Previously: Bucky's POV...
This little girl is gonna be the death of me. 'She's just too cute.' I thought. She snuggled into my neck, in that exact moment she did that...something in the back of my brain was trying to claw it's way out... Realization struck then... She just triggered a memory...
Bucky's POV
I hurried to put (y/n) down as my mind raced. "Bucky?" She asked quietly, looking really concerned. "Bucky, are you alright?" She asked again with a small frown. I had started breathing heavily... 'this is not going to end well...' I thought to myself. The pain in my head was sharp and hurt so bad I couldn't see straight. "I-I'm fine, doll. Don't worry..." I trailed off, my vision becoming hazy, and my body becoming limp. The next thing I know, I'm swimming in a dark abyss.
Sometime in 1990:
Bucky's POV
I can't believe they took her. The one woman I was in love with. I may not remember my life before HYDRA, but I know damn well that I didn't love another woman as much as I loved (Your mother's name: Y/M/N). She was captured by HYDRA and has been with me for years. Just a couple months ago, like 8 or 9, we were messing around to much and she got pregnant. We tried to hide her baby bump from the main leaders, but eventually they found out and started testing on her. I don't even want to think about what injections they might be putting into her right now. I hope they don't kill my child... please... I might go crazy if they do, but they'll just wipe me over and over until I forget that I even had a girlfriend... or a child.
A loud scream brought me out of my little daydream and I shot up on the cot that I was provided with. I ran over to the bars of my darkened cold cell, and I see (Y/M/N) being rushed to the lab on a gurney. "(Y/M/N)!!!" I scream. She was sobbing, crying hysterically as they pushed her. "Winter!!!" She screamed. I didn't know my real name so she just called me that. A guard was rushing past my cell to go help, but I grabbed him quickly. "Tell me what's going on?!" I demanded. Scared shitless, the guard told me. "She's giving birth! I don't know what they're doing!" He said rushed. "Get me out of this damn cell and let me go help my girl!" I yelled at him.
"I-I c-can't..." He said shaking. Glaring at him, he finally gave in and unlocked my cell. I rushed out and told the guard to show me where they took her. The guard ran ahead of me and I followed. We passed many hallways and many doors until I heard a sharp cry coming from the door we just stopped outside of. A searing pain went through my heart at the sound of her hurting. I slammed open the door and the doctors looked over scared. I rushed to (Y/M/N)'s side letting her squeeze my metal hand in her clammy hand as I tried to calm her.
"Breathe, baby. You're gonna get through this. Come on. In and out..." I said to her as she yelled and pushed. I looked over and saw that the baby's head was crowning. "Come on, baby. You got this. Push." I said trying to sound gentle. I could hear some plates in my hand cracking as she screamed pushing one more time. All of a sudden the wail of a new born baby was heard. The doctors quickly helped pull the rest of the baby out. "It's a girl." I heard one of the doctors monotone voices. I couldn't believe that I was a father. One of the doctors cleaned the baby then wrapped it up in a white blanket, this was no hospital so there were no actual clothes for the baby.
I looked over to (Y/M/N) to see her smiling at me. I felt my heart soaring when I looked at her. Looking back up at the baby I saw and heard her still wailing, the baby girl opened her eyes looking straight at me. She stopped crying and giggled reaching out for me. I looked at the doctor holding her. He noticed this and quickly handed over the baby. Cradling her, I looked into her (e/c) eyes. They were bright just like her mothers. "Winter." (Y/M/N) called out to me. "Mhmm?" I replied looking up to her. "You can name her if you want..." she said gently. "(Y/N)." I blurted out. It was a beautiful name to me. "(Y/N)...That's perfect..." I hear (Y/M/N) say. I hand her the baby and she smiles lovingly at her. She cooes and cuddles the baby.
All of a sudden, the door to the room slams open. The recent leader of Hydra, whose name I couldn't recall, came walking in with a blank face. "Get her out of here." He says to a couple of guards, pointing directly at (Y/M/N). My eyebrows furrowed when they walked over to grab her completely disregarding the baby. "Winter..?" (Y/M/N) calls out quietly. I bent down to hear her fragile voice. "If anything happens to me, just know that I love you. Please take care of her." She says with tears in her eyes. I was very confused at what she said. They wouldn't hurt someone that was so dear to their cause...right? "I love you too." I say grabbing (y/n). I kissed (y/m/n) one more time before she was rolled away. (Y/N) was sleeping in my arms as the guards rolled (Y/M/N) out.
"Soldier?" My head snapped up to look at my superior. "Sir." I respond, still holding the baby. "It's gonna be your responsibility to take care of that mistake." He spat. "We're supplying you with milk for only 2 months, so you better find a way to feed the little runt." He started walking out as I glared at him for calling my baby names, I knew I couldn't say anything or they would use the memory wiping machine to make me forget about her. "Oh, and soldier?" The man said. I looked at him to continue. "Get back to your cell, dumbass." And just like that he was gone. 'What a f**king asshole.' I thought to myself. I heard a sniffle and looked down to see that (y/n)'s nose had clogged. Shit. This is gonna be harder than I first expected. 'At least (Y/M/N) will help me.' I thought.
If only I would've known better...
The very next day I found out that (Y/M/N) was murdered. I'm broken. I'm scared. I can't take care of this baby by myself. The day passed by in a blur... I fed (y/n), then cuddled with her laying down. We both fell asleep with a terrible feeling in our gut.
Something bad was coming and I could feel it. I just wish I knew what it was. Maybe I could've protected her....
End of Chapter...
Cliffhanger! I'm sorry! I'm gonna continue this chapter and post it later on. Thank you for reading.
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