"Thank you mr weatherbee" Betty smiled as he handed her a folder full of papers in his office. "You're welcome miss cooper" he said and as soon as she left his office her false smile dropped from her face. She had just been asked to help with the prom committee and she didn't really want to but she was on the planning committee so she couldn't really say no. Sighing, she made her way to the blue and gold office where her boyfriend was. "Hey betts!" He grinned when he saw her. "Hey" she said, she dropped the folder on the desk and folded herself into his arms. "You Okay?" He asked as he rubbed his hand up and down her back. "Yeah... just weatherbee just unloaded all the prom planning on me" she sighed. "I'm sorry betts" he said and kissed her head. "Is there anything I can do?" He asked softly. "I'll be okay" she smiled as she pulled away and kissed his lips. "Well then, how about we go to pops for dinner? My treat" he said, grabbing her hands and pulling her back to him. "That Sounds great" she smiled.
Over the next week, Betty was in full prom planning mode. She only had five days left until the day of prom and she wanted to make sure everything was perfect. At school, Betty, jughead, Archie and Veronica were all sat having lunch outside; when Veronica brought up the topic of dresses. "So B, what colour is your dress?" She asked. "Oh.. Erm. I haven't actually got my dress yet" Betty admitted. "What?!" Veronica screeched. "Calm down V" Betty laughed. "I haven't had time yet, I've been busy" she said and smiled when jughead grabbed her hand under the table. "Well that's unacceptable! I'll pick you up tonight at 6, we're getting a dress" Veronica said and before Betty could protest Veronica spoke again "I won't take no for an answer!". "Fine" Betty sighed, but flashed her friend a smile. "Hey betty can i play a few songs at prom?" Archie asked. "Sure! But your more upbeat songs" Betty grinned. "You got it!" Archie agreed. "Okay. I need to go and speak to Ethel about the decoration, I'll see you all later" Betty said, collecting her stuff and kissing jughead on the cheek before heading back into the school. "So, when did you ask Betty to prom?" Archie smiled at jughead when Betty was out of sight. "I haven't asked her" jug shrugged. "What?!" Both Archie and Veronica yelled. "Jeez! Chill out" jug said. "You haven't asked her yet?!" Veronica repeated. "No... why would I shes my girlfriend. Aren't we automatically going together?" Jug asked. "Well yeah but dude, girls still like to be asked!" Archie told him. "Okay! Okay! I'll ask her" jug said, trying to think of ways to ask her.
At the end of the day, Betty had cheerleading practice and then she was staying late in the blue and gold, trying to plan last minute prom bits. So jughead left school, went to pops to grab them both dinner and then went back to school to keep Betty company. "Hey you" Jug smiled when he walked in the blue and gold. "Juggie! What are you doing here?" She beamed and hugged him. "I brought us dinner, and I thought I'd keep you company" he said. "Awww!" She smiled. "Here" he said and handed her a strawberry milkshake. "Thanks juggie" she said and took it off him. "Look at the cup betts" he smirked and Betty looked at him confused, before lifting up the milkshake and looking at what was written on the side:
Betts, the love of my life...
Will you go to prom with me?
"Oh juggie..." she said, tears in her eyes. "Hey, why are you getting emotional" he laughed and pulled her into a hug. "I don't know! It's just really sweet" she giggled. "So... will you go to prom with me?" He asked. "Yes!" She beamed and he pulled her in for a kiss. After a moment they pulled away. "I'm sorry it's not a huge romantic gesture" he said. "I don't want that... this was perfect, you didn't need to ask me, I thought we were always going together" she said. "Me too but arch and Veronica said I should still ask you, and I wanted to do a little something for you" he shrugged. "Well I love it thank you!" She smiled. "Okay come on let's eat and I help you with whatever you have to do" he said. After a few hours of planning and working they were finally done. "Do you want me to drop you home? I have the truck?" He said as they were about to leave. "I need to go to Veronica's... dress shopping" she said. "I can drop you there if you like?" He said. "Are you sure?" She asked. "Of course!" He smiled. "Thanks juggie" she grinned and he took her hand and lead her to the truck. When he pulled up to Veronica's house, he kissed her before saying goodbye. "Have fun! I'll call you tonight" he smiled. "Thanks juggie! I love you" she said as she got out the truck. "I love you too" he smiled.
"Okay B, so what kind of colour do you want? And style?" Veronica asked. "I was thinking, green..." Betty said, standing hesitantly in the dress shop, feeling a little out of her depth. "Ooh! Perfect! It will bring out your eyes!" Veronica grinned and swept around the shop with Betty, picking dresses for betty to try on. "Okay pick your top three" Veronica announced. "Okay... Erm this one, this one and this one" Betty said and picked out three of the dresses. "Good! Try them on" Veronica encouraged. After trying all the dresses on, Betty knew which one she wanted. It was green to match her eyes, and it was silk and had a slit down the leg. "Is that the one?" Veronica smiled. "Yeah" Betty smiled. "It looks beautiful B!" Veronica said. "Thanks V!" Betty shield and hugged her best friend. "Okay... now shoes!" Veronica said, excitedly.
"Are you ready for tonight?" Archie asked as Betty, jughead and Betty were sat in the student lounge. It was the day of prom. "I'm so excited!" Veronica squealed. "I am excited but I have so much to do!" Betty groaned and dropped her head to jugheads shoulder. "We're here to help you betts, whatever you need us to do" Jug said and wrapped his arm around her. "Yeah B, what do you need us to do?" Veronica asked. "I just have to decorate the gym but don't worry, me and prom committee have it covered" Betty said. "Well if you need Anything we'll do it" Archie added. "Thanks Guys" Betty smiled and just then the bell went off and they all said goodbye and went to their classes. "Hey babe, text me if you need help with anything okay?" Jug said. "I promise" Betty smiled and jug watched with a smile on his face as she skipped to her next class.
The evening finally rolled around and jughead and Archie had just turned up at the Pembrooke to pick up the girls. Smithers had let them in and they made their way upstairs. "Boys!" Veronica smiled when she saw them. She was wearing a black sparkly dress. "You look good Ronnie" Archie complimented. "Thank you Archie, you both look very dashing!" She said. "B! Come on!" Veronica called and jugheads breath got caught in his throat when he saw Betty. She was gorgeous. Her Blonde hair was down and floating around her shoulders, her makeup was natural and her green eyes were popping and matched her dress. "Wow..." Jug said in awe. Betty blushed and met him in the middle, his hands going to her waist. "You look so gorgeous... beautiful" he said softly. "You look very handsome juggie" she smiled and cupped his cheeks, kissing him. "Okay come on love birds! We don't want to be late!" Veronica smirked.
"You did a really good job Betty!" Archie praised when the four of them walked into the decorated gym. "Yeah its looks amazing" Veronica added. "Thank you" Betty chirped, her arm linked with jughead. "we're going to go and set up the song" Archie said and Betty and jughead nodded as Archie and Veronica left. Veronica was also singing with Archie. "Shall we dance betts?" Jug smiled. "I would love that" she beamed and took his hand and lead him to the dance floor. His hands went to her waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck. "You really did do an amazing job decorating babe" he smiled. "Thank you, it took a while" she giggled. "You're so beautiful baby... I'm the luckiest guy in the world" he whispered. "I love you juggie... so much" she whispered. "I love you too betts... so much" he repeated. She kissed him and rested her head on his chest as they swayed to the music and just enjoyed each other's company.
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