Chapter 2
Betty was working in a small coffee shop called 'the coffee house'. She had discovered it a few days ago, after walking around the city for a while; it wasn't too far away from the apartment so she chose to study there. Halfway though an essay she was writing the bell on the door chimed and two boys walked in. She instantly recognised the red hair and grey beanie. The boys also recognised her. "Hey Betty!" Archie greeted and jughead waved. "Hi guys" she smiled and moved her books and gestured for them to sit down. "How are you?" She asked. "We're good, we just came back from some museum jughead wanted to go to" Archie informed. "Cool! I'd love to go to a museum but Veronica finds them boring" Betty laughed. "Same! Jug dragged me maybe you two should go" Archie said. "I'd like that" Jug said with a small smile. Betty got lost in his eyes for a moment before saying "me too". "Sorry Guys But I've got to run! I have band practice in 10!" Archie said and left the coffee shop. "So Betty, what are you Majoring in?" Jug said spiking up conversation. "Journalism, what about you?" She asked. "Creative writing" he said. "Oh you're a Writer? That's so cool!" She beamed and jughead Couldn't Help But smile at her. "Well I'm trying to be a writer" he laughed. "I'm sure you're amazing" she smiled. They stayed talking for hours, drinking coffee and learning more and more about each other; they has so much in common. They both loved literature, old films, coffee, reading and cars. "It's getting late, I should be getting back" she said, with an apologetic smile. "Me too, let's walk together" he said, helping her pack up her things.
They walked home in comfortable silence, occasionally talking about things they see. Neither of them could keep the smiles off their faces. When they arrived on their floor of their apartments she turned to him. "Thank you for today, I'm glad we're friends juggie" she smiled. His heart flipped at the new nickname. "Me too betts, I'll see you tomorrow" he said. "Goodnight". "Night". When Betty walked into the apartment she was greeted by Veronica in the kitchen. "Did jughead walk you home?" She asked with a smirk. "Well kinda. We both live the same direction" Betty laughed. "So... do you like him?" Veronica asked. "We're just friends V" betty said with an eye roll. "Sure. Anyway I'm making pasta do you want some?" Veronica said. "Yes please, I just need to change" Betty said and moved to her bedroom. Suddenly she got a message on her phone:
Jughead: Thanks again for today, can't wait to know more about you! X
Jughead Jones put a kiss on the end of his message, Betty grinned at her phone and for the rest of the evening she was exceptionally happy.
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