack would be attending. It had been so hard telling the pack.
We had told them yesterday,I remember the looks on there faces. Some of shock, anger, confusion, grief and many others. Winston was the packs beta, making him a very important person in the pack.
Saxon led me down the stairs and over to we're my brother and Lily were waiting. I nodded to them when we reached them. Most of the members of Saxons pack were coming to the funeral because they felt sorry for the loss.
I spotted Alice standing by the front door. It had been three days since it happened and Alice hadn't been taking it well at all. She refused to come out of her room and she wouldn't eat. Looking at her now I could tell that she hasn't gotten any sleep either.
She had dark bags under her eyes, eyes that looked like all of the life had been sucked out of them. Her crazy red hair was done into a simple braid down her back and she wore a black lacy dress that hung below her knees.
"Lets go everybody." Reed said as he walked into the room. Nobody replied to him, only following him out the door and to the waiting cars. Reed also hadn't been taking it well. Winston was the best friend he had and I'm sure his loss was affecting him way more then he let on.
I got into Saxons sleek black car and closed my door behind me. We were taking the hour long ride back to our packs territory so Winston could be buried close to home. Saxon got into the drivers side and started up the truck. Things were tense between us because of a fight we had yesterday.
I was walking back to my room after Reed had announced the news at the pack meeting. I opened my bedroom door and walked into the familiar room, closing the door behind me I threw myself on my bed. I felt warm, slick tears make there way down my cheeks and I balked my hands into fist.
I had only let out a small, quiet sob when I felt my door open.
"Go away, I don't want to see anyone." I yelled to the intruder. The person grunted in reply but did nothing to listen to me. I sat up and began to yell at the person again.
"I said, go away." I yelled louder this time. Turning around I saw that the very rude intruder was, can you guess, Saxon. His eyebrows scrunched up in the most adorable way when he got a look at me.
"Baby are you ok?" He asked. I nodded my head but didn't respond. I still felt the tears running down my cheeks but did nothing to hide then from Saxon. He frowned as he watched a tear roll down my face.
"Why is this affecting you so much?" He asked, a edge of anger to his voice. I opened my mouth to answer him but closed it when he continued to talk.
"We're you still in love with him?" He asked but this time I was certain there was anger in his words.
"Of course not Saxon. He was a close friend." I replied, my voice shaking slightly. His eyes flashed black but quickly turned back to there normal color.
"No you are still in love with him, aren't you?! You wish that he was your mate instead, huh?! You probably wish it was me that died instead of him!" He yelled. I was taken back by Saxons words, why would he think that. Even the thought of Saxon dying had my wolf whimpering and my heart clenching painfully.
"What? Saxon why would you think that." I yelled back at him, anger in my voice to. I can't believe him, I can't believe that he's getting jealous because I'm upset over the death of a close friend.
"You know what I don't even care! Get out of my room right now!" I yelled furiously at him. Saxon looked confused at my sudden out break but it quickly turned to anger.
"Fine I will!" He yelled back. He turned on his heels and stomped out of my room, slamming the door after him.
'End of flashback.'
We hadn't spoken to each other for the rest of the day. I'm still slightly angry at him but I'm ready to forgive if he is. For the first half hour of the ride it was silent, neither of us saying anything. The silence wasn't awkward, it was just tense.
I opened my mouth to speak at the exact moment Saxon said,
"Look I'm sorry about yesterday. I was being a jealous jerk. Not only was I being a jerk but I was being a disrespectful ass, to you and Winston and I'm so sorry. I understand if your not ready to accept my apology but I just needed to say that." He finished his speech with a big breath. I slightly smiled.
"I forgive you." I said. He turned his head in my direction and I gave him a true smile. He returned my smile and turned back to the road. Reaching over Saxon took my hand in his and brought it to his lips, kissing each of my knuckles.
I turned up the radio and for the remainder of the trip I forced Saxon to listen and rock out to One Direction music. We pulled into the parking lot of the cemetery were everything was going to take place at.
Saxon killed the engine and got out of the car, running over to my side to open the door for me. I grabbed his hand once I was out of the car and he gave it a reassuring squeeze. We walked towards the large group of people, some standing others sitting, under a canopy.
When we got over there everybody was already seated and ready. We took a seat me to Josh and Lilly. The priest, a balding man who looked to be in his late forties, came forward and began to speak.
