Nickels pov
Sometimes even chilling in your room can get so boring. I open the door and go downstairs to find something, ANYTHING, that I could do. I enter the kitchen looking for a snack or something I could occupy myself with. As I look around, I notice movement in the pantry. I peek in and find soap organising the shelves. She turns and notices me in the doorway.
"Oh, hey" she says, turning herself towards me. "Whaddya need?"
"I was just looking for a snack or something" I reply. She turns back and grabs something from the lower shelf. She then tosses me a pack of crisps and I catch it with my teeth. I drop it momentarily to say thanks. But before I leave the room, she stops me.
"Wait, nickel"
"Uh, yeah?"
"So... how's it going?" She smirks.
"How's what going.." I reply, not getting the message.
"Just a salmon coloured person...". I realise what she's talking about and I blush, thinking about him. For some reason I pretend not to know what she's talking about.
"Hehe...w-what are you talking about?" I say nervously. Shoot that was way too obvious. I used to be good at hiding emotion. What happened?
"Oh please, you know who I'm talking about" she says, raising her eyebrow smiling.
"Are you dating yet?"
"Wha-NO!" I shout. "I wish..." I mutter under my breath
"What was that?" She says.
"C'mon, why'd you ask me how to ask him out if you're not going to do it?"
"You did say I shouldn't push myself to do it early," I reply.
"Fine, fine, but you're taking so longgg. I'm itching for more couple drama pleasee."
"Huh?!" I say confused.
"Oop- anyway, look at your profile pictures! They obviously match" she says, showing me an edited picture of our profile pictures next to each other."
"Who edited that?..." I ask.
"Shush" she says, putting her pointer finger near my mouth. "That isn't what you have to worry about". She puts her phone away and turns back to the shelf.
"Well, I'm glad I got to catch up to date about you and your boyfriend"
"Yet" she says.
"But.. we can't talk all day, I've got to do some room service after this. Those rooms aren't going to mop themselves! Anyway, good luck with him" she says, winking. I sigh, but not in a bad way.
"And if you ever need more advice, you know who to come to" she chirps.
"Heh, thanks Soap" I say, before we share a smile and I leave the room.
Balloons pov
"YESS" I shout loudly. It worked! Suitcase and I are going to meet up again, but baseball is coming!
"I know right? I thought he'd say no" suitcases voice says from the call.
"Yeahh I can't wait to see nickel's face!" I say happily. He's going to be so glad to see baseball again.
"Ooh~ you can't wait to see who??" Suitcase says. I can practically hear the smirk.
"Oh c'mon suits" I say, rolling my eyes.
"You know that I was talking about his reaction to baseball"
"Yeah sure sure" she says.
"So... where are we meeting up?" I think for a few seconds.
"How about you guys come to the hotel? Lightbulb was here before so I'm sure it's fine right?"
"Yeah, mephone really doesn't care anymore. Say, that guy is taking a while thinking of the next challenge"
"Ooh tell me more".
And then we spend the next half an hour chatting about this and that. Nickel enters the room with a pack of crisps and waves at me. I wave back, just as suitcase ends the call saying that she and baseball are on their way.
"Pass me one" I say as nickel opens the packet. He takes a chip out and throws it at me, and with surprisingly quick reflexes I manage to catch the crisp between my tongue and top teeth.
"You could've handed it to me, but thanks" I say, chewing it down.
"No problem" he says. I look at him, really wanting to keep talking to him. I get an idea.
"Do you know what's going on at the competition grounds right now?".
"Nah I don't. You do?" He asks, genuine curiosity lacing his tone. I tell him everything I found out from suitcase and we talk and laugh for the next fifteen minutes. The thing that interrupts us is my ringtone. I look down to see it's a video call from suitcase.
"One sec" I say picking up the call.
"Hey uh, I think we're here" she says, putting on her video and showing me the front of the hotel.
"Yeah, that's it, I'll come in a sec." I end the call.
"Was that suitcase?" Nickel asks.
"Yeah, they're here" I say excitedly.
"Here, come down with me," I say. He gets up and throws the pack of crisps out as he follows me. I run down the stairs as he struggles to keep up.
