Chapter 57
Jughead was woken up by Betty planting soft kisses all over his face, he smiled and pretended to be asleep to see what else she did. After a few moments he opened his eyes and placed a kiss on his lips. "Mmm that's my favourite way to wake up in the morning" he said and she giggled. "Good morning" she chirped and she sat up cross legged on the bed. "You're very happy this morning" he smiled as he looked at her. "Of course I am! I am engaged to the love of my life andddd I feel like things are really looking up for me" she smiled and he pulled her onto his lap to straddle him. "I love you, I'm so proud of how far you've come" he said. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Well a couple of months ago you wouldn't leave this room or eat and you didn't want to get out of bed and now you've gotten yourself help and you've managed to graduate school and get Better both physically and mentally and I couldn't be prouder to call you my fiancé" he grinned and she beamed back and hugged him tightly. "Shall we got to pops for breakfast? I want to show off my new jacket" she winked as she got off the bed and moved to the bathroom.
The couple were seated in a booth with their jackets and a stack of pancakes each. "So what do you want to do today?" He asked her. "Well I was need to tidy up a little bit and I have things to sort out but I was thinking that we could have a movie night tonight?" She asked. "Of course, I'll do some paperwork for the bar while your busy then" he said. After a while pop came over "loving the new jacket miss Betty" he said with a knowing smile. "Only the best for my fiancé" jughead grinned and Betty held up her ring, jughead will never get tired of telling everyone that she was his. "Well a think a congratulations is in order, I'll get you celebratory milkshakes" the older man said and left to fetch them milkshakes.
Later on in the day Betty was sorting out some of her old stuff that she didn't need anymore when there was a knock on the door. Opening it she was presented with Veronica lodge holding a large folder. "B! We have to start wedding planning!" The raven haired girl said as she barged into the apartment and sat at the table. "We've just got engaged" Betty giggled. "Exactly we should've done this yesterday now come and sit" she said and pulled out a chair for Betty. After about two hours of listening to Veronica talk about material and dresses and venues Betty was starting to feel really over whelmed. Luckily Veronica said she had to get home and with a hug she left. Betty was still sat at the table staring at bridal magazines and she felt to overwhelmed and knew that jughead would help her feel calm so she headed down to the bar. Fangs and Sweetpea were sat at the bar while Toni was wiping the counter, the spotted her coming down the stairs. "Hi Betty!" Toni waved but with one look of Betty panicked face they three of them were up and by her side in an instant. "What's going on?" "Are you okay?" "What happened?" They asked. "I just need Jug" she breathed out and tried to keep her breathing steady. "Okay, he's in the office with FP" Toni said with a smile and Betty was off.
"Come in!" FP shouted when someone knocked on the door and Betty came in. "I...Jug.. can I speak to you please?" She asked and jug was out of his seat and up to see what was wrong. "I'll Leave you two, hope you're okay darling" FP said and left the room. Jug lead Betty over to his chair sat her down before crouching In front of her. "What's going on baby?" He said. "Veronica came over to talk wedding stuff and you know what she's like and it was so overwhelming and sent me into a panic" she breathed out and he kissed her nose and rubbed her arms to help calm her down. "Baby. It's okay Veronica's only trying to help" Jug said trying to reassure her. "But jug... she's basically planned it and..." she trailed off. "What? What is it?" He asked. "I don't want this wedding"....
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