Chapter 61
Jughead had just made it to the Andrews house after work when he saw the message from Betty saying she was staying with Toni for a while. "Hey" Archie said when he opened the door. "Hey, sorry I just saw betts message I was coming to meet her" he grinned sheepishly and held up his phone. "It's okay, why don't you come in and we can watch something?" Archie suggested. "Then you'll be here for when she got home" he added and jug nodded, following Archie into the house. "Do you want to order a pizza? I was going to wait for Betty but she said she was eating with her friend" Archie asked. "Yeah, sounds good" jug smiled. When the pizza arrived the boys sat around the kitchen counter and ate. "I'm glad we're doing this, I feel like we haven't gotten to really talk" Archie said, taking a sip of a beer. "Me too, I mean we spend a lot of time together but with Betty here" jug agreed. "You're good for her" Archie observed. "She's good for me" jug smiled and Archie grinned, he was happy for them. "You know, bettys my sister" Archie started and jughead quirked an eyebrow, thinking he was about to give the whole 'if you hurt her i will kill you' talk but was surprised when Archie carried on talking. "And you two love each other, so maybe we can be like brothers?" He said. Jug was stunned for a moment, the Andrews had been nothing but welcoming to him since they first met, and he couldn't help but feel grateful for them. "You know, I have always wanted a brother" jug grinned and Archie laughed, slapping him on the back. "Let's go see if there's a game on" he said.
A couple of hours later, Fred and Mary were home and they were all in the living room watching something on the tv. "Have you heard from Betty?" Mary asked and the boys shook their heads. "She said Toni will drop her back later" Archie told them. "Have you met Betty's new friend?" Fred asked them. "'No, but betty seems happy when she talks about her" jug said, with a small smile. "That's good, apart from Archie and Ronnie she hasn't really got anyone" Fred said. "She has a good friend kevin she met at the centre but she told me there she doesn't like to meet new people" jug Explained. "Well she seems to be doing well, and that's all that matters" Fred smiled.
Back at the party, Betty had declined a drink from Toni and luckily Toni didn't question it, she just grabbed her hand and pulled her to dance. They danced until bettys feet started to hurt and she excused herself to the bathroom. "I'll be right back" to yelled to Toni and slipped upstairs. She found the bathroom fairly quickly and opened the door, but what she saw stopped her in her tracks. Two boys were leaning over the sink, about to snort some white powder, they didn't seem bothered about her presence and Betty stumbled back. "Erm.. s..sorry" she apologised and ran out, back down the stairs. However now all her senses were high, the room was spinning and the music was too loud. She used the wall to guide her down the stairs and managed to make it outside. Some people were doing a keg stand and she got sprayed with beer as she stumbled across the grass. Toni had spotted her walking outside and ran to catch up with her. When she saw Betty doubled over trying to catch her breath, she was worried. "Betty?" She called but Betty didn't seem to hear her. "Betty! Betty wait up!" She yelled as Betty started to walk down the road. Betty finally caught up to her and gently grabbed her wrist, spinning her around. Betty's face was white and she had tears streaming down her cheeks. "What happened? What's wrong?" She asked, concerned for her new friend. "I..I had to get out" Betty stuttered, trying to breath. "I.." she tired to say but couldn't get it out. "Are you okay? Did someone do something?" Toni panicked. "" Betty managed to whisper before she collapsed on the floor, the last thing she heard was Toni yelling her name...
Jughead checked his phone for the third time in ten minutes, waiting for a text from Betty. "She'll text soon" Archie said, trying to reassure him. "I know" jug nodded, and he wanted her to have fun but he was always used to being with her. "How about I make some coffee for us all?" Mary suggested and stood up but before she could go anywhere her phone rang. "Hello?" She asked, picking up the unknown number. "Hi, Erm I don't know who I'm talking to but you're one of bettys emergency contacts..." a girl on the other end of the phone spoke. "Bettys emergency contact?" Mary repeated and the three men in the room stood up in concern. "Yeah, I'm Toni bettys friend... we're in the hospital".
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