Chapter 2
The next day betty had woken up feeling refreshed and happy and ready to start her day. After getting ready into a grey collared jumper and a pink skirt with her converse she made her way downstairs to get breakfast with her parents. Chic and Polly had both moved out a while ago she was left by herself with only her parents in the house. When she got downstairs her parents were sat down on the table both staring at her. "What's going on?" She asked them. "Sit down Elizabeth" her mother said, gesturing to the chair in front of them. "Betty your mother and I are getting a divorce" Hal said. "W..what?!" She asked. She always admired her parents relationship. Even though sometimes her mother was unbearable, she loved her parents more than anything and that one sentence felt as if it had sent her whole world crashing down. "It's for the best Elizabeth things haven't been good for a while" her mother said. As quickly as the conversation started it had ended and both parents went off to work leaving her there at the table. Letting her tears fall down her face she went back upstairs and put her sweats on and decided to ruin her perfect attendance by staying home.
Jug was in the bar playing pool when he realised the time was 3pm, knowing that Betty would have finished school now he was waiting for a text, he hadn't gotten one that morning and he figured that she was busy. A few hours later Kevin, Veronica and Archie burst through the door or the wyrm which immediately grabbed the attention of all the serpents, including jugheads and FP who were at the bar. "Jughead!" Kevin called. "What?" Jug asked as he and his dad moved towards them. "Is Betty here?" Archie asked. "No I haven't spoken to her today I assumed she was busy with school" Jug said, getting worried. "She didn't come to school, she always comes to school, she even came to school with the flu" Veronica added. "We went to her house and nobody was home" Kevin added. "What's going on boss?" One if the serpents from behind him said as all the serpents gathered to see what was going on. "We can't find Betty" FP said, joining in on his sons concern. "Oh god what if something happened to her?!" Veronica said. Suddenly all their questions were answered when Betty entered the wyrm, in her sweats and a teary face, and her white shirt that had blood on the ends.
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