Break up? Part 2
"Betty?!" FP said, his concern growing for the blonde who he had grown to love. "Betty.. are you awake?" He asked, gently shaking her. He noticed the pills in her hand and sighed in relief at knowing she hadn't taken them and she must have passed out from exhaustion. "Mmm" Betty moaned. "Hey betty you're okay, come on let's get you help" FP said and picked her up.
FP managed to get Betty to the hospital and she wheeled away to be checked up, he called everyone and they all showed up. "Where is she?!" Alice yelled. "They took her into a room to check her, listen they said she needs to be assessed" FP Said. "Assessed?" Jug asked. "Yeah she was... she was so out of it... she was distraught" he said. Everyone waited in the waiting room, only Alice being allowed to see Betty. After almost two hours of waiting Betty came out of the room she was in still in her dirty and bloody clothes. Alice was talking to the doctor and Betty froze looking at everyone. FP and jughead were next to Fred and Archie and Hermione and Hiram were with Veronica and Kevin along side with sheriff Keller and the serpents were sat at the back. "Betts..." Jug said as she he stood up. She stepped back. "Betts please I'm sorry" he pleaded. Betty tried to walk out the hospital but Alice stopped her. "Elizabeth Cooper you know you can't go without supervision". "What's going on? Why can't she leave?" Archie asked, going to hug Betty. "She's unstable, she's expressed concern she may hurt herself" the doctor informed everyone. "Betts hey look at me... I didn't mean it.. I'm so so so sorry I was angry and I took it out on you and it was wrong but I love you!" Jug said taking her face in his hands. "You hurt me" she said "you really hurt me" she whispered and everyone's heart broke a little. "Baby I'm so sorry I'm sorry" he repeated. Betty wiped his tears and kissed him softly. "It's okay I forgive you, I love you" she said. "I love you more" he said hugging her tightly.
That night Betty was curled up into jugheads side. "I'm sorry for scaring everyone I don't know what happened I lost it. But my mom signed me up for therapy" Betty said. "You have nothing to be sorry for, I love you baby! We're never arguing again" Jug said and kissed her head. "Deal and I love you too" she said before they drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.
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