*Ashton's POV*
I felt the cold, wet ground underneath my fallen body. My books had scattered everywhere when I was tripped so I jumped to my feet and began to quickly pick them up. I heard laughing coming from every direction, people calling me names, mocking me. I felt the tears make there way to the surface but quickly pushed them back down. I would not cry and make myself look even weaker then I already did.
"Awww, did the fat whale fall down?" Adrianna asked in a mocking voice. I opened my mouth to shoot a smart ass comment but quickly closed it knowing that it would only cause me more trouble.
"That's what I thought." Adrianna sneered at me. I kept my eyes focused on the ground, not making eye contact with anyone. I didn't need to see there looks of hatred and mockery. Adrianna didn't say anything more to me, she simply snapped her fingers and her little puppets followed her to the entrance of the school.
I looked up when I thought they were gone but quickly realized that was a mistake. Saxon, Josh and four other boys stood in front of me. I stayed frozen in place, not moving an inch in fear they would strike out and hit me.
"Hmmm. What do we have here?" Saxon the ring leader of my torture and the alpha of the pack said. The four boys, who I don't know the names of, started to circle me. Saxon and my brother, Josh, stood off to the side watching with a smirk on there lips.
"It looks to me like we have a fat, ugly, whale on our hands." Josh replied to Saxons earlier question. The boys circling me laughed.
"It seems your right my friend, but what should we do with it?" None of the boys, or anyone really, called me by my name. They all called me whale, or ugly, but the most commonly used was, 'it' . Saxon and Josh now joined the four boys that were circling me, making it impossible for me to escape.
"I think that we should-" before josh could finish his sentence a loud horrible wailing sound was heard, other wise know as the school bell. I tried to step through the circle that they had made around me but one of the boys pushed me back in.
"Now were do you think your going whale?" Saxon asked.
"It's time to go to class." I replied, barely above a whisper. He smirked and opened his mouth to reply, but before he could I heard the voice of an angel.
"Get to class right now,and leave that poor girl alone!" Principle Davis yelled. He always tried to help me with the bullying, but there isn't much he can do, seeing as Saxons the alpha and has control over him. Saxon glared at me and yelled back,
"Yes Principle Davis." He nodded to his group of boys to follow him. As he was walking past me he leaned over and whispered in my ear,
"You'll get it later." And with that he walked past me and into the school. I stood there for a few seconds collecting my thoughts. When I finally had a clear head I turned around to see Mr. Davis standing there watching me. I nodded to him and smiled as I walked into the school.
The hall ways were empty now, first period had started five minutes ago and I knew that I was going to get it from my first period teacher, Mrs. Travis. She was a horrible English teacher and would probably make me write a five page essay.
I was now standing in front of the door, not ready to push it open, but knew I had to. I quietly opened the door and stepped into the class. Mrs. Travis stopped what she was saying and the rest of the class turned there heads and stared at me.
"And why are you five minutes late to my class, Ms. Heart?" Mrs. Travis practically yelled at me. I flinched back at her loud tone but answered in a small voice,
"I slept in, I'm sorry." I knew I couldn't tell her the truth because she would probably just laugh at me. She gave me a long hard glare and said,
"Very well. You will write me a five page essay on the importance of being on time and literature." And there's the essay I knew was coming. I nodded my head and scurried to my seat at the back of the class. Mrs. Travis continued on with her lesson, something about the importance of commas or something. I pulled out a piece of paper and wrote my name on it.
I tried to focus on the essay that I needed to write but my mind kept drifting to my parents and my bullies. Saxon and Adrianna made it a goal of there to bully and torture me every chance they got. I always tried not to let it get to me but it always did. I know that I'm not the best looking girl or the skinniest but I didn't think that I deserved this kind of treatment. It all started two years ago, after my father died.
I pushed those thoughts from my mind not wanting to break out in tears and give people another thing to mock me about. I focused on my essay again and had it finished before the end of the class. The rest of the day continued on like it normally would, moving from class to class, getting tripped and insulted every class period, skipping lunch. When the final bell of the day rang I was up out of my seat and through the door before anyone else.
I nearly ran to my locker, opened it and threw my stuff in. I made my way out the front doors of the school and walked through the parking lot, avoiding anybody I knew would pick on me. I turned the corner and started the long walk home. When my dad died he left all the money he owned to me and my two siblings. Josh and Adrianna spent it like there was no tomorrow, but I saved everything I got and only spent it when I really had to.
