"Maybe he's making this shit up", Clint suggested. He strolled over to where Nat and Emil had sat down on a rock. Emil was fidgeting with his blue blade, watching dully as the stones on the hilt shone in the red sunlight.
"I don't think so", Nat murmured. Emil nodded in agreement at her statement. Clint scoffed.
"Why? Because he knew your mommy's and daddies' names?"
"I didn't". Nat and Emil both spoke at the same time. They shared a soft glance, recognising the cons of being raised an assassin.
Emilia. Emil turned the name over in his head. He didn't know much about his mother. She was more of a incubator than a person. An agent to provide the other half of his DNA and carry him for nine months. She died, or was killed after he was born and her existence erased. He was supposed to be a secret. Emil didn't know what she looked like, or how old she was. He had a suspicion that she was European, had read his nationality in his file, but it could be false.
He did know one thing now. He was named after her. Emil. Emilia. He had researched his name before, knowing that it was the only thing his mother had ever given him. It was Latin. It meant excellent. Pretty fitting for a bred soldier. He wondered if that was her intention. If she knew what he had grown up to be.
"Thanos left here with the stone", Nat'e voice disturbed Emil from his thoughts. "And without his daughter. It can't be a coincidence". Clint stopped his pacing and gazed out into the rising red sun.
"Whatever it takes", Emil whispered as he pushed himself to his feet. He sheathed his blade and stared down at his gloved hands.
"Whatever it takes", Nat echoed softly to herself.
"Whatever it takes", Clint stared firmly.
Nat stood up and crossed over to stand in front of Clint. "If we don't get that stone, billions of people stay dead". She turned as Emil walked over to join them in a close circle. His big blue eyes were afraid. She took his hand gently, squeezing his fingers.
Clint sighed and glanced at the cliff edge. "I guess we all know who's it's gotta be". Nat and Emil both nodded resolutely. Emil didn't notice Nat's gaze flit over his face for half a second before steeling, becoming firm with resolve. Clint reached out with both his hands. Nat and Emil both grasped them gently but also like they were a lifeline. All three people joined in a circle as they all thought different things.
"I'm starting to think we all mean different people here Natasha, Emil". Clint's voice was hard. He rarely called Nat by her full name and he always referred to Emil as 'kid' or 'teen'.
Nat drew a shaky breath. "The past five years have been about getting to right here. Getting to here and bringing everybody back". Her grip on their hands tightened.
Clint smiled dryly. "Now don't you be getting all descent on me now".
"Do you think I want to do it? I'm trying to save your life you idiot".
"Well I don't want you too, so how about that?"
"Please don't". Nat and Clint both turned to face Emil. He was shaking slightly and his eye were watery. "I should do it".
"No kid", Clint sighed deeply like the thought caused him pain. This whole situation was painful.
"Why not?" Emil challenged, voice firm despite his fragile gaze. "I was not even supposed to exist. Did you know how many infants they created that died under the tests?" He asked. "Thirty four. Thirty four babies died before the tests worked and I got my powers. It was supposed to be impossible. I was never supposed to live".
"Emil", Nat's voice was sharp. "You can't let that affect you. You do not need to do this".
"And you two do?" The question seemed to weigh in the air. Clint and Natasha both shared a gaze. There must have been a message sent, something that Emil dud not pick up on. Nat gave a brief nod.
Emil barely had time to yelp before a leg swept his out from under him and a arm was slamming him to the floor. The thudding impact made him groan. Clint pulled something out from his belt and slapped it on Emil's wrists. Metal cables uncoiled and wrapped themselves around his body, binding his limbs and restraining his movements. Emil struggled unsuccessfully.
"Hey! Let me go".
"Sorry kid", Clint apologised as he stepped back. Emil rolled on the floor cursing loudly.
"Those are vibrainum coated", Nat stated as she watched Emil struggle. "Designed specifically so that it will disrupt your energy build up. Tony made them in case you ever went nuclear. It should disrupt your teleportation for a while".
"They'll remove themselves after half an hour", Clint added with a slight grin. "Just hang tight for a moment".
"Damn it!" Emil yelled in frustration. He flopped around as he tried to loosen the cables. It didn't work. "You don't have to do this!" He called. "There has to be another way!"
Nat and Clint had moved away from his from, ignoring his yells. They were out of earshot. Emil watched as their lips moved and words were exchanged. He coughed as he suppressed a sob. From their body language, it was clear that both of them were say their goodbyes. Clint and Natasha pressed their foreheads together in a final touching connection before stepping back and letting go.
Clint moved first. He kicked Nat's feet out from under her and pushed her to the ground. It was the same move she had done to Emil moments before. They struggled for a moment before Nat was flipping him over and getting to her feet. She shot Clint with a electric dart. Emil watched helplessly as he was paralysed for a moment. Nat took the opportunity to start running towards the ledge.
Clint managed to somehow push the dart off and was back in his feet within a second. He pulled back an arrow and shot it at Nat's feet. It exploded, throwing her to the side. Emil gasped as Nat tumbled over. Clint threw his bow to the ground and began running. Emil felt his breath stop. Clint threw himself off of the edge of the cliff, Natasha jumping after him. Emil watched them both disappear.
He couldn't hear anything. All he could do was lay there helpless. A minute after they had both fallen, a huge burst of energy expanded out over the landscape. Emil felt it absorb into his body. Pure infinity stone power fizzing in his veins. He gasped and his body glowed like a star for a brief moment, the new energy bubbling inside him like a sugar rush, before the glow dimmed and he was able to relax. The metal coils were not designed for the sudden influx of power. They loosened and Emil pulled himself free.
Shakily, he tumbled onto his feet. He needed to see who it was. Was it Clint? Or Natasha? His legs shook as he took slow steps over towards the cliff edge. Nervously he peered down below. Red and blonde hair stained with blood was easily distinguishable from such a high distance. Emil teleported to the ground below.
Clint was no where to be seen. Nat was lying as if she was running. Her hips and legs bent sideways with her head facing the shy and right arm reaching out at her side. Emil fell to his knees next to her. The impact hurt and blood was sweeping into the material of his suit but he didn't care. Nat's face was still and relaxed. Not peaceful but not pain filled either. It was resolute almost, set with her fate. Emil gently reached out and closed her eyes.
It was then that he began to cry. Silent chest wrenching sobs shaking his whole frame. He pressed his hands to his face, nails digging into the skin around his eyes as he shuddered.
Emil did not know how long he stayed there. It could have only been a few moments or hours. He waited until the sobs had stopped and he was able to stop shaking. Lowering his hands, he stared down at Nat. With her eyes closed it could almost be as if she was meditating.
Gently and and with great care, Emil went through her pockets. Nat wasn't ever a sentimental person or one for jewellery but there was a necklace that she often wore. He had seen her wear it more often than any other thing she owned. It was a tiny thing with a thin chain. Emil found it and held it up so that it caught the red light of the sun. The tiny golden arrow glinted at him. Emil clutched it tightly in his fist as tears ran down his cheeks. He wiped them away and bent down to press his forehead against hers. Her body was cooling rapidly.
Emil stayed like that for a few seconds before straightening and getting to his feet. Resolutely he turned away and disappeared in a flash of blue. They had a mission to accomplish. He had to make sure that Nat's sacrifice didn't count for nothing.
The necklace was the same one she was wearing when she went to speak to Tony near the beginning. As a character, Nat doesn't wear any ornaments apart from for missions, so I thought that this necklace might be important some how and wanted to include it.
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