{spoilers for the season 3 finale }
Then there was nothing but silence. All they could hear was the sound of the leaves and trees in the woods. Then Betty's piercing scream echoed around them and everyone snapped out to their trance: Penelope blossom had just killed Hal cooper, the black hood. Jug snapped his head up and rushed over to where his girlfriend was falling to the floor, he wrapped his arms around her from behind and gently fell to the ground with her. "Betty! Betty! I've got you, it's okay, I've got you" he repeated as he held her tight to his chest. Veronica joined them on the floor, her hands touching Betty, trying to comfort her best friend. Betty was sobbing, screaming, she had just watched her dad die. Archie snatched the antidote and jug and Veronica pulled Betty up and they all ran as the gargoyles ran after them
They ran and ran through the Forrest until they saw the trucks pull up with the poisons and Toni. They ran to take cover and Archie handed the antidote over to the girls. "Is everyone okay?" Archie asked and jug and Ronnie nodded but Betty just stared at her hands. "Betts?" Jug said softly but Betty didn't say anything. A while later, FP and some others police from the sheriffs department turned up, as well as an ambulance. "We need to check out the girls" a paramedic said and Veronica followed her onto the ambulance. "Betty? You need to be checked over darling" FP said, offering his hand to Betty and she took it and stood up. Jug and Archie Waited while the girls were looked at. "Do you think betty will be okay?" Archie said and jug shrugged "I don't know". "Well I have something that might make things worse" Cheryl interrupted and the boys turned to her. "I've just spoken to Kevin at the farm, everyone's gone including Polly and Alice have 'ascended' and no one can find anyone" she told them. "Shit!" Jug cursed. "Do we tell Betty?" Archie said. "I don't know! I don't know what to do" Jug said, throwing his beanie off and running his hands through his hair. Before anyone could say anything else, Betty and Veronica stepped out the ambulance. "We're okay" Veronica told them and they all breathed a sigh of relief . "Thank god" Jug said and hugged Betty. "Come on let's get out of here" he said. "No!' Betty spoke up. "What?" Jug said. "My dad... we have to get my dad" she said and ripped herself out of jugs arms and ran off. "BETTY!" Jug yelled as everyone ran after her. FP Managed to catch her and held her back. "Betty you don't want to see that" he said and Betty collapsed on the floor in sobs. "He's dead" she cried "he's dead!". Jug rushed Over and held her tightly, rubbing her back and placing kisses on her head. "Shh Baby, don't look" he comforted her.
Later on after everyone left, they went home and jughead and Betty were in Betty's old room in the Jones house. "Let's get out of these clothes baby" jug said softly, helping her out of the dirty dress she was wearing and then did the same with his suit. "Shall we get in the shower?" He asked and she nodded. After the shower, they put their pyjamas on and Betty climbed into bed. "Juggie?" Betty said quietly. "Yeah betts?" He said. "Can you make me one of your famous hot chocolates?" She asked and he smiled; he always made her one when she'd had a rough day. "Of course I can baby, I'll be right back" he said and kissed her softly before going down stairs.
"Here you go baby" he said, coming back into the room with two mugs. "I added cream and marshmallows too" he added and she smiled. "Thank you" she said. He climbed into bed next to her, and wrapped an arm around her. "Tell he how Your feeling betts" he said gently. "I don't know, I... I didn't want him to die" she sniffed. "I.. I hated him but I didn't want him to die. And I don't know where my mom is or Polly" she cried "and I feel like my whole worlds just collapsed on me". "Oh honey.." Jug sighed and placed their mugs down and turned to face her. "I know everything is messy right now, I can't imagine the pain you feel about your family... but I want you to know you have me, always. I won't leave you. You can talk to me anytime you need to. I'm your family as well" he started "I love you betty, nothing will ever change that, you're my whole world" he said and wiped her tears away. "Thank you juggie. For always being her for me, I love you too" she sniffed and kissed him softly before snuggling into his arms; her was her family.
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