Chapter 67
When fangs and Toni turned around to see if Betty was okay, she was gone. "Guys! Betty's gone!" Toni yelled to Veronica and Kevin who had finally gotten Abigail to leave. "What?!" Kevin asked worriedly. "We need to call jug then go after her" fangs said as they ran out the club.
Fangs: get down to the club! Betty's gone, Abigail showed up!
After sending the message to Jug the group waited until they heard the familiar sound of motorcycles. "What happened?! Where is she?!" Jug demanded when he and FP arrived. "She was having a good time, then Abigail showed up and started being a bitch and gave her and card and then when we turned around Betty was gone!" Veronica cried. "What card?" Jug asked and Toni handed him the card that had the photograph of Betty and chic with Abigail's message in it. "Oh my god" Jug sighed. "Betty already thought that she was to blame for chics death! Who knows what state of mind she's in we have to find her!" Jug yelled, trying to stop himself from crying. "Okay okay. Where could she of gone?" FP asked. "Chics grave!" Kevin exclaimed.
When they arrived at the cemetery they saw ten familiar blonde in the pink dress. "You Guys wait here I'll go" Jug said. As he made his way over to Betty he could hear what she was saying. "I'm so sorry chic, it's my fault you're dead! I'm sorry" she sobbed. "I didn't mean for this to happen! I don't know how to make it Better" she continued. Jugheads heart broke and he carefully approached. "Betts?". She turned around and he was met with her puffy red face and muddy dress. "Juggie" she breathed. He sat down behind her and took her in his arms. "You're okay now, you're okay" he repeated as he tried to calm her down. "How do I make it better?" She pleaded. "Baby. It's not your fault that he died. It was a terrible accident. Do not blame yourself." Jug begged of her. "But Abigail was right! I should be the one who's dead! It's all my fault I make everything worse!" Betty suddenly screamed and stood up. "I.. I need to make it better" she kept repeating. "Betts. You need to calm down. This is just your anxiety and PTSD talking. We need to get you home and get your medication and we'll talk about everything" he said and he gently grabbed her hands. "Where's.. Where's Abigail?" She cried. "I don't know but we'll find her. She did a horrible thing but you don't need to be scared betts I'll keep you safe" Jug said. "Come on, let's get you home" he said as she gently lead her back to the others. "B! Are you okay?" Veronica asked as everyone rushed to hug her. "I'm sorry about the dress, I ruined it" Betty said as she looked down at the muddy stains that's covered the pink material. "Don't be silly! I care about you not the dress!" Veronica said with a soft smile. "Let's go darling you need to rest" FP said as they left to go back to the bar.
Once Kevin and Veronica had left jughead took Betty upstairs and lead her into the bathroom. "Let's get you showered" he said with a smile and helped her to undress. "Will you stay with me?" She asked quietly. "Of course" he said and after undressing himself her climbed in the shower after her. When they were all clean and had their pyjamas on Betty said she wanted to sit on the balcony, so jug made her some tea and sat her in his lap. "Juggie" She asked after a while. "Yes honey?". "Can we talk. You said you'd be my temporary therapist" she said and gave him a small smile. "Of course! I'm Proud of you for opening up" he said and kissed her temple. "Okay" she said "I know it's not my fault that he's dead, I do. But it could've been me that died why did I get to live? And my mom and Abigail, they have some revenge Plan for me and I don't like the feeling of being scared and I don't know how to feel normal again" she said and tears fell down her face. "Honey. You are safe. Always, I'll always keep you safe. And what happened in the fire was a horrible, freak accident and yes you came out of it alive but I can see the pain it caused you betts, you have PTSD you wake up screaming in the night, you've been mentally scarred so you're allowed to feel, you're allowed to grieve. Abigail and your mom will be found and they'll pay betts, they'll go to jail and until then you don't have to go back to normal you just need to learn how to be happy again" he said. "I am happy. I am, we're getting married, I have great friends it's just sometimes I feel like I don't deserve it and it makes me feel guilty" she said. "I know baby, we'll get through it" he said and hugged her tighter. "Together?" She asked. "Always, together" he replied and kissed her head.
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