"We gather here today to not only say goodbye but to also celebrate the life of Winston Black." The priest spoke, I couldn't help but let his words touch my heart. He spoke on about how he was a young soul and that he was a very loved and appreciated person.
After the priest was finished talking Winston's father stood up and walked forward. He had a look of sorrow on his face. He stood in front of Winston's open casket and began to speak.
"My son was a great person, he was loving, caring and loyal to all. Not only was he a good person but he was a great leader, he did his job and he did it good. Winston was an incredible partner and mate, he loved his mate with everything he had and my heart goes out to the girl I already call a daughter. Wherever he might be I want Winston to know that he won't be forgotten and his memory will forever live on in our hearts." Mr. Black finished. His heart warming speech brought tears to my eyes that I tried hard to hold back.
I looked up and notice that Alice was making her way to the front. She was holding a black rose. You see it's a werewolf tradition, whenever a person loses there mate they get a special black rose, that's only grown by the powers of witches, that they get to place in there mates casket.
The black rose is a symbol of every lasting love. She turned towards the casket and looked down at Winston's still form, they had yet to close the casket. She took a deep breath and slowly leaned towards him. She took his stiff hand in hers and placed the black rose on his chest she carefully lowered his hand back down so it was lying over the rose.
I heard a quiet sob escape Alice's mouth before she turned and ran off in the dies toon of the parking lot, I was going to chase after her but decide she needed some space. I watched as the workers lowered Winston's casket into the ground. When it was all the way down people slowly started to approach his casket, dropping flowers on top of it.
I got up from my seat and made my way to the hole in the ground. I looked down at the white casket and thought about how it shouldn't be there.
'Goodbye Winston.' I thought as I dropped the beautiful red rose onto the casket. A single tear made its way out of my eye before I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I turned around and looked up at Saxons face. He looked sad but very concerned.
"I'm fine." I stated before he could even ask, like I knew he was going to. He nodded his head but I could see the doubt in his eyes. We walked to the car in silence. When we got into the car I didn't feel like listening to music or talking so I did the easiest thing there is, I closed my eyes and went to sleep.
"Ashton wake up. Baby were home, wake up." I heard someone whisper in my ear. I groaned and sat up looking around. When did I get into a car? I silently asked myself, then all the memory's came flooding back, Winston's funeral. I scowled and looked up at Saxon who was standing in front of me.
"Carry me inside." I demanded holding my arms out for him. He chuckled but obeyed my order. He picked me up bridal style and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He walked into the house and he headed towards the living room.
"We're are you taking me, I wanna go to my room." I said grumpily. He glanced down at me before answering.
"Reed needs to speak to you, it's important." He said. I cocked my head to the side and looked at him confused. When we entered the living room Reed and the twins were sitting in the couch. Saxon took me to them and sat down with me in his lap.
"What did you need Reed?" I asked as I turned towards the boy. He slightly smiled at me before saying,
"We'll I was thinking about it and the pack needs a new beta." He said slowly. I nodded my head.
"And you want me to help you to decide who?" I asked. He shook his head.
"No I already know who it is." He answered.
"Who is is?" I asked slowly. How does this have anything to do with me?
"It's you Ashton. I was wondering if you would like to become beta of the blood moon pack." Reed asked. I was speechless. He wants me to be beta?
"What? Why me? Why not one of the twins?" I asked. He laughed slightly.
"So you don't want to do it?" He asked. I frowned and thought about it. Did I really want to be beta. Looking back to Reed I gave him my answer.
"I would love to." I said calmly. I was actually homered that Reed thought that I was strong enough to be a beta. He smiled at me.
"Good. We'll do the ceremony right now and call a pack meeting afterwards." He stated. I stood up and he followed my lead.
"Do you Ashton Heart agree to be the loyal and faithful beta to the full moon pack?" Reed said in his alpha voice.
"I do." I replied.
"Then I, Reed Conner, pronounce you, Ashton Heart, beta of the blood moon pack." As soon as the words left Reeds lips I felt a sudden surge of power and I gasped. Saxon laughed at me and pulled me into his side.
"Congrats babe." He whispered in my ear. I shivered but said nothing. It's going to be tough living up to Winston's legacy as beta.
I know this chapter sucks so bad! I'm sorry but I was having trouble writing this chapter. Well anyways thanks for reading(:
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