Balloons pov
"Nickel?" I say, entering the room.
"Yeah?" He replies.
"Wanna decorate cupcakes with me?"
OJ and Paper wanted to make a surprise dessert for after dinner, but you can't really make cupcakes a surprise. After Yang VERY LOUDLY asked why it smelled so good in the kitchen, OJ decided that since baking nearly anything was an IMPOSSIBLE TO KEEP SECRET, we would be decorating our treats instead. It was still a good idea as it passed off as a fun activity for the super bored population of the hotel.
And well, I couldn't do a fun activity without nickel.
He quickly agreed and we raced down to the dining table.
"Hey! No fair you got a head start!" He shouts, jumping off the last step and running towards me.
"No rematches, shortie" I tease.
"Wha-HEY! The fact that you won has nothing to do with me being short" he replies sourly.
"So.. you do admit you're short!" I say smirking.
"N-NO! I mean- ugh, just shut up" he stammers. I smile at his reaction.
"Now will you quit being a sore loser and pass me the chocolate buttercream?" I ask. He grabs it and tosses it to me. His smile then changes to a scowl that he seems to be giving to someone behind me. I look back to see fan and soap giggling with each other as fan types on his phone. That guy... always typing something. I look back at nickel and he walks over beside me.
OJ comes out of the kitchen with 24 cupcakes in 2 cupcake trays. A lot came to decorate, about 12 people. So that's 2 cupcakes per person. OJ passes the cupcakes around the table and everyone starts grabbing the different creams and toppings that were laid out earlier. Since I already had the chocolate buttercream in my hand I pipe a pretty chocolate swirl on one of my cupcake. Nickel watches in awe.
"How do you do it so perfect?" He says amazed. I gotta admit, I also surprised myself with that buttercream swirl.
"It just came to me" I say confidently. He takes two chocolate buttons and breaks a chocolate pocky stick into two halves. He then sticks them in the side of my chocolate cupcake and finishes off the look with sprinkles on top.
"Wow... it looks amazing! You got some decorating skills" I say, now the impressed one. He smiles, and we start watching what everyone else was doing. Cherries were decorating their 2 cupcakes with white frosting and colourful sprinkles, test tube's mixing plain buttercream with different food colourings while fan was watching and recording her, Yinyang already ate their cupcakes. Nickel looks at soap disgusted as she sprays disinfectant on hers. I glance at paintbrush, who was going all out with theirs, creating an absolute frosting masterpiece. Paper and OJ were making more buttercream in the kitchen while feeding each other their cupcakes.
Then I look at nickel. He was piping a light red swirl of buttercream on one of his cakes. He then pipes a weird face on it.
{ The face being: (>:P)< }
"Balloon look! It looks like you" he says. I look at him dead in the eye, annoyed, but not in a bad way. My reaction makes him burst out laughing. I smile and start laughing with him.
But I suddenly notice some buttercream on his face.
Nickels pov
Heh, that cupcakes totally made him mad. He makes a face at me and I start laughing at his annoyance. He starts laughing with me and my heart jumps happily. Honestly, everythings so much better when he's around.
"Wait nickel stop moving" he says. I stop laughing and look at him confused. He reaches his hands out and holds my face, swiping his right thumb on my cheek. He then brings his right hand back and I realise that some of the buttercream had ended up on my face and he just took it off. He giggles and tells me that I had the buttercream on my face and I blush slightly. But when he licks the cream off his finger I blush even harder. I don't even KNOW WHY. His other hand was still holding my face and I look into his eyes. They seem to light up when he tastes the flavour.
"Mmm that tastes really good. I think it's made of the strawberry jam". He looks at me and we stare at each other without realising. My mouth slightly opens but then I purse my lips (A/N: LIPS?!?!??! I CAN SEE IT HELP-) and look off to the side blushing heavily.
The thing that breaks us from that uncalled staring contest was a camera flash in the distance. I turn around getting ready to shout at fan, but instead I see trophy with his camera. He waves the photo in between his two fingers and smirks at us. I realise nobody else is looking at us and trophy is the only one who saw.
"Don't. you. dare. show that to a soul. HEAR ME." I say through gritted teeth.
"I won't you simp, don't cry over it, but you two should get a room." He says, still smirking.
"WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU LITTLE SH-" I manage to shout, before balloon pulls me back and covers my mouth.
"Oi what was that for? I ask, reducing my angry tone. I didn't want him to think I was mad at him.
"It's best that we don't argue with him" He replies. I sigh but smile at him and we go back to decorating. Balloon makes another cupcake with a light blue icing that he thought looked nice, and I make a green and white one, filled with green apple sauce (A/N y'all apple and her family are fine dw). Everyone puts their cupcakes away for after dinner, but I take the light red one with me. Balloon grabs it out of my hand and takes a bite.
"Tsk tsk... cannibal" I say, trying not to giggle.
"WHA- THIS IS A CUPCAKE" he shouts.
"*Le gasp* Balloon are you ok? This STRANGER just took a bite out of your head!" I exclaim at the bitten cupcake.
"HEY!" He shouts.
"Oh I'm sorry, I keep mixing you two up" I laugh. Like always, he takes the joke lightly and we both laugh together while finishing the treat.
1053 WORDS
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