Requested by @sprousediits 💗🤗
Betty was sick. She was sick but she wouldn't tell anyone. She was still staying in her old room, in her house that was now jugheads and FPs. Gladys and jellybean had gone back to Toledo and it was now just the three of them in the house. Alice was still at the farm and didn't speak to Betty. But now, Betty was sick. When Betty used to get sick, her mother wouldn't be sympathetic and just told her to take medicine and go to school, because of this Betty always thought she was a burden when she was sick so she never told anyone.
The morning she woke up sick, jughead was spooning her from behind. She was shaking and Cold but she was warm to the touch and she instantly knew she had a fever. She untangled herself from jugheads arms and decided to have a shower, in hope that it will make her better. When she was done and she was dressed she sat on her vanity and started to do her hair and makeup. Jughead woke up and reached for her and when he saw she wasn't there he sat up and looked around, relaxing when he saw her sat down. He watched her and his brow furrowed in concern when he noticed her pale skin and shaky hands. "Betts?" He called gently and she turned and smiled at him. "Good morning juggie" she said but her voice was a bit croaky. "Are you Okay?" He asked and she nodded "Yeah of course" she said and turned back to what she was doing. Jughead was convinced but decided to leave it for the Time being and walked into the bathroom. After he was ready and dressed Betty was still sat at her vanity but she was just staring into space. He walked behind her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. "Babe. Are you sure you're okay?" He asked. "Yeah I'm just tired juggie" she said and he nodded. "Okay come on or we're going to be late for school" he said and placed a kiss on her head, his frown back on his face when he noticed she was warmer than normal.
After breakfast with FP, where he too also noticed something off with their favourite blonde, Betty and jughead were walking hand in hand to school. They went to their lockers before they did anything else. "So we don't have any classes together until after lunch so I'll see you then?" Jug said before they went to first period. "Sure juggie" she smiled and placed a small kiss on his lips before going to her class. Jug went to his class and he saw Archie and Veronica already sat down. "Hey guys" he greeted. "Hi jug" "hey" they greeted. "How come you and Betty weren't in the student lounge this morning?" Archie asked. "We were a little late this morning" Jug told them. "How come? Betty never lets you guys be late" Archie smirked. "I don't know... Betty wasn't really herself this morning" Jug sighed. "Why? What's happened?" Veronica asked, concerned for her best friend. "I have no idea but she was already dressed when I woke up and she was just staring at her mirror and she was pale and warm. She said she's fine though but I think she's sick.. I don't know why she wouldn't just tell me though" Jug said and before anyone could respond, the teacher started the lesson.
Betty was feeling worse and worse as the day went on and in her class before lunch she was dizzy and she felt like she was going to throw up so she grabbed her stuff and ran to the bathroom. She only just made it before she was emptying her stomach into the toilet. After she was done she Shakily stood up and managed to her herself to the nurses office. The nurse sat her down and placed a bucket next to her in case she got sick again. Betty was pretty spaced out of it and didn't hear the nurse calling FP to pick her up. The next thing Betty knew, FP was walking into the nurses office and smiling softly at her. He crouched down in front of her and said "shall we get you home darling?". Betty shook her head "n..no... I'm fine" she stuttered out around her chattering teeth. "Betty... you're sick" FP said and Betty didn't protest as he helped her to and grabbed her backpack. She leaned against him as he lead her to the truck and drove them home. Betty managed to change into her pyjamas and her herself into bed while FP went to get her medicine and a glass of water. "Here you go darling" he smiled as he helped her sit up and she took a sip of water. "T..thanks" she said and lay back down again, her eyes slowly closing and she managed to fall asleep.
When jughead finished his classes for lunch he waited for Betty but she didn't show, he figured she was probably talking to a teacher or something so went to wait in the blue and gold when he saw a text from his dad:
Dad: got a call from the school saying Betty's really sick. She was throwing up and had a fever so I've taken her home.
Jughead was instantly worried, he knew there was something wrong that morning. He didn't care about school anymore so he signed himself out and ran home to his girlfriend. When he got home he saw his dad in the kitchen. "Jug!" FP said when he saw him. "Dad. How is she?" He asked. "She's asleep. I think she just needs rest" FP said and he nodded. "Why didn't she tell us she felt sick?" Jug asked and FP shrugged "I'm sure there's a reason son". Jug went upstairs and decided to check on Betty. She was pale but still sleeping, he moved some hair out her face and he could feel the heat radiating off her and felt awful she was feeling so bad. He kissed her cheek and pulled the covers tighter around her before going back downstairs and leaving her to sleep.
Jughead and FP was sat watching tv when Betty came down the stairs, wrapped up in her dressing gown and still looking very sick. "Hey you" Jug smiled when she sat down next to him and cuddled into his side. "How you feeling?" FP asked and Betty shrugged. "Betts?" Jug asked and she sat up slightly and looked at him. "How come you never told us you were sick?" Jug asked and Betty sighed and looked down at her hands. "Hey... Betts you can tell us" Jug said and held her hands. "I... I just... my mom never looked after me when I was sick she just told me to suck it up and get on with things so I just always deal with it myself because i don't know any difference" she sniffed and tried not to cry. "Oh baby..." Jug said and pulled her into a hug; his heart breaking for his girlfriend. "You don't need to feel like that darling, you have us and we're here for you okay? If you feel sick, or sad or anything we're you're family Betty, we're here for you" FP said and kissed her head. "Thank you" Betty said, and nestled back into jughead, her head on his lap and fell asleep.
When she woke up again she was in her bed again, with Jug next to her. "Hey baby" he smiled when he saw her. "Hey" she mumbled. "How are you doing?" He asked. "I feel a little better now I'm more rested" she told him. "Baby?" He said. "I love you Okay? I love you so much and I'm your boyfriend I'm supposed to look after you so please next time you feel like this or need anything... talk To me betts. I love you" he said and kissed her softly, not caring she was sick. "I promise i will. I love you juggie" she smiled. "Okay Good" he grinned and peppered kissed all over her face and then placed one on her lips. "Now let's run you a bath and give you more medicine before dinner" he said and Betty smiled as he walked into the bathroom; she wasn't a burden and it wasn't a bad thing having people look after her.
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