Break up?
{in this story Southside High and riverdale high have already merged and varchie didn't break up at FPS retirement party}
"Please Betty go home" jug said before storming back off into the Whyte Wyrm. Betty stood there in the cold, tears falling down her makeup stained face and her body shivering from the harsh winter air. Jughead had left, left her, she had no one. She took off her heels and turned around and started walking. Eventually she ended up at the drive in, it was abandoned and she slid down the old building that jughead once lived in. To make her problems worse it started to rain, heavily. The weather matching her mood. Betty couldn't keep it in any longer and broke down, heavy sobs wracked her body. After a while Betty realised she couldn't stay out in the cold all night and pulled out her purse where she was some money so she decided to go down to the motel and rent a room for the night.
The next day jughead made his way into school and making his way to the student lounge, everybody found out about his and Betty's breakup and he felt awful about it; he was just angry he never meant to take it that far. "Hey jug" Sweetpea said as he sat down with Sweetpea, fangs and Toni. Suddenly the doors to the student lounge burst open and Archie, Kevin and a very distraught looking Veronica stormed in. "Damn it she's not here!" Archie yelled. This instantly caught jugheads attention. "No. No, where else would she be?!" Veronica cried. "YOU!" A voice broke out, and Alice Cooper stood in front of jughead pointing a finger at him. "Where is she?! Where's Betty?!" She demanded. Jug sat up. "W..what do you mean?" He stuttered. "She didn't come home last night" Kevin said. "We offered her a ride and she said you were her ride and went to find you, obviously we all know what you said to her and now she's gone!" Archie said getting up in jugheads face. "But... but she can't be gone!" Jug said, panic taking over him. "Mrs Cooper, we have a lead" sheriff Keller said breaking everyone out of their thoughts. Everyone, including the serpents followed sheriff Keller into the blue and gold. "Okay she was seen last night sobbing on the side of road, apparently she has no shoes and that's all we know, we've found her shoes by the drive in but Betty's no where in sight" sheriff Keller sighed. "Oh my god" Alice said sitting down. "There's something else, it's a bit alarming". "Betty checked into a motel last night and she checked out this morning leaving a note in return" sheriff Keller said, he handed Alice the note.
I'm so sorry, he was everything now I have nothing
Betty x
Jughead snatched the note and couldn't hold back the tears that pooled in his eyes. "This is your fault!" Archie yelled at him. "Is it a suicide note?" Kevin asked his dad. "We Don't know son, we're doing everything we can to find... anything" Sheriff Keller said.
The rest of the day everyone was searching for their very favourite blonde. FP had sent out the serpents looking to find her on the south or whine everyone else checked the Northside. FP hopped on his motorcycle and drove to some abandoned parts of the Southside. He searched through some old house and what he didn't expect to find was Betty Cooper, covered in dirt and blood and an a pill bottle on the floor....
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