Chapter 25
In the weeks that followed, Kevin seemed to be getting better, he was back on track with his treatment plan and was much happier. However, Betty was struggling. Even though it was her idea to cancel her family day, and she wanted to do that for Kevin, but going so long without seeing her friends and family, and not having any outside contact, was starting to wear on her. Betty was clever though, and didn't show anyone how much she was struggling.
One day, Betty was having a session with jughead. On this particular day, she was in a bad mood and was very irritable. "Betts?" Jughead said, and Betty realised she had been zoning out. "Sorry What?" She asked. Jughead looked at her in concern. "Are you Okay?" Jughead asked and Betty nodded. "Yeah, Yeah. I'm fine" she waved him off. Jughead didn't look convinced. "So. Tell me about how you've been this week?" He started, pulling her file out to take notes. "Fine" she said. "Okay..." Jug sighed, he had no idea what had put her in this mood. "So, is there anything else you would like to talk about today?" He asked her and Betty just shook her head, no. "Betts, talk to me baby. What's wrong?" He asked, putting the file away and holding her hands over his desk. "Nothing!" She said. "I'm just tired" she sighed. "Come here" he said, holding his arms out for her and she sat in his lap. "Are you sure it's just because you're tired?" He questioned. "Yeah" she nodded against his chest. "Okay betts" he said, kissing her head. They sat in silence for a few moments until jughead picked her up and placed her back down where he was sat, kissing her softly. "What are you doing?" She asked, watching as he stood up. "I just need to put some paper work away" he told her, placing her file back in a cupboard. "Are you busy today?" She asked. "Not really" he said. "Mostly just office work" he smiled. "You're welcome to stay here" he said, moving back over to her and kissing her again. Betty just smiled at him and watched as he put some files away, a drawer full of pills catching her eyes, but was shut quickly.
After her session with jughead, Betty went to Kevin, something she's took to doing since his incident. They were sat on his bed, Kevin chatting about something but Betty was zoned out. "B? Betty?" Kevin said, waving a hand in front of her face to get her attention. "Sorry" she apologised. "It's okay. Everything okay?" He smiled and Betty nodded. "Yeah!" She said, painting a smile on her face. "How about you? Is everything good?" She asked. "Yeah. I'm good, Reggie said I've Been doing well and I'm starting to earn some smaller privileges back, like the gym" he smiled. "That's great" Betty grinned. "How come you've earned your privileges back?" Betty asked. "It's only been a few weeks" she added. Kevin just shrugged. "I don't know" he started. "I've been sticking to the treatment plan and I'm showing signs of improvement" he explained and Betty nodded.
"Hey gorgeous" Betty heard as she was sat in the food hall for dinner. "Hi juggie" she smiled. Jughead sat down, with his own plate and kissed her hello. "Have you had a good day?" He asked her. "Yeah" she nodded. "I'm sorry I didn't come and see you, I was sat with Kevin and then we went to the gym because he had his gym privileges back" she exclaimed. "That's good" jughead smiled. They made talk over dinner until Betty started to yawn. "Baby, go and get some rest" jug laughed. "Will you come?" Se asked. "I just need to go and sort some stuff out and I'll come in a bit" he smiled and she nodded. After leaving the food hall, Betty was about to walk back to her room, when she remembered something and turned in the direction of jugheads office.
When jughead got to Betty's room, she was already tucked up in bed. "Hey baby" he smiled, walking over and sitting down on the bed next to her. "Hi" she Mumbled sleepily. "I missed you today" he said, stroking the hair from her face and kissing her softly. "I missed you too, can we spend the day together Tomorrow?" She asked and he nodded. "Of course we can" he smiled. "Get some sleep baby, okay? I'll see you in the morning" he said. "Night juggie" she smiled, kissing him. "Goodnight betts" he said, slipping out of her room. Completely unaware of the pill bottle, she was clutching under her pillow...
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