In the early wakes of the morning most kids were sleeping, trying to hold on to each minute before they had to come back to school from winter break. That was quite the opposite for Bethany Stone who was up all night drowning in her thoughts. Thoughts that swamped her mind made her crave to go to school as a buffer for all the things she was feeling. School kept her busy, kept her from the lonely darkness that was trying to take over her body.
Soon enough the alarm rung throughout Bethany's room, she let out a sigh of relief and got out of bed. She got ready for school not missing a single beat, the night was over there was no time for any hint of sadness.
Bethany walked downstairs to smell eggs and toast being cooked by her mother, Emily Stone. She smiled to herself, there was nothing better than her mother's eggs for breakfast.
"Morning Buttercup, excited to go back to school?" Emily asked setting down a plate in front of her daughter. She knew not to ask her daughter about the anniversary of her father's death as that only ended in the sweet girl to snap, and having a repeat of that was not on Emily's agenda.
"I'm super excited, Cheryl's picking me up today and some of the cheer team is gonna get in an early practice today" Bethany beamed while taking a bite of her eggs. "By the way mom, your eggs are delicious"
Emily smiled softly at her daughter, for some reason today she knew all the right things to say and do and maybe that's how she coped. Bethany's father, William Stone, was taken away from her Sheriff Keller deemed a "Car Accident" but that crash was anything but an accident. Years ago Bethany found herself sneaking into Riverdale's junk yard with the infamous Cheryl Blossom and her twin Jason Blossom. The three snuck in to see her father's precious 1965 red mustang. As Bethany was checking the car for anything they left behind so she could hold onto but the only thing she could find was the car freshener shaped as a tree that read "Royal Pine" but then Jason and Cheryl found something that caught their attention and brought Bethany to see, the brakes pulled and in the car Bethany found a switchblade with "S.S" engraved into the base of the knife. Seeing that broke Bethany's heart but it also caused her to have the still standing grudge on the Southside Serpents.
"Thanks Buttercup, have fun today at early practice" Emily gave her a sly wink and smile as she heard Cheryl's car pull up. "Oh and tell Cheryl to come for dinner some time this week, I've missed my little red"
Bethany nodded and as she opened the door Cheryl strode in the house with a big smile on her red painted lips. "Mrs. Stone, you didn't think I'd pick up your daughter without saying hello did you?"
Emily just chuckled her smile bright as ever, "Cheryl it's so nice to see you, have a good first day back, try not to cause too much mayhem"
"I'll try my best but no promises" All three of them shared a soft laugh, it was refreshing for both of the Stone women.
Bethany and Cheryl walked out of the house and got into Cheryl's red convertible. Bethany looked at the cherry shaped freshener hanging from her rearview, then she roamed her eyes around the car. Bethany never wanted to drive, it didn't feel right since her first car wouldn't be the junker her dad promised to fix up for her. Cheryl knew what today was so she decided to be easy on the girl and not tease her and just enjoy the ride.
The locker room was packed with girls getting changed for early morning cheer practice, this wasn't something that was required but if you wanted to be in Cheryl's good graces you would go. All the girls were catching up on what they did on break. Out of nowhere the in the midst of all the girls chatting the PA goes off and they all look up and hear Principal Weatherbee's voice.
"Students of Riverdale High, this is your principal speaking. E-mails have been sent to your parents, but effective immediately, Southside High School is shut down." The girls in the locker room let out gasps and both Bethany and Cheryl had a challenged look on their face.
"And its students will be transferred to other schools in the district including this one. I believe the statement we're releasing will address your concerns and theirs. You should be receiving it shortly. I'm sure you have many questions. But it goes without saying, we are welcoming these students with open minds, hearts and arms."
Bethany let out a laugh and crossed her arms trying not to cry. Midge walks over to the two of them concerned at their reactions, "Cheryl? Buttercup?"
Cheryl whips around fire in her eyes, "Hell no! My home life is a Dickensian nightmare, I won't have school turn into one, too"
Bethany didn't say a word just tried to refrain from crying, she's made an effort ever since to avoid any Southside Serpent so she wouldn't burst, Bethany was one of the kindest girls in Riverdale but she hardened up when it came to that gang.
"I'm out of here" She grabbed her bag and walked out and she heard footsteps behind her knowing it was Cheryl trying to calm the very angry girl.
"Buttercup, listen it's going to be okay" Her voice was soft, she had hoped the girl wouldn't blow up all her bottle emotions but she didn't she just let out a sigh and turned around.
"Cheryl what I'm going to do? I can't see their jacket without feeling resent towards that gang. I've gone six years with avoiding them and now I'm going to have them in my hallway?" Buttercup just broke down in the corner of the hall and Cheryl sighed hugging her.
"Don't worry Buttercup, I'm gonna show those snakes who not to mess with at this school and it's us" Cheryl wiped her tears and gazed into her blue eyes which had been turning bloodshot from all the crying. "But right now I'm gonna need to take you to the bathroom because I can't be seen with someone who's eyes are as distended as yours"
Bethany chuckled and sniffled before checking her phone then looking back up at Cheryl. "Hey Cher my mom got the email and said she's gonna pick me up from school early today. I'm not gonna be able to make cheer this afternoon, is that okay?"
Cheryl placed her hand on Bethany's arm and ran her thumb up in down to soothe the girl. "Of course, but you better be at morning practice tomorrow bright and early"
"Of course Cher you're the one who takes me to school so there's no getting out of that" Cheryl gives her a tight hug and gives her a pity smile, Bethany didn't like the look but she decided to let it slide because Cheryl was acting out of character as well.
Emily was there to pick Bethany up 10 minutes after she texted her. When Emily saw the look on her daughter's face she was relieved that she made that decision. Bethany still wasn't too keen on talking about her feelings about her father's death but Emily wanted her to let it out, some way she was getting her daughter to talk.
When they got home Bethany was already on her way upstairs but Emily stopped her. "Nope you're staying downstairs with me, you've got to spend time with your ole' mom"
Bethany smiled and walked into the living room where her mom already had piles of blankets ready to be snuggled in. Emily's head popped into the room, "I've got ice cream too, and later tonight we're gonna pick up some burgers and fries from Pop's"
Emily saw the way Bethany's face lit up and it overwhelmed her with happiness, being a single mother was hard and she just wanted to hold her daughter for hours and tell her it'd be alright.
The two girls agreed on a Disney movie and they were both wrapped in these fluffy blankets with bowls of ice cream in their hands.
Halfway through the movie Bethany turned to her mom, "Mom can I ask you a question?"
"Of course Buttercup, what is it?"
"Do you... ever think about dad and what he'd think of how I've grown?"
Emily turned her head, more alert, she shifted herself to turn invested in this conversation. "I think about him everyday and I know he'd be proud of who you've become"
Bethany couldn't help but let a tear fall, Emily leaned closer and wiped the tear. Bethany just latched onto her mother tightly letting her face fall in her chest as she just sobbed. Emily wrapped her arms tightly around her daughter never wanting to let go. "I just miss him so much mom, and it just hurts"
"I know baby, I promise it'll get easier" She runs her fingers through her hair and soon her sobbing starts to calm down and she starts to fall asleep and minutes later Emily followed suit. Satisfied that was finally able to feel like she helped her daughter with all this weight on her shoulders.
First chapter! I'm super excited, I'm gonna try and get an update as soon as possible but I do have softball tryouts this week so I'm gonna be focused on that and school work but I hope you enjoy!
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