Chapter 5
Fangs, Sweetpea, Betty and jughead made their way back to Riverdale on motorcycles. When they arrived football practice along with cheerleading was just finishing. "YO! which one of you douche bags is Clayton?" Sweetpea shouted while Betty clung onto jughead in fear she would run away. "That would be me what I can I do for you?" Chuck said stepping forward. "You leave Betty alone you hear me?!" Sweetpea demanded. "Who's Betty... ohh diner girl" chuck smirked looking back to Betty. "What do you want piece of her before I get to her?" Chuck laughed and in that moment jughead saw read. "Hey! That's my girlfriend you're talking about so if I were you I'd consider my next move very carefully" Jug said squaring up to chuck and using his height as an advantage. "Whatever" chuck scoffed and walked away, his teammates following with the cheerleaders in toll. "Thank you, you didn't have to do that" Betty said. "We did, we've got your back" fangs said. "How come you're not a cheerleader Betts?" Jug said "you said you used to be at your old school". "Oh erm I didn't get a spot on the team" Betty said, ducking her head down and looking at the floor. Sensing her unease Jug placed his finger under he chin and lifted it so she was looking at him. "Why didn't you get on the team?" He pressed. Sighing Betty said "well, they said I didn't look the part apparently I'm too fat and secondly they said they can't have a diner girl on the team it would ruin their reputation". The boys looked shocked, none of them knowing what to say. Jughead took her cheeks in his hands. "Elizabeth Cooper, listen to me. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you! You are beautiful and your body is amazing baby, please, please don't listen to them" he pleaded not wanting what they were saying to affect her mentally. "Okay?" He said. "Okay" she said and he gently kissed her before wrapping his arms around her and hugging her tightly. "Can we got back to the diner now?" She asked. "Why don't we go to my place instead? I mean we've already closed up" Jug offered. She nodded and after saying goodbye to Sweetpea and fangs the couple got on his motorbike and headed to jugheads.
Jughead lived in an apartment on the Southside of town. "Here we are" he said as he pulled his bike up and offered his hand to help her down. He opened his door and let her in. "Do you want anything?" He said gesturing to the kitchen. "Erm yeah I'm kinda hungry I haven't eaten anything at all today" She said and he stopped dead in his tracks turning around. "What?!". "I was overthinking the whole chuck situation" she replied motioning to the bruise on her face. Jug sighed and kissed her cheek. "Okay how about I order a pizza and you can chose something to watch on tv?" He asked. "That sounds perfect" she smiled. Half an hour later they were curled up on the couch with his arm around her and a blanket thrown over their laps and eating pizza. "I love you, juggie" she said looking up at him and the look of awe in his eyes was enough to make her heart burst. "I love you too betts, so much" he said and kissed the top of her head before turning back to the tv.
{hey! Leave ideas and prompts💗}
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