Memories Pt. 3
Quick A/N: All of Bucky's memories will be written in bold, but other peoples POV's from the time period Bucky is in will be written in bold as well. MEMORIES will be written in bold and italics. I'm sorry if it's a little confusing!
Warning: There is cussing!
Previously: 'I promise you (Y/N), I will find you and keep you safe... I'll protect you even if it means I die... My beautiful babygirl... I will see you again... someday soon... I won't ever forget you...'
(Breaking the 4th wall real quick)
Oh! One more thing... Don't make promises you can't keep...
1990...1 month and a week with the baby/newborn...
A Random Doctor Named Vincent POV...
The guard that took the baby from The Winter Soldier, came out of the cell and walked down the hall. I followed closely behind him, and my temporary superior, Vasily Karpov, following behind me. The only reason he was my superior is because the actual boss was on a leave and this guy was just supervising. The guard was cradling the baby with care, but still tried to keep a stoic attitude to seem as if he didn't care. I had gotten a message from my boss to put the baby in a certain 'freezing' component. 'If Winter knew about this, I'm sure we all would be dead...'
Since some of the guards wear helmets, I couldn't see Bradley's face, but I could tell he didn't like what we were gonna do. Bradley was the guard holding the baby, he had a wife and children of his own, I knew this would be hard for him to do. That's exactly why I choose him to help me on this assignment. If he didn't follow through with his part, he would die, he has to prove himself to HYDRA.
As we made our way down the cold hallways of the base, I could hear only footsteps and the sniffling of the young one. 'Weak.' I thought. At the end of the hall we made a left to go into the lab. We were now on the other side of the base. This particular base was located on the outskirts of New York. It was really an abandoned warehouse, nobody knew we were here. SHIELD has been trying to take us down, but HYDRA will never fall! Cut of one head, two more shall take its place, HAIL HYDRA. The legacy of the Red Skull will always live on!
Bradley's POV or The Guard Holding the Baby
She's so beautiful, her little glistening eyes, her little head full of dark almost black hair. She looked just like her father... I felt very bad for Winter. It broke my heart... I had just ripped a baby from a man who was holding onto his last hope. And that hope was her... I know Winter is more broken than he already was, but he'll forget about that in a little while. These asshats are gonna wipe him again and again and again like they always do to take away his memories! A broken man is a better man than anyone here will ever be because he still has the will to live and survive right now no matter what he's been through.
I had little ones of my own... two girls and a boy. I remember when they were born, I was the happiest man alive. But then Hydra came... and ruined everything. As I was walking my whole demeanor changed, rather darkly as I remembered what happened.
I was in love with a girl, we got married, bought a house, and started a family. We were both happier than we could ever imagine!...
It was the fire... that damned raging fire...
It started randomly... I was outside chopping wood for fireplace... oh God...
I could hear her... hear them... screaming... just screaming...
I heard them say, "Papa! Papa, please! It hurts! It hurts!"
I tried to get into the house, but by then it was already barricaded... They were barricaded in my daughters room.
Then more screaming...
Oh god the screaming... got so much worse... "PLEASE! PAPA! HELP US! HELP US! IT BURNS DAD! IT BURNS! PLEASE PAPA!!!" It was my daughters... "BRADLEY! HELP US! PLEASE! BRADLEY WE'RE GONNA DIE!!!!! SAVE US!!" My wife was crying out. I heard my baby boy crying and screaming like everyone else in the house. He was only one at the time, he was too young to die... all of them were.
Then the cries of my son stopped suddenly... and I heard a horrified scream come from my wife. "HE'S DEAD, WE CAN STILL SAVE HIM PLEASE!" My wife screamed.
Using the axe I tried to break any of the windows and climb though, but every time I would they would be barricaded. I tried oh so very hard, trying wasn't good enough... I could hear their pleas and it broke me, that I wasn't able to save them.
All of my attempts were in vain... I broke the backdoor... just before the explosion.
I was on my knees, sobbing uncontrollably, crying out their names hysterically.
They died... they all died and it was their fault.
It was all their fault that I lost my family, my home, my love. And most of all I lost my heart. I will be traumatized for the rest of my life. And that's on them...
I remembered a tall caucasian male walking up to me. He said, "Son, you're better off without them. Join Hydra. We can offer you a better life. A better world. Join us."
And so I did... planning my revenge from then on out.
I'll kill them, I'll kill them all and get my revenge.
She was still crying silently, just like Winter did before when he would start to remember. Poor guy... Me and my supervisors were finally at the lab. The one doctor, I think Vincent was his name, is completely fuckin' psycho. He's plain old nuts! 'The guy is putting a fucking baby in cryo-freeze! AND to make matters even worse! IT'S THE WINTER SOLDIER'S BABY! ARE THEY INSANE!' I thought to myself.
Still holding the baby, I felt a tear slip out for the terrible thing I was about to put her through... 'She's gonna be frozen... just like her father.' I thought wiping away the tear, making sure no one noticed.
Just then, Dr. Vincent walked up and told me to get ready. He started prepping the cryogenic chamber as I held the sniffling baby in my arms. Her eyes, I wanted nothing to do with this now, they were shining in the florescent lights hanging from the roof. Damn Hydra.
"It's ready put the baby in there now." Vincent said.
As I walked over to the machine I didn't hear her anymore... she stopped crying. I put her in the machine that hissed as it enclosed her in its freezing atmosphere. I made up my mind.
One way or another, I'm gonna help Winter get this baby out of here. He can take her far away from this retched place. I just hope I can convince him that he actually has a daughter... 'Well shit. How am I supposed to do that?'
Hello everyone, I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long! I literally finished this on Friday and forgot to post it because I'm kinda dumb! Sorry! I hope you enjoyed, though! Love you guys and thank you for reading!- Aly
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