"Woah, hey! Slow down" he says, slightly out of breath. I reach the lobby and open the door.
"Suitcase!" I say, as we share a hug. I look up to see Baseball, and we smile at each other.
"Wha-balloon.. why were you running down those stairs so fa..a...". Nickel says as he emerges from behind me. His sentence trails off as he sees baseball.
"B-baseball?" He says in shock. Baseball gives him a warm smile. Nickel smiles widely and runs towards him quickly.
"You have no idea how much I missed you!" He says stopping in front of him.
"I missed you too!" Baseball replies. They 'hug' each other the no arms way and start laughing and talking while walking around. Meanwhile suitcase and I greet each other and start talking too.
Nickels pov
"Are you saying balloon organised this?" I ask baseball in disbelief.
"Yeah, suitcase told me so" he replies.
"Wow... he's so... thoughtful"
"About that..." baseball starts. I look at him curiously and he continues.
"I heard a lot has changed between you two, wanna tell me all about it?".
And so I do. I tell him every single bit, and despite hesitating before telling him about my feelings toward balloon, I'd never hide anything from him, and he now knows that too. He sure was surprised but even more he was proud of how we fixed the problem. When I finish talking we coincidentally meet with balloon and suitcase again, who were walking around the hotel and eventually reached the spot we were sitting in. Suitcase and baseball start talking about the competition so I go to balloon.
Baseballs pov
When nickel was just out of earshot I start talking to suitcase about what I needed to talk about.
"Hey suitcase"
"Do you think they like each other?"
"Who? Nickel and balloon?"
"Yeah, them"
"Well I only know about balloon"
"What do you know?"
"Well... he probably wouldn't want me telling you"
"C'mon suitcase, I know about nickel"
"Ok.. tell me about nickel first"
"Well, he actually does like balloon"
"Well I guess it's ok to tell you that balloon likes him back"
We both start giggling, thinking about the exact same thing.
"We have to set them up" I say.
"No but wait, why don't we let it happen in it's own time, on its own?" Suitcase says.
"Hmm, you're right, but we gotta do something!"
"Let's just get them to interact more"
"What do you mean?"
"Yknow, like seven minutes in heaven and stuff"
"Ooh I get what you mean". I suddenly notice bubbles coming out of an open window. Suitcase and I watch as one floats towards nickel and balloon.
Nickels pov
"C'mon nickel, you've got to get faster at running" balloon smirks.
"Balloon. You won the race yesterday because you got a head start, and today, WE WEREN'T EVEN RACING!"
"Yeah yeah"
"What do you mean 'yeah yeah' balloon c'mon" I say. He's been teasing me for the past 5 minutes, and I'm definitely not secretly enjoying it.
Suddenly bubbles start to appear around the place. Soaps probably cleaning somewhere.
"Ooh bubbles!" Balloon says smiling. He starts running around popping them as fast as he can. I watch him and smile at how cu- I MEAN happy he looks. He starts hopping, trying to reach the higher ones. I walk towards him to join him when something stops me suddenly. That something was a bubble, that landed on my nose.
Balloon looks at me and smiles. I blush slightly, knowing he was looking at me. I try not to move to not make the bubble pop.
"Aww look at that" he says. He steps forward and pops the bubble, but his finger ends up... booping my nose. I blink a few times since some of the bubble solution went in my eye, but then I look at him. We fall into a staring trance again. I feel my face heating up. We stay like that for.. god knows how long, and balloons face goes noticeably red.
We both seem to realise what we're doing and quickly look away. I quickly think of something to say to change the tension. I spot a bubble and pop it.
"Hey balloon"
"Let's see who can pop more bubbles in a minute"
"Yeah.... Yeah! Heh I bet I'll win"
And then we run off popping bubbles and counting, while suitcase and baseball joins us.
Soaps pov
The video ends, and my camera faces away from the two. I save the video and giggle. I knew the bubbles that the mop produced would be in good use. I look at the clean bucket and mop, propped in the corner of the room. Wow, I haven't even started cleaning yet. I walk over to my supplies while quickly sending the video to someone.
You: Is this good for your research thing?
You: Attached file
Fan: That's so cute!
Fan: Thanks :)
Just helping a fellow matchmaker
1604 words
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