I spotted our large house, more like castle, ahead. Ok it's not really a castle it's just a very large, three story house with twenty bedrooms and multiple bathrooms. I never understood why we needed such a big house, with it only being mom, dad, Josh, Adrianna and me. Well now there's only four of use, actually five because Saxon lives with us.
I made my way to the large front door and found it open, josh and Saxon must already be here, yay! Note the sarcasm. As soon as I had the door open I heard loud music blaring through the speakers. I quietly made my way through the house, avoiding every one. I almost made it to the stairs. Key word, almost.
"Eww! What are you doing here?" One of Adrianna's blonde bimbo friends asked. I turned around and said,
"I live here, ya know." She had a frown on her face, surely because of the fact I just made her look stupid.
"Ugg! Who cares about you!" She yelled as she stomped away. That made absolutely no sense, but whatever. I rolled my eyes and started to make my way upstairs until I felt icy coldness surround my body. I shrieked and turned around to see Adrianna holding a big pitcher that most likely held icy cold water.
Every one in the house erupted into laughter, some even taking pictures of my shocked expression. I turned around and ran upstairs to my room. I slammed the door and locked it. Running to my shower I turned it on steaming hot, ripped off my soaked clothes and jumped into the warm water. I immediately felt the hot water surround my cold body.
Even in the shower I could here the pounding music and the yelling teenagers down stairs. I was most likely going to have a big mess to clean up. Tomorrows Saxons 18 birthday meaning he's going to find his mate, and that the house had to be spotless clean because of the huge party he's throwing.
I turned off the hot water and stepped out into the cold air. Wrapping a towell around me I stepped into my room and pulled some clothes out. I threw on a pair of baggy sweat pants and a loose t-shirt. I grabbed a brush and walked over to the large mirror on my wall, the one I hardly used. I brushed through my honey blonde hair, that only reached my shoulders.
I sat looking in the mirror at myself. I saw a 16 year old girl with short, wavy honey blonde hair, with bright baby blue eyes and not a blemish on her face. It's when I looked at my lower body that I saw what everyone else saw, a fat, ugly whale. As soon as that thought entered my head I tried to push it away. I can't think like them.
The bullying started two years ago, right after my dad died. I remember the day like it was yesterday.
"Daddy come on! I want more flowers for mom!" A thirteen year old me yelled at my father who was being slower then a snail. My dad and I were out in a meadow, in the woods next to our house, picking beautiful wild flowers for my mom. He laughed and jogged to catch up to me. We were laughing and telling jokes when out of nowhere four vicious looking rogue wolves burst through the trees.
"Run! Go get help ash!" My dad yelled at me. But I was frozen to the spot, fear had over taken my body. "Ash,move!" My dad yelled again, but still nothing happened. One of the rogues ran towards me and was about to attack me until my father shifted mid jump and landed on it. I was knocked over in the process and that was what finally snapped me out of my daze.
I got to my feet and screamed with all my might, hoping someone, anyone, would hear and come to help. By now the remaining three wolves were circling my dad. One of the wolves jumped at him and tore a large chunk of flesh out of his shoulder.
"Daddy!" I screamed gaining the attention of the wolves. The wolf closest to me jumped and just about made contact with my throat, but my dad jumped in front of me at the last moment saving me. I watched in horror as the bite that was meant for me imbedded itself deep into my fathers throat, killing him in the process.
Suddenly the wolves ears perked up and they ran off. I ran to my fathers body, which had already shifted back to his human form. He was bleeding from a large wound on his neck. I was crying hysterically now, yelling for him to stay with me, when in reality he was already gone. I held his hand in mine crying my eyes out for no more then two minutes before wolves burst through the trees.
But I could tell that these wolves were from my pack, I recognized one as my mother. She immediately shifted to her human form, not even caring she was naked. She ran over to us and pushed a very bloody me out of the way. She grabbed his body and held it close to her. She screamed and cried, making me cry even harder.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Alpha Conner.
"What happened Ashton?" He asked in a calm voice. I cried harder remembering the horrific scene.
"R- ro- rogues." I finally got out. He got a hardened look on his face and nodded. I looked up and saw a 15 year old Josh talking to the alpha. I felt myself being wrapped into a set of arms. Adrianna held me as I cried.
"This is all your fault!" I heard my mother yell and looked up to see her pointing at me, pure rage on her face.
"W-what?" I asked through my tears.
"This is all your fault! You could have saved him! You could have gotten help, you could have fought with him! I hate you!" She yelled at me. She tour me out of Adrianna's arms and slapped me across the face, hard. This only made me cry harder. She went to strike me again but Alpha grabbed her and told her to calm down. She growled, shifted into her wolf and took off. We didn't see her again for two weeks.
'End of flashback'
I was crying now. Remembering the day always caused me unbearable pain. After that day my life changed. Josh and Adrianna believed what my mother said, they blamed me for my fathers death and started to hit me and make my life hell. My mother absolutely despised me. She hated me so much, she avoided's me at all costs. Adrianna turned into a slut, sleeping around wearing slutty clothes, Josh turned into a mean badass player.
I drowned myself in my sorrows, I eased the pain with food. I ate whenever I felt sad, food was my comfort. This caused me to gain weight, and a lot of it. After I gained weight is when the bullying really started. Saxon started the bullying and eventually everybody did. They would pick on me for my weight, call me ugly and so much more.
I hated my life and thought about ending it often, the only thing that kept me here is the thought of my mate. I remembered the old days, before my dad died. I was always his favorite child and he spoiled me rotten. My mom loved me and cared about me. Josh was the overly protective older brother that would always tease me. And Adrianna was my best friend and sister. We were closer then glue, always together and playing constantly. Believe it or not she actually used to be a Tom boy.
A knock at my door ripped me from my thoughts. I whipped my tears from my eyes and went to answer it. I opened my door to see a very tired looking Josh.
"Clean up the house. And it better be spotless." He ordered then walked away. I sighed and went to put my shoes on. Knowing them they probably broke a lot of glass. I walked down the stairs and groaned when I saw the mess. There was glass everywhere, broken tables, the couches were tipped and there were cans and wrappers everywhere.
I got to work on cleaning up. I picked up cans, fixed table, took care of glass and everything else that need to be done. Two hours later and I was exhausted. I had finished everything and the house was spotless. I made my way up the stairs and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.
The next morning I was awoken by a loud pounding on my door. Groaning I lifted my body out if bed and blindly went to open the door. Josh stood there already dressed and ready to go.
"Yes?" I asked in a very sleepy voice. He rolled his eyes at me and said,
"Saxon and I are going to the pack house to celebrate his birthday with the pack, we'll be back in four hours for his real party, I expect there to be food made, drinks ready and make the house look good. Oh and you better not come down and crash his party." He said, not even asking. But it's not like I expected anything different. I nodded my head and stepped back into my room.
Saxons parents were kind people. There names were William and Christy Conner. They were vast friends with my parents before my dad died. I knew that they would make the bullying stop if they knew about it but Saxon had a Alpha order on everybody, nobody could say anything to the old Alphas. They had given the alpha position to Saxon on his seventeenth birthday last year.
I didn't bother changing out of my sweats and t-shirt, it's not like anybody would care anyways. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I could tell that there was nobody in the house, they must all be gone. I looked on the key wrack on the wall next to the fridge and noticed that Josh had left me the SUV to go shopping with.
I grabbed the keys off of the wrack, grabbed a wad of cash out of the jar on the counter and was out the door. I jumped into the black SUV and started it up. The ride to the store was a short five minute ride. I pulled into the parking lot and found a empty spot.
I walked into the store and pulled out one of the familiar carts. I come here a lot, due to the fact that the boys I live with eat like dying whales. Walking threw the store I grabbed what I needed to make Saxons favorite dish, enchiladas, and threw anything else that I thought I would need. Next I went to the part of the store were they sell party stuff and grabbed what I needed.
I paid for the stuff at the front counter and then loaded it into the SUV. On my way back to the house I stopped at the liqueur store. I walked into the store and grabbed a cart. I filled it with every thing you would need for a party, beer, whiskey, vodka and more. I walked up to the front counter and the man, who I knew was a werewolf, gave me a questioning look.
"I'm buying supplies for Alpha Saxons birthday party tonight." Realization immediately crossed his face and he nodded his head. You see alcohol can get werewolves drunk but it doesn't affect our organs and brain like it would a human, so we could drink all our lives and wouldn't die from an alcohol related thing.
Once I paid the man I loaded the things into the car and headed home. When I got back to the house it took me four trips but I finally had everything in the house.
I got to work on cooking and setting up. For the next three hours I cooked all the food and snacks, made the house look good and had gotten everything else ready. By the time I was done it was eight and the party started in ten minutes. I heard the front door open and ran upstairs.
"Wow. It actually looks nice." Saxon said. And I, for some strange reason, felt pride from his words.
"Ya. I was expecting her to screw it up." Josh laughed. I heard Adrianna hurry into the house and stop by Saxon.
"Hey baby." She purred to him. I couldn't see them but I could tell she was kissing him. I guess they were back together. Not for long. She detached herself from him and ran upstairs to her room to, 'make herself look sexy' her words not mine.
I sat in my room bored, hearing the loud music downstairs and people laughing. I considered going down there but immediately erased that thought, I knew what they would do if I went down there.
I knew that Saxon hasn't found his mate yet. When an alpha first sets eyes on his mate the whole pack feels a jump in there hearts, they wouldn't be able to tell who it is or were but they would know by that little jump. It's our wolves jumping in respect of the new Luna. I know it's weird.
"Go to the store! We're almost out of alcohol!" Josh yelled in my mind. I jumped and fell off my bed. I was not expecting that. I jumped off my bed and pulled my slippers on. I had changed out of my sweats earlier and I was now wearing a pair of purple Garfield fuzzy pajamas, and white tank top with a black hoody over it.
I opened my door and ran down the hall way. When I got to the stairs I had to jump over some body's because they were passed out on the stairs. When I reached the living room I took a deep breath and smelt the most amazing thing I had ever felt. It smelt like the forest and Carmel. I know a weird mix but it smelt like heaven.
I looked around the living room trying to spot the source of the scent but came up with nothing. I looked around and saw Saxon doing the same thing as me, sniffing the air. We locked eyes at the same exact time and I immediately knew what the smell was coming from, it was coming from Saxon, Saxon was my mate.
As soon as we made eye contact every one in the room gasped and put a hand to there heart. They were feeling the jump because Saxon found his mate, me. Every single person in the room looked towards Saxon, but he was still staring at me. He had a look of lust and love on his face but it quickly turned to hate and disgust. It made me want to cry.
He noticed that everyone was staring at him and yelled in his alpha voice,
"What are you looking at?!" They quickly looked away and bowed there heads. Saxon stormed over to me and grabbed my arm. Sparks immediately set off were he touched me and he let go as fast as he could.
"Come with me. We need to talk." He ordered me. I nodded my head and followed him up to my room. As soon as I was in he turned around and locked the door. He turned back to me and gave me a glare.
"Why did I have to get you as a mate? Why is my mate an ugly, fat, whale? It's not fair, the fates must have messed something up because there no way I would get stuck with a pathetic excuse of a human-being as a mate!" He yelled. Every word he spoke a felt a tear in my heart. He was only standing a few inches in front if me now. The next words he spoke tore a hole in my heart.
"I, Saxon Grey Conner reject you, Ashton Faith Heart, as my mate." My wolf howled in pain and grief. Out mate just rejected us, is the only thing that was going through her head. Tears were leaking out of my eyes now but I said nothing.
"Your pathetic." Saxon said as he gave me one last hateful glare then walked out of my room, slamming the door. I fell to the floor and sobbed. I cried and cried for what felt like hours but was really no more then ten minutes. I could still hear the music blaring down stairs. I knew what I had to do, I can't stay here any longer.
I pulled myself up from the floor and walked over to my closet. I pulled out a medium sized bag and got to work with putting my clothes into it. I only packed three pairs of basketball shorts and a few t-shirts. I walked over to the small safe that I kept under my bed and opened it. I pulled out all of the money that I had saved, which was about 20,000 dollars. I stuffed it into my bag and decided to write a quick note. It read,
' Dear Josh and Saxon.
I'm finally doing what you have always wanted me to do, I'm leaving and not coming back. I hope your happier this way.
Ashton '
I put the note on my bed and took one last look at my room, it's probably the only thing I would miss about this place. I opened my bed room window and jumped out. I landed on my feet and quickly sprinted to the woods. I stripped out of my clothes and shifted into my pure white wolf. Nobody knew that I was a white wolf, there extremely rare. Rare as in one every two thousand years. White wolves are stronger then normal wolfs, way stronger, and most of the time they have greater power then most alphas. Same with pure black wolves.
I grabbed the bag with my mouth and took off running. And not once did I look back.
Hi guys! This is my first time writing a werewolf story so sorry of it kinda sucks. Oh and sorry for any spelling mistakes.
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