Mrs. Masuta walked into her house to see Imouto watching TV, and MEI!? Mei never came to their house. She put down the groceries and went over to the counter. "Hi, Mei! Fancy you being here!" She said as Mei smiled. "Yeah, I just came back from hospital, had surgery and my parents are on a business trip." Mei replied. Mrs. Masuta thought for a while, she knew Budo was home. She could hear the shower. "Well, you can stay with us for as long as you want!!" She exclaimed. Mei smiled. "Thank you!" She said. Just as they said that, they saw Budo walk downstairs in a towel, stare at them, grab some clothes that he left on the couch and walked back up. Imouto walked over to her mother and inspected the grocery bags. "Food!?" She asked in surprise. Mrs. Masuta nodded as she looked at it. "I've got more in the car." She said as Budo walked downstairs in a white T-shirt, black jeans and just random odd socks. Then he smiled and said "Hey, Mum if you want I can help with groceries!" He said as he ran outside and grabbed the bags. He ran inside and put them on the counter with the others. "Soo, what's this?" He said, surprised as he pulled something in a packet out of one of the bags. "Chocolate!!" Imouto screamed as she ran up to her older brother, trying desperately to get it out of his hands. Mei laughed as she waved her arm, "I'm open!" She yelled as Budo chucked the chocolate to her and she ran around holding it in the air as Imouto chased her.
Mrs. Masuta was cooking dinner. Imouto was with a friend. So it was just Budo, Mei and Mrs. Masuta. The house was quiet besides the radio. Budo and Mei both sat in Budo's room. "I wasn't surprised! Your room has so much orange!" Mei said. She looked at the ceiling and felt Budo wrap his arms around her. "Even know it was a few days ago, I'm just so glad your OK." He said. "You don't have to be worried, Budo, it was nothing." Mei replied, pulling him into a hug and digging her head into his chest. "I know but I worry about you, Mei. You mean the world to me and I don't want you ever to get hurt. That's why I promise that I will always protect you, no matter what." Mei lifted her head up. "Promise?" "I promise." He said and hugged her tightly. "Kids! Dinner's ready!!" Mrs. Masuta called from downstairs. "Coming!" Budo called as he held Mei's hand as they walked downstairs and had dinner.
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