School starts in two days and there are bullies there. But guess what? EVERYONE THINKS THEYRE NICE!! BECAUSE BIG SURPISE THEY ONLY PICK WIHT ME AND THE SECOND MAIN BULLY IS BEING BULLIED BY MY MAIN BULLY!!! ugh my life is complicated... I really don't wanna go back to school, guys... i don't know what I'm gonna do...... want me to explain?..... well.... ok... first my school is different that other schools we don't have different teachers for different subjects. We have just one teacher. Just one class the whole day. Ok my teacher is.... the principal and to add onto that she's the freaking pastors wife I mean, what!? So now she has to get respect. GAH!
Ok. Second. She's my 'elder' and we have to ResPEct ThEm. So I cant do anything about her and she my moms friend and we were raised to not let anyone talk bad about our friends so whenever I try and tell her she says. "ThAts ThE PAstORs WiFE. DOnT tAlk AbOUt HeR LikE thAT!!" So yeah.
Ok. Now for the real deal cuz I don't want this to get too long. She calls me names and she says to my friends things like- ok. There's 5 girls in the school well older girls anyways. We're all a little...... plump... you could say wiht me seeing the heaviest and my sister the smallest... no surprise. And my sisters best friend is in right below her and one time we were leaving for summer... I think last year. And my teacher said.. I WanT You tO cOme bACk SkiNNY!! And she made a curving gesture with her hands. I was like WHAT!? YOU CAN TELL HER HOW TO COME BACK!!
Ok. One time-well she passes out cookies sometimes right.. because she 'cares'. Well one time she said THE SKINNY BOYS COME AND GET YOUR COOKIES!! When she said that I was literally waiting for what she was gonna call the girls cuz one thing and I was gonna explode. She is so lucky but I was still mad she said.. THE NOT SO SKINNY GIRLS COME GET YOUR COOKIES! I mean it wasn't as bad but still... DUDE!! Anyways. That's all I'm gonna say before I get too mad. Ok bye.
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