Chapter 20
The day after Betty had her privileges outing, her mood was high and she couldn't keep the smile off her face. she basically skipped the breakfast to meet Kevin. "Have you been body snatched?" Kevin teased when Betty was bouncing in her seat. "Ha, ha" Betty said. "I'm just happy" she smiled, biting her toast. The two of them spoke and ate for a while until betty realised she needed to get ready for her session with juggie. "Bye Kev!" She smiled as she left. As she was leaving the food hall she bumped into jughead. "Good morning juggie!" She chirped, kissing his cheek before running off. "I think your girlfriends been replaced" Kevin said when jughead sat down. "I've never seen her so happy" he added. "It's nice, getting to see her like this" jughead smiled.
When jughead got to his office that morning, he saw Betty sat in the chair with a big smile on her face. "You're early" he smiled, leaning down and kissing her softly. "I know" she chirped. "How are you today?" He asked as he sat down, behind his desk. "I'm good!" She chirped. Jughead arched a brow curiously, at her happy mood but didn't say anything. "Okay, shall we get started?" He asked and she nodded. "Okay... So how have you felt this week?" He asked. "Good!" She answered. "I finally got privileges and felt like a normal person... well as normal as I can be" she told him, jughead nodded, writing everything down in her file. "That's great" he commented. "So how do you feel about not having to rely on adderall? You've been off it for weeks now" he said. "It's fine" she shrugged. Jughead knew she wouldn't say anything more about it, so he didn't press. "Have you been writing in your journal this week?" He asked. "Yep!" She grinned, and handed it over. In the last week she had painted the front of her journal. "This looks good" he smirked. "Thanks. I got bored" she giggled. Jughead flicked through the pages she had written since he had last looked in it. "Can I keep it and give it you back later?" He asked. "I can read it properly then" he said. "Of course" she agreed. "Okay, I think we're done for this session" he said softly. "What do you have planned for today?" He asked her, putting her file away. "I was going to go to the gym and it's sunny outside so maybe talk a walk" she said. "Sounds good" he said, standing up and pulling her into his arms. "I have some work to do but I'll come and find you later?" He asked. "Of course" she smiled, pecking his lips and leaving his office.
After a quick workout at the gym, Betty went into the break room to do some reading. She smiled when she spotted Kevin at one of the tables. "Kev!" She greeted when she neared him; however her smile dropped when she took in his slumped form. "Are you Okay?" She asked, sitting down opposite him. "I'm fine" he mumbled. "Are you sure because you don't look fine..." Betty said. "Yeah.. just didn't sleep good" Kevin sighed. Betty eyed him for a moment, she knew he was lying but she also knew he wasn't going to tell her what was really up. "I need to go... I've got a... session with Reggie" kevin said, standing up and leaving the table. "That was weird" Betty said to herself as she watched Kevin walk away. After Kevin left, Betty grabbed her book from her room, ready to go outside and read in the sun. As she was about to head outside, she spotted Reggie talking with some of the other counsellors. "What?... isn't he supposed to be with Kevin?" Betty frowned. Even though it went against her better judgment, Betty left it alone. There was probably a reason Betty told herself. Maybe Kevin got the appointment times mixed up.
Jughead found Betty, outside overlooking the river. Her book was open in her hand but jughead knew she wasn't reading it. Her eyes were glazed and she was thinking hard; quite the contrast to the girl he spoke with that morning. "Hey sunshine" he grinned, walking over and sitting next to her. His presence seemed to startle her out of her thoughts. "Hey juggie" she said, resting her head on his shoulder. "You okay?" He asked, gently. "Yeah..." she sighed. "Are you sure?" He pressed. "I..." she started, but cut herself off. "Hey..." jughead said. "Talk to me betts" he said, taking her hand. "It's just Kevin" she started. "I went to talk to him earlier and he was being really weird and wasn't really talking to me, and then he said he had a session with Reggie, but when I was on my way out here I saw Reggie and he wasn't in a session with Kevin!" Betty explained. "I'm sure he's okay betts" jughead said, trying to reassure her. "He was probably just having a down day, like you have sometimes" he added. "I know. He just looked really sad" she sighed. "It will be okay" he told her, pulling her into his lap. "I love how big your heart is" he said kissing her head. "You really care betts, Kevin is lucky to have you... so am I" he smiled.
That evening, Kevin didn't show up for dinner, jughead told her not to worry and reminded her that sometimes she didn't show up for dinner either. However Betty couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right so after she was done, she excused herself and went to Kevin's room. When she got there she knocked on the door but there was no answer; so she tried again. This time the door swung open. "WHAT?!" Kevin demanded. Betty was taken back. Not only at the tone of his voice or the angry look on his face. But his pale skin and red eyes... his slurred speech... and the alcohol bottle in his hand